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Open The Arceus Gene: The Return

Name: Rawk Hiatana

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Beastblood (y/n): Yes

If so, what Pokémon: Absol

Appearance Tall and slender, his arms and legs are long and where his wrists meet with his hands white fur sprouts up and reaches some way up his arms. His skin is pitch black all over, on the tips of his elbows and on the inside of his kness, black spikes poke out. His white hair covers most of his blood red eyes and somewhere amidst the locks a jet black horn extends, it is curved and sickle-like and is equally dark as the rest of his skin. He wears a short sleeved white t-shirt with baggy blue jeans, each with holes where the spikes poke through. At roughly below his waist a sharp tail juts out through a rip in the fabric, it is smooth and curved on the top, and on the bottom it has a point in the centre where it sticks out more.

History: During the time he was growing in the test tube, scientists came across a problem, he was growing too big, too fast and wouldn't fit in the test tube. So they eventually had to place him in a more chamber like test tube. When he and the other Beastbloods were born he was assigned to Hiatana family, a family of three. A Mother, a Father, and a Son, the three tried to convince him the way of God but he refused to go to Church every Sunday. In school he had made no friends, and even his supposed Brother came to hate him eventually. When he graduated college, he made a living by working for gaming companies as an art designer. His missions from Padre normally involve information seeking, he uses stealth to sneak in and get his information, then he creeps back out. If he senses anything bad, he circumvents but if he can't escape he takes out his always-loaded, ever-ready revolver and open fires. After being chosen to escort the Arceus Gene he agreed imediately so he could get away from his life.

Personality: Mainly the strong silent type, he doesn't laugh or make friends, join in or have fun. He's essentially alone all the time, but recent years has proved why because when he attempted to join in with the people he ended up getting angry with them and fighting. So he's a lonely person who gets angry quick, and that's all people seem to know about him.

Special Skills: Stealth, keen hearing and can tell when something bad will happen a few seconds before it happens.

Other: He's in America! :P
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Let's get this started, gang~


>I will keep this brief, as we haven’t time to lose.< The giant computer whirred, her synthesized female voice booming from what seemed like everywhere at once.

She was massive, her main body a gigantic cylinder of glass and steel, hundreds upon thousands of wires sprouting from a massive glass bubble at her top. She was a triumph of modern AI, she one of the most powerful beings on the planet. She was Kleine Schwester.

>Escort the Seed of Arceus to Toshio, and do it quickly. You will have a difficult trip, but I know you are the best of the best.<

Far below the powerful supercomputer, stood the tiny Cecelia. She seemed mildly intimidated by the thing before her, and the fact that the room was rather dark didn’t help her very much. She hadn’t spoken to her home computer much, but when she had, the gigantic construct was much more… friendly. Grandmother had a much more kindly tone to her voice…
Jerome looked up at the supercomputer, tapping his clawed fingers on nothing. In his right hand he held a spoon which amplified his extrasensory powers. His tail twitched a bit, swaying in an intangible breeze. The whirring voice reached his slightly pointed ears, and he could hear--and understand--it clearly. He didn't know what a supercomputer would do if it got mad, but then again computers didn't have emotions. Heh. All the more to release your anger on. He didn't have any, but it had just been an idea.

He nodded, his mind focused on his silver utensil. He didn't know what to do with it, but decided that the computer shouldn't threaten him. Luckily it was powerful, since a Kadabra's alpha waves could ruin precision devices. If he tried, he probably wouldn't be able to break a circuit, but with average instruments, it would even be a bit of a challenge. This was all in his mind; he wouldn't really do any of it. Considering possibilities, he thought, gave a strategical outcome in your favor, no matter the problem.
Sheena gave a slight nod and fingered her pointed left ear, a nervous habit of hers. She was surrounded by so many people, mostly Beastbloods. She wasn't looking forward to being near so many people. I'll just stay closer to the edge of the group, she thought. Feeling better, Sheena made sure that her high ponytail was still in place, and perked up her ears to see if Kleine Schwester, Stadt's supercomputer, had more instructions.
Amanda nodded. "We will." She flicked her tail once, twitching her ears in an animal-like nature. Hopefully it won't say anything about delays...

Her cheeks were crackling with excitement, as a real Raichu's did, but it wasn't very loud, and only caused a tingling sensation to her. "We shouldn't delay any longer, I don't think." She waited for everyone else's responses.
Best of the best? I'm just a cook. Nowhere near a masterful one, too., Fritz thought after the supercomputer was done speaking.
He stood at the edge of the group, and partly away from the others. He looked around. Surely enough, no mere humans, all the others were beastbloods. A short girl with big brown ears spoke up.
"No, we certainly shouldn't...", Fritz replied in a trailing voice.
Mysti nodded. She scratched behind her oval-like-but-pointed ear. Her tail, which was the same shape, twitched, then started wagging. "Allright, let's go." She walked on her paw-like feet.
Sheena turned her head to see who had spoken. It was a rather short girl with crackling yellow cheek pouches, straight brown hair, and brown and yellow ears, like a Raichu's.

"I guess so..." She said quietly. She cast her eyes around the room, and her gaze settled on a young man, standing slightly away from the rest of the group. He seemed to be human, with brown hair and blue eyes. Was he, perhaps, scared, because he was the only human? If that was the case, then Sheena thought he was being quite silly. They weren't savage animals, ready to tear him apart. But then, half the world was like that. They thought of Pokémon as wild beasts, and the presumed that Beastbloods were the same. Sheena sighed. Of course, she could be overthinking it, and the man could just be shy, like her.
Raven saluted, grinning. "Not a problem," she said. As if they could be stopped! Raven alone would be a sufficient escort for the Seed of Arceus; unless the others severely hindered the group, this would be easy. If it came to it, Raven would just carry the woman and fly straight to Japan. She'd rather not, but she could.

She'd rather stick around with a large group, though - not because she needed them, although they'd make it a lot easier, but just for the company. They should be grateful to have her around, but she'd make them work for it, doing their part in helping escort the Seed of Arceus.

As she turned to look around at the people she'd be travelling with, her belt and gun holsters shifted on her hip. She looked down at it, frowning a little. Yes, it was a convenient way to carry them, but it was uncomfortable. Tolerable when she didn't move, though the weight was still there, but it reminded her of itself every time she so much as twitched. It was really uncomfortable - she wasn't used to wearing anything.
The best of the best? But.. I'm not, really..?
Claudia eyed the supercomputer nervously, intimidated by the importance of what it had just said they'd do. She was surrounded by many other Beastbloods like herself. Edging slightly closer to Fritz, she wished she was better at, well, everything. Then, maybe she could really help more, if she were better at fighting, and protecting things, and more confident...
She realized with embarrassment that she was standing on all fours again. It felt a lot more normal, but she wasn't supposed to do that in public! Claudia stood up, swaying slightly and hoping desperately that nobody noticed her.
I'm a person, not a Pokemon. I'm a person..
Even as she thought that, it didn't seem true. Swishing her tail slowly, she felt one of her ears and the gem on her forehead, and sighed.
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Jerome had closed his eyes and was thinking as he listened to Mysti speak and move with his mind's eye and unclosed ears. He whirled around at "let's go" and calmly replied to her.

"I don't think it's time to go yet. Don't you think we should make preparations first? There's nothing better than being ready."
Vai shrugged.
"What's there to get? Weapons? Food?" She fingered the hilt of her daggers, and looked at the others. Vai flicked open her wings, and refolded them into a more comfortable position.
"Preparations don't always have to do with obtaining things. Checking over statuses of vital settings is also a good idea." The tip of Jerome's tail flicked again. He looked around to make sure there was no clock nearby, or if there was; it was said that the alpha waves emanating from a Kadabra made clocks run backwards.
Sheena was silent. The others could talk all they wanted, but she would just go along with the decision. After all, she had never been on even one big trip in her life. She didn't have a very good idea of what to expect, other than fighting wild Pokémon. Not for the first time, she couldn't help but wonder why Padre and Kleine Schwester had chosen her for the escort.

Merry Christmas!
Vai looked over all the Beastbloods, and human(s).
"I think we're all in good traveling condition, and we can all defend ourselves," she offered.
Mark looked at the Beastblood known as Vai, and at her words subconciously rubbed his horn.
"Yeah, but maybe some people need to get something. I guess I'm ready, though."
Mark really was as prepared as he thought was possible, his backpack heavy with supplies.
((Will probably fix this up a bit later; if it takes me much longer to at least get a first draft done the RP will already be finished.))

Name: Märsh Finicia

Age: 172

Gender: Male

Beastblood? Hells Yeah!

If so, what Pokemon? Relicanth

Appearance: You would never guess that Märsh is as old as he is when you first meet him, judging from his healthy head of obsidian hair and flawlessly smooth dark skin. You would also not notice at first that this skin is hard - harder than rock, harder than metal, and certainly harder than skin ought to be - save for the places where his joints meet, to allow motion, and the webbing between his fingers and toes. A common impression might be that he couldn't decide what the weather was when he woke up, for the t-shirt he wears is in complete contrast with the scarf covering the gills on his neck and his thick pants, beneath which he wears swim trunks instead of underwear, all in the same pattern of mottled browns and red spots. Small ridges are just barely noticeable through the fabric of his clothes, running down his spine to the fin-tipped tail drooping over the belt of his pants.

History: The notion of immortality, of a life that spans across generation after generation unhindered by the flow of time, will occasionally stray into the minds of man. Perhaps this was the case when plans for the Arceus project were conceived, but if nothing else it was definitely the reason why Märsh was created. Scientists knew, as was their job, that certain Pokemon were not only stronger than humans, but also had a far longer lifespan, so, logically, creating a beastblood with such longevity wouldn't be particularly difficult. While researching for applicable specimens would be problematic given the savage nature of wild Pokemon nowadays, the necessary species had been discovered millennia ago: the relic of prehistoric times, Relicanth.

Personality: Great wisdom comes with a life of well over a century, but Märsh's mind has remained the same since he was a teenager, since his aging stopped, thus putting a limit on the level of his ability to understand or even accept this knowledge. The most important detail he has learned, however, is that there is no one like him, no one who will live as long as him, none he could call a lover or even friend, not forever, which would, in the long run, enforce his instinctual distrust of others. He will lash out at the people, both human and beastblood alike, whom his angry facade can't deter, but the sad truth is that he feels like something inside of him is slowly dying each time.

Special Skills: Märsh is an incredibly adept swimmer, capable of plunging to and surviving the crushing pressure of the ocean's dark depths. He has also traveled to many places around the world, and knows a smattering of words in the languages he has encountered

Other: He has an unfortunate habit of smoking; originally he used it as a method of avoiding the more sensitive people, but over the years it became a true addiction and now it's how he deals with his state of depression.
Name: Halan Strom

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Beastblood? (y/n): Yes

If so, What Pokemon: Lucario

Appearance: He stands at 6' 10'' and looks like a wolf that would kill you without warning. He ware a thick jacket with a fur collar as white as snow and a sharp stike piercing the the coat unver his chest. He wears a pair of black sunglasses that hide his Tundra blue eyes. He has long, pale gold hair that randomly curl alonf his back and four black "dreads" that lay flat against it. Tucked under his hair are long blue ears with a series of earrings on the left ear. He wears thick fur lined gloves with a thick spkie piercing the fabric. Hidden under his coat in a long blue tail that he tucks up his shirt to hide. He wears thick blue jeans and worn black leather boots lined with fur.

History: Like most, he was born in a lab with the DNA of a pokemon in his system. He was given to a kind family to raise him. The family was small, consisting of a woman that made a career out of handcrafts, a man that worked as a military officer, and their daughter Rena that seemed to gravitate around young Halan. As time went on, the man died during duty, leaving a widow and a sad daughter. The woman re-married to a harsh, disgusting man that abused the woman and her children in various ways. Once reaching the age of 13, Halan took Rena and left the house, telling the woman that he will protect the girl and will wait until the woman joined them.

Years went by, but the woman never joined them. Halan found work and supported Rena through school in the day, and going to school himself during the night. He kept three jobs in his life as a Cook, Mechanic, and as a Martial Arts assastant.

Rena is now in Collage and making her way to a career, and Halan finished up his own schooling swiftly.

Personality: He is very quiet and anti-social. He doesn't get close to anyone, but once he does,he protects them with every fiber of his being. He looks mean and intimidating, but underneath is just shy and doesn't want to get close so he have to suffer if anything happens to them.

Apart from this, he knows how to take charge when needs to, relying on survival insticts.

Special Skills: He can cook, fix most Mechines, fight...and due to his DNA, he has the ability to sense auras around him, but he hasn't mastered this ability and can only sense up to a mile when he focuses.

Other: He is from Город

Hows this?
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