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Best/Worse Brawl character?


It's feeding time
I'm surprised I haven't found a thread like this yet.
Which character is your best? And which is your worst? You can list down the entire roster if you want to, but that'd take a while.

My best character is Lucas, then Luigi, then Kirby. While my worst is Pit, then Jigglypuff, then Link.
Best characters: Fox McCloud, Wolf O'Donnell, Link, Pit, Kirby

Worst characters: Most likely the ones I never ever use... Peach, Bowser, Samus, Zelda, Ice Climbers, ROB, Olimar, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mr Game and Watch, Ness and Lucas.
Best Characters (in order): Meta Knight, Bowser, Pikachu

Moderate Characters (In other words, characters I can play, but I'm pretty so-so with.) (in order): Yoshi, Kirby, Sonic, Wolf, Fox, Falco, Jigglypuff

Worse Characters (Just the ones I've ever played.) (in order (of best to worse)): Lucario, Pokemon Trainer (I suck the least with Charizard)
I'm gonna try to do a top 20 list instead of just three, you guys don't need to thought.
20. Peach
19. Captain Falcon
18. Ice Climbers
17. Mario
16. Falco
15. Bowser
14. Olimar
13. Wario
12. Snake
11. Sonic
10. Mr. Game and Watch
9. Samus
8. Meta Knight
7. Pikachu
6. Lucario
5. R.O.B
4. King Dedede
3. Kirby
2. Luigi
1. Lucas

And that's about it.
Best: Lucas, Pikachu, Ness, Jigglypuff, Diddy Kong, Lucario

Worst: Marth, Link, Zelda/Sheik, Ganondorf, Captain Falcon, Kirby
In no particular order:

Best: Ganon, Meta Knight, Lucario, R.O.B., Wolf, Lucas, D3

Worst: Sonic, Jiggs, Peach, and especially Luigi
I don't own Brawl, so I have only used... Pokemon Trainer and Pikachu. Ever.

Best: Pokemon Trainer, Pikachu

Moderate: Hmm... other characters I played in Melee, I would think. Link, Samus, Ganondorf, Captain Falcon, Ice Climbers.

Worst: Everybody else.
My mains are Meta Knight and Wolf, although I occasionally dabble with Lucario, Toon Link, and Captain Falcon.

As for my worst...I'm not too sure; I haven't played enough of all the characters to pass judgment on the cast as a whole, but I'm absolutely dreadful with Snake.
In no order:

Best:Lucario, Falco, Ike, Luigi, Link, Toon Link, Sonic

Moderate:Meta Knight, Wolf, Fox, Pit,

Worst:Ice Climbers, Yoshi, Ganondorf
Hmm, from who I've played as...

Best: Jigglypuff, Meta Knight, Captain Falcon

Moderate: Luigi, Kirby, Lucas

Worst: Sonic, Marth and Ike.
Best: Lucas, Squirtle, Jigglypuff, Marth, Pit (maybe), Toon Link

Worst: Zelda, Lucario, Sonic, Ganondorf, Link, Ike
Best: Jigglypuff, Pikachu, PEACH, Ice Climbers, and Kirby.

Mediocre: All the others not labled here.

Worst: Captian Falcon, Metanight, Mario, Wario.
I'm good as Pikachu, Kirby and Squirtle and Ivysaur of the Pokemon Trainer, but I'm terrible with anyone really slow (Bowser, etc.) and this includes Charizard, sadly ):

I was also pretty damn good as Pichu, but Nintendo hates me, so.
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