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Search results

  1. Leviathan

    [OOC + Profile Storage] Creeping Darkness

    Name: Ivan Lashei Status: Heavily shaken, nervous, and a tad creeped out Items: Moneys (3000) Pokeballs (3) Potions (2) Pokedex Pokemon: Pyratiel (F) - Lumina Level 10 Blaze Scratch, Leer, Ember Status: Beaten and worn, but still in somewhat healthy condition Pinsir (M) Level 13 Hyper Cutter...
  2. Leviathan

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    ((Sorry about the double post, but there's something odd going on with my computer and I need to test something in doing this.)) Edit: Well this is strange - my computer isn't noticing one of the posts in this thread, so when it went over 20 I wasn't able to see the new page until posting this...
  3. Leviathan

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    Just my opinion, but I think it would be better to put all of that stuff - along with all of the necessary info on the fakemon and any other new additions you're making, them being hitherto unheard of for the most part - in an OOC thread, if only to allow for less clutter and searching around...
  4. Leviathan

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    Tempted though I am to try my hand at the "lottery", the design of the fire starter has left me brimming with inspiration (and two points go to the first person who figures out where it originates from). Name: Ivan Lashei (La-SHAY) Age: 12 Gender: Male Appearance: Ivan has a particularly...
  5. Leviathan

    FR/LG Evolutionary Stones

    Veekun, anyone? Moon Stone Water Stone Fire Stone Leaf Stone Thunderstone Sun Stone
  6. Leviathan

    Easiest Final Bosses in video games

    Just as easy - Kitsune Ninetails is the only boss in Okami that is of any major difficulty - the Devil Gate Challenges are far more challenging. The only thing that makes Orochi more difficult than Crimson Helm is the fact that you don't have the extra eight godhood shields at the beginning...
  7. Leviathan

    What do you mean he's only that tall?!

    *finishes going through the whole thread* ...Why has no one mentioned Sudowoodo yet? In G/S/C (and later in Emerald), it blocks up all of a (probably) 10 ft wide path, then you look at its pokedex entry and it says it's four feet tall - I, for one, was expecting, y'know...
  8. Leviathan

    Best/Worse Brawl character?

    My mains are Meta Knight and Wolf, although I occasionally dabble with Lucario, Toon Link, and Captain Falcon. As for my worst...I'm not too sure; I haven't played enough of all the characters to pass judgment on the cast as a whole, but I'm absolutely dreadful with Snake.
  9. Leviathan

    Hardest Final Bosses in video games!

    Strife in Chronicles of the Sword on Soul Calibur 3 is absolutely ridiculous; not only is he the second strongest enemy you have to face - and only one of three whose levels rival those of the original characters - but his absurd quantity of 900 hit points are far, far higher than any normal...
  10. Leviathan

    GSC Remakes confirmed?

    Well, Gamestop isn't selling GBC games anymore, and gone with it are my plans to play Gold and/or Silver again; all hope's riding on a remake coming out eventually. If the Orange Islands were featured in a video game it would probably be something like Colosseum - where the overworld is cut out...
  11. Leviathan

    The Ultimate Army

    The Golden Army; seriously, how do you beat a legion of infinitely self-repairing automatons (barring nukes)?
  12. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    Okay, I'm just going to be real generic here and say HELLS YEAH!! Levi would be more than willing to offer assistance if you need help working on the plot...
  13. Leviathan

    Open Final Fantasy: Black Dawn

    ((Who's up for content some time this century?)) The sun shone brightly today, hanging lazily in the sky and letting its warmth seep down from the heavens, graciously welcomed by the forest stretching out below, though the same could not be said for the far more barren plains not too far away...
  14. Leviathan

    Easiest Final Bosses in video games

    Yes, normal Sephiroth is without a doubt the easiest boss ever (unless your level is really low and your reflexes are so poor that you can't even hit X when Omnislash comes up), assuming that your guidelines for a real boss are that low, but I believe what you're referring to is Bizarro and/or...
  15. Leviathan

    oh mah gawd, you has Tailypo references in your user title. :o

    oh mah gawd, you has Tailypo references in your user title. :o
  16. Leviathan

    Easiest Final Bosses in video games

    Not to mention that all of your character's have infinite Auto-Life on them during that part of the fight. I'm putting up Corbenik from the .hack games; maybe it's just me, but after going through Tarvos, Cubia, and ten floors of nonstop data bugs, even his painfully irritating first form was...
  17. Leviathan

    I'm stuck.

    Which one? There's kinda, y'know, a bunch. The main problem is that all of the drop rates for Shadow Matter are less than one percent (more about that issue below); Trance Rhino (.5%) and Neoclassical Drake (.3%) have the highest of all Taboo Noise, although I recommend the Drakes because...
  18. Leviathan

    [Open] Final Fantasy: Black Dawn OOC, Sign-up here!

    ((ohgawd, Levi has, like, zero play time in XI and Tactics)) Name: Ahli Khues Race: Mithra Gender: Female Age: 31 Home Country: Windurst Job: Thief Appearance: What does Ahli Khues look like? Such a simple question with a far more time-consuming answer, all because she is just never able to...
  19. Leviathan

    Open The Arceus Gene: The Return

    The light was indeed harsh, and Märsh's eyes burned for a moment even when they were facing the ground; it was natural for the human body - upon which all beastbloods were based - to react to changes in brightness this way, but what mattered was how prepared the mind was for the change. Already...
  20. Leviathan

    Open The Good, The Evil, and The Greedy

    The examination of these plants was a tedious process for Rilloc; he had to take the utmost care not to disturb the glowing vines, lest they react in a way he couldn't predict - hell, for all he knew the slightest vibration could make them explode. He currently hung from the ceiling, his claws...
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