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Open The Arceus Gene: The Return

Fritz looked up at the two beastbloods introducing themselves to the woman who carried the Seed. Fritz thought about doing so himself, but shook his head. I'm just a man here. I suspect they're more important here than I am.
Mark thought that maybe it would be nice to introduce himself to his charge, but he couldn't do it. Why am I so nervous around new people? he thought, gazing at his bare, purple feet.
Amanda looked around for a moment, listening to the message, then nodded. She swung her tail and followed behind the others quietly. For a moment, she glanced at the pod, swinging a hand over her right cat-like ear, but then averted her gaze.
Sheena kept pace with the pod easily, and watched a few Beastbloods introduce themselves to the bearer of the Seed of Arceus. To meet, or not to meet? That was the question, which she had always answered with a firm no. But she'd decided that she was going to talk to people, right? She started to speed up, to hop into the pod, but she chickened out. I guess this is going to take some work...
The woman inside the pod stared shyly at those that had clustered about her - the thick layer of glass between them rather impared her ability to hear what they were saying. Nevertheless, she smiled shyly and lowered her head.

Cecelia frowned. This woman was odd. She rubbed her blades together slightly, and they made a soft sounds not unlike a violin. That made the Beastblood smile. She loved music.

The pod now was out the door to the Above, the glaring sunlight glinting off the metal and glass of the pod. Cecelia had to squint.
Damnit! I hate the sun! Even when it's artificial, but even so... the real thing beats a fake any day. Rawk now jumped up on top of the pod, sitting like a dog, he grinned slightly and his fangs showed, despite him smiling, he looked slightly scary with the black-skin, red-eyes and horn aspects of his face.

I wonder if I'll get to see a real Absol maybe... He tilted his head to left a bit so he could get a better view outside, but the sun obscured his view, "Damn sun!" Rawk yelled.

((ZOMG, first time I've actually spoke in this RP XD))
Fritz looked outside. Or tried to. The sun's light was merciless and oppressive, Fritz shaded his eyes and squinted out towards the outside world. This is really it., he solemnly thought.
"The Above," Sheena breathed, before squinting narrowly. This was it. The 'dangerous' world that she'd been taught about in school. Of course, it probably wasn't as dangerous for Beastbloods. Maybe now she could see some real wild Pokemon, and the plants.

Focus Sheena, you're here to escort the Seed of Arceus to Toshio, she thought grimly. No distractions.
Amanda looked excitedly up at the sun. "For once, I don't have to look at lightbulbs endlessly all day. But we should get moving. I don't know how long we had."

She smiled at herself. At least she was still impatient; she hadn't known whether the time without the outdoors had made her somewhat insane. But she wasn't worried much anymore, and just sighed, rather tired already, not because of lack of rest but because of the huge amount of excitement that was slowly building up in her. She needed to loose her electricity! But how...?

Shrugging, she tried to focus.
Jerome squinted in the light. He shielded his hands with his eyes, letting the light reflect off the spoon instead. He turned backwards so that no one would have to go blind because of the extra light his only physical weapon provided. He was used to sitting in the dark all day, training his not-so-good psychic powers and studying the alpha waves that emanated from him and caused clocks to run backwards. It was lucky that he didn't wear a watch; it would be a waste of money for something that didn't show the correct time. He stepped forwards a bit, closer to the outside, and turned his head with his eyes closed. He hadn't practiced telekinetic vision yet and thus couldn't see anything, but tried to find out what was outside by the sounds. "We need more dark," he mumbled grimly, and stood in his place.
Vai jumped as one of the Beastbloods yelled, and nearly hit someone with her tail. This pod's too freaking small, she thought. The sun was brighter than Vai expected, but nothing she couldn't handle.
"Hurry up, hurry up," she muttered. THe pod couldn't take much longer, right...?
((Lame filler posts, let's go kill something >:3))
Even though the brilliant light burned her eyes, blinding her, Raven ran toward it and spread her wings, leaping into the sky. She squeezed her eyes shut, just feeling the wind brushing past her face and ruffling her feathers. Then, slowly, she opened her eyes.

The sun didn't directly shine into her eyes thanks to her hat, but it was still painful to look anywhere - out here, everything practically glowed under the sun. Extremely brightly. She had to squint to look at anything below. It was probably worse for her than others - even though she'd been conditioned to the artificial lights, she naturally saw better in the dark.

But it was okay when she closed her eyes - then she just felt the sun warming up her body and the wind and nothing but air under her wings, supporting her easily. It was something few others would get to feel - they'd all need to hold onto something, and many were amazed by even that. But flying on your own was something that never quite got old.

Until everyone was out in the open, she'd just enjoy the flight. Shame she couldn't take advantage of the endless skies all around her, flying in any direction without meeting a wall and having to stop.
The light was indeed harsh, and Märsh's eyes burned for a moment even when they were facing the ground; it was natural for the human body - upon which all beastbloods were based - to react to changes in brightness this way, but what mattered was how prepared the mind was for the change. Already, he could see that over half of the caravan had been so taken aback by the harsh nature of the outside world that they could barely see straight, and those who had recovered were impatiently waiting for the journey to begin. This hardly seemed like a good sign; the Arceus Gene was one of the most amazing breakthroughs in scientific history, and this force was expected to guard it? Now that he thought about it, none of them looked to be much older than 20.

He lit another cigarette, welcoming the cloud of noxious fog as it spread around his head, seeping into his brain as the gears of thought began to turn anew. Am I honestly to believe, he silently fumed as another cloud escaped his mouth, that this was the best that the greatest minds of man and machine were able to dredge up from the murk of this wretched pseudo-world? It takes more than an army of beastbloods to get one's point across. His bloodshot eyes pan across the group once more, and he can't but snort angrily at the joyous glimmer of youth in their eyes - something he himself had lost a long time ago. You can't simply give some poor college dropout a gun and tell him to fight; a soldier must be trained and well-experienced before going into battle.

Another pang of sorrow struck through Märsh's conscious; it was going to be a long, long trip to Japan, made all the more so by the weight of this task's importance. If he was going to be the only qualified individual around to watch after these...children, then all of his skills had been reduced to little more than those of a babysitter.
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