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Search results

  1. Dewgong

    Oh, Hi :D

    hello. nice cats.
  2. Dewgong

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

    same. all my clothes are 1-2 sizes too big. tight clothing is not good for me.
  3. Dewgong

    Pianist Club

    i'm dewgong. i've been playing since i was little, and i don't take lessons, so i don't have a grading system or any idea where i am, but i can play the piano. i enjoy doing interpretations/covers of video game, anime, and songs from various bands i like.
  4. Dewgong

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

    i'm just going to go ahead and make a list. i've posted in this thread so many times but whatever my fetishes keep changing all the time. :| -blue plaid boxers (dark blue with light pattern is better) -cross dressing -bondage (really tied-down) -kinda chubby thighs -magical girls -bite...
  5. Dewgong


  6. Dewgong

    World Conference (APH Fan Club)

    australia is pretty cool austria is the one who plays piano, right?
  7. Dewgong

    /back Well, that was a nice nap.

    i'd never forget you
  8. Dewgong

    'Cause it said so on the site.

    my mom and i were contemplating about hidan and dubbing the other day
  9. Dewgong


    welcome... :3
  10. Dewgong


  11. Dewgong

    Obama speech

    we never watched in our school, but some teachers did air it. if the teacher was concerned with the speech and getting parent complaints, they didn't have to show it. none of my teachers did. did you guys see the lady on the news that was like... crying because of it? "i... i feel so (sniff)...
  12. Dewgong

    World Conference (APH Fan Club)

    RUSSIA'S NAME IS IVAN BRAGINSKI and he's best when super creepy :3
  13. Dewgong

    saaaammmmeeeee russia is the bessssttttt now wait for the russia icons to tell you to be one...

    saaaammmmeeeee russia is the bessssttttt now wait for the russia icons to tell you to be one with them.
  14. Dewgong

    IS THAT RUSSIA I SEE? RUSSSSIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAA <33333 also love your profile pic. :3

    IS THAT RUSSIA I SEE? RUSSSSIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAA <33333 also love your profile pic. :3
  15. Dewgong

    World Conference (APH Fan Club)

    ugh i think germany is my other favourite. but so is italy. and england. they're all nice. ;~; ...tailsy, it is indeed a freakin' hard show to follow. i was like "...what country is this again??" for the longest time.
  16. Dewgong

    The LGBT Club

    dwagie, your parents make me sad. i don't even know what to say, but over the months, reading all your posts, that must suck. so bad. tell them i said be quiet. >:(
  17. Dewgong

    And here comes the Umbreon.

    i was going to say, maybe siblings? when this happens everyone just totally assumes it's the same person. sorry. welcome, you guys.
  18. Dewgong

    Ducks with hats? OH hello.

  19. Dewgong

    Favorite Quotes

    Re: Best In-Game Quotes ugh anything from pokemon stadium is amazing. i loved the announcer so much on that game... my whole family would always quote it at random times and my dad still to this day says "WHAT'S THE MATTER, TRAINER?" all the time. hahahahaha. that is amazing. team magma! fuck!
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