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That awkward moment when...

That awkward moment when you're at a baseball game and someone yells at the pitcher that it's 10:44 pm and he wants to go home, and you realize that it's actually 9:44 but it's too late to yell that back.

Also, that awkward moment when your friend's answer to why she treats you differently than everyone else in a specific situation is "because you're different."

(not even kidding. "How come you threaten to cut my hands off in Indonesia when I play with your hair but when she does it you don't?" "Because you're different." Though sometimes it does work to my advantage; "Rich you're not allowed to dunk Rachel underwater, she's off-limits.")
Oh my goodness, that awkward moment when you accept someone you don't know too well as a friend on Facebook and you look at their profile and their political beliefs are listed as "BNP" and you're not sure if that's because their friends have messed around on their account or because they're actually a flaming racist.

(that said, my sister's political opinion is, according to her FB, "death to poor people".)
That awkward moment when you wake up next to your girlfriend's younger sister.

That awkward moment when you play an extremely sexual-based game of truth or dare with your friends at your pool party.

that awkward moment when you're dared to grab your guy friend's crotch and you do it. (he claimed we'd bonded)

that awkward moment when your former crush/bff is dared to kiss your cheek and you're just like oshi

that awkward moment when a guy friend of yours is dared to take a (virgin - most of us are) girl friend's bikini top off, and she consents as long as she's turned around

that awkward moment when the guy friend whose crotch you grabbed is dared to grab your boobs, and he does it (though you fall back too quickly to do anything)

that awkward moment when bff is dared to grab your boobs (why did everyone want me to be the victim of this xD) and she refuses

AND BEST OF ALL, THAT AWKWARD MOTHERFUCKING MOMENT when a truth reveals something somewhat surprising about your bff that you didn't know before, had no reason to know before, and honestly didn't believe was something she would do, relating to the whole intensely-sexual aspect of the game. (Not mentioning the details for her sake. :V) This isn't the awkward part. It's the fact that you tried to text another friend about this (stating that you were honestly surprised and eversoslightly weirded out at this revelation) and accidentally texted the bff that you were talking about.

My God I've never been so embarrassed in my life, I swear. fml
That awkward moment when you get locked in the restroom on an airplane and have to yell until the flight attendant unlocks the door.
that awkward moment when you slowly begin to realize that even though you've got a terribly perverted sick and twisted mind and have written a total of three fanfics about giant orgies involving everyone you know you're actually extremely innocent (on the subjects of love and sex) compared to everyone you know
Oh, that awkward moment when you almost go on a group date because your date's mum is worried you'll try something on her innocent little boy and then it turns out he's the overly-perverted one.

I laughed when I realized that, no lie.
...when you're chatting with your boyfriend on facebook about the genders and sexual orientations of the letters of the alphabet (in an incredibly perverted way, nonetheless, detailing their entire past romantic history), and then he leaves because his mom wants the computer... and then his mom reveals that she just went through and read the whole conversation...

...when you think you're alone in the living room, so you start singing to the cats and then you find out you weren't alone after all.

...when nobody's home and you're taking a shower and you need something in the next room, so you step out of the bathroom naked and then you realize that there's a wide-open window just down the hall from the bathroom.

...when you're half-asleep and you're trying to articulate yourself, and all of your thoughts come out as "so yeah lalalalala".
-When you think you found your crush on Facebook, and it turns out it's some random 60 year old guy

-When you your crush randomly hugs you for the first time, and you're all "wut?"

-When you have a fine minute conversion with the cat (with us both meowing) and then having your brother walk into the room
the awkward moment when you realize that your mind is built around technology and paradoxes.

I don't think in thoughts, I think in ones and zeros and division
that awkward moment when your watching harry potter 7 part 2 with the person you like and you can't stop crying.
that awkward moment when your best friend's boyfriend is hitting on you and there's not even any way for you to misconstrue it

that awkward moment when your best friend's boyfriend was trying to flirt with you a couple years ago

that awkward moment when you and your best friend agree that if he wasn't already taken you and her boyfriend would probably be flirting like crazy

that awkward moment when your best friend's boyfriend is three grades younger than you.
that awkward moment when your best friend's boyfriend is three grades younger than you.

That awkward moment when your ex-boyfriend is two grades younger than you and so perverted that pretty much everyone who knows has cut off communication with him and the one person who still could (he's her neighbor) absolutely refuses to even go near him.

Also that awkward moment when your friend discovers that her neighbor, who she's known since birth, is a perverted little thing and proceeds to nearly have a heart attack.

(That hilarious moment when you're the most chill person in the situation.)

EDIT: That awkward moment when your dad's talking on the phone and says "well then he needs to keep it in his pants!" while you and your friend are playing Pokemon and get perturbed, which gets even more awkward when you ask your dad about it and it turns out that you actually did not misinterpret what he was discussing.
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That awkward moment when the person who answers the phone when you call to confirm an interview is the same person with whom you just canceled an interview for a different job.

Fuck having two almost-identical businesses sharing the same building and secretary staff.
That awkward moment when you order a strawberry smoothie and you mom orders an alcoholic strawberry-something, and you have a debate with her over which one is alcoholic and, despite never having anything alcoholic prior to the last five minutes, you win.
That awkward moment when you think the tomato sauce wont come out of the bottle so put it above your lap and wack the bottom of it only to have the lid fly off and the sauce dye your new jeans red... In front of your boyfriend/girlfriend.
That awkward moment when you're at your 12 year old male cousin's house and his friend comes over on the wrong day and you're sitting on the couch reading in your bikini (I was waiting for my other cousin to get ready because we were going to the pool).

EDIt: That awkward moment when you tell your friend to pull up her shirt and she say (really really loudly) "What's wrong with mah booby crack?"
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