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Open The Arceus Gene: The Return

((Oh, cool))

David sighed, scratching his ear. "Best? I'm not sure about that, but I bet I'm good enough" He walked after the other Beastbloods, with his trusted pickaxe in hand. "This thing have helped me before, so it'll surely help now too" he walked into the pod, swinging around his tail in a bored manner.
((Haven't posted for a page... Oh no.))
Vai ran into the pod, and folded her wings to take up less space. She looked around the space, and twitched. Claustrophobia sucked.
((Short post is short, until I catch up with everyone else >_>))
((FMC: If you subscribe to your threads then you'll know when people post, effectively resulting in a reminder system.))

The computer's monotonous voice was so urgent, so commanding; clearly it was eager (as eager as a lifeless being could be, anyway) to have this mission carried through. But then again, wasn't that what all machines were supposed to do? To complete tasks in the most timely and efficient manner possible; wasn't that the entire reason why humans had built them in the first place, because they were too lazy to do anything for themselves? How ironic that the artificial complex has now grown above and ultimately become the ruler of man. So now, through the wonders of karma, man has to work for a living to make up for his past life as a sloth.

And to think that Märsh, who had all the time in the world and then some, had to waste his energy on this petty assignment. Bah, he could be at Ville right now, basking under the false sun on the subterranean lagoons, or at Metropolis, where the computer was at least pleasant and even humorous on occasion. If nothing else, he'd be in Toshio by the end of this journey; ah yes, now there was a city if he had ever seen one. A deep breath poured the disgusting smoke from the cigarette clenched between his dirty teeth into his lungs, but the discomfort would only last an instant before he exhaled the cloud, and his body took immense relief as its pain ended. That would hopefully be enough to get him though the next hour without a nervous breakdown.

This miasma was a veil over his eyes, a shield protecting him from the outside world, those other Beastbloods (and one human) standing a safe distance away; he couldn't quite remember if he had chosen solitude on his own or the cloud had had its desired effect on the others - it all seemed to blur together with the thousands of other experiences. Take right now, for instance; he had certainly not noticed the side wall open up, letting in the painfully bright glow of true solar light from outside, nor had he seen the computer open up one of its secret compartments. His "companions" gravitated there, where their charge, the admittedly ravishing woman Florina - Märsh had no reason to admire her, for she was even further below him than the rest of humanity, a mere pawn to the machines' overarching plot; she'd probably be lucky to still be alive after the god inside her was born - was waiting. He carelessly pulled the cigarette from his lips and ground it to ash against his rough skin; the fumes could be toxic to one in such a precarious state.

Once the others began to gravitate towards Florina, Märsh himself lurched forward, tilting his head down so that his hair rolled over his eyes and he faced the floor. Avoid looking at them, avoid talking with them, avoid any kind of catalyst for a bond-forming relationship, his personal mantra repeated endlessly in his head as he teetered aimlessly over to where everyone was gathered.
Sheena sighed softly and walked to a position near the back of the pod. So many people! She concentrated hard, and scanned the room's auras, almost like it was through telepathy. Almost twenty Beastbloods, and... six humans? They were mostly together in a group. Four guards, plus the seed of Arceus--she had to get everyone's names, somehow--that left one human escort, the man she had seen before.

Huh. It didn't make sense to only have one human, and twenty Beastbloods. Although the Beastbloods could fight well, humans were smart too, and probably knew how to defend themselves, learned by necessity. They could have at least given the man some human company. Most other people liked company.
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(( Mewtwo - effort, please? Also we're not going into the pod guys, just standing/marching around it. ))

Raven's position, of course, was above the Seed of Arceus. She didn't have to remain directly above the Seed of Arceus at all times - it was impossible to hover, anyway. Rather, she was supposed to circle over the whole group when she had the chance, scouting for any danger from above. Not too high above, though, or she couldn't help much at all.

Opening her wings with a smirk, she pushed off the ground with her powerful feet and started to flap, each flap creating a light gust of wind. It wouldn't be much more than a breeze by the time it reached those on the ground.

She scanned the armed guards. So, they were most certainly available. Just, presumably, not good enough. Only one human was worth being in her presence, perhaps - though she gave the Seed a slightly annoyed look.
The Seed had to be prettier than Raven, of course. That was probably all she was, a pretty face and a womb. Raven scoffed, shaking her head. She'd rather be slightly less pretty and actually useful for something.

She'd follow the group rather than fly directly above, until they got to the surface.

Amanda veered around the pod and continued following the others, blushing slightly. What a silly mistake...!

Don't you dare do that again, she told herself, swishing her tail. She was so uncomfortable that she almost shocked herself, but avoided it just barely. With a sigh, she managed to calm herself. Finally, it was the thing she had been waiting for...! She would prove herself now! Yes, now was the time, she would finally be appreciated...!

When realizing he actually wasn't supposed to go into the pod, David simply shrugged and walked out of it, following the short Beastblood girl in front of him. "I'd guess Raichu by the tail" He thought, and looked around at the other Beastbloods and the woman carrying the seed of Arceus, "What use do humans have of Arceus anyway? What can they accomplish with the child of god?"
((back from holiday :( ))

Rawk lent backwards slightly, then in an instant, he was a blur heading towards the pod, then he was there and he stood up straight. No matter how many times I do that, it'll never stop being fun! Then he hoisted his rucksack over his shoulder and looked at the gate, then his Absol instincts kicked in. I predict, that those gates will open in the next five seconds.

((ignore the prediction, they'll open when everyones here, but for now it can be a false sense of time))

((and am i the only one who's genuinely interested in this RP?))

((I also ediited my form a bit, mostly down at the end of history))
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((H20firefly: What makes you think that nobody else is interested? Some people haven't posted because they're waiting by the pod already, and they can't post anything interesting, unless they have their character thinking something about their past. I, for one, post whenever I think it's necessary, like when the pod appeared.))

((Uh, yeah. Sorry if that sounded rude, because it wasn't meant that way.))
((Yeah. I've noticed that FMC (pardon the nickname) posts something, everyone posts within a few days, and it's dead, mostly, until she posts something new.))

((EDIT: Yes! Off topic, but I'm a Caterpie now rather than an egg. :D ))
((That's because I keep having a crapload of homework and can't think of a thing to post. D: I am sorry))

Cecelia fidgeted for a little while as the others formed a close group around the pod, glancing at the woman inside nervously every so often. She was very pretty, so soft looking...

She glanced down at her own hands, the long blades and red-tinted skin practically screaming out 'freak'... Why couldn't she be pretty? It didn't seem fair. Do be strong, she had to be a freak, but to pretty was to be weak...

Shaking her head, the girl put that thought out of her head. She had to be at her best to guard the Seed. She jumped when the pod started to move, rushing to keep up.

>Good Luck.<

((also stop spamming please))
Vai leapt after the pod, and smiled slightly at the Seed.
"So, you're the Seed of Arceus?" She asked, hoping she didn't scare the woman. "Uh, I'm Vai. I'm a Salamence Beastblood..." Vai suddenly felt really awkward and turned her attention to a spot on her tail. It felt like the others were all staring at her, but she knew that wasn't actually happening. Right..?
Mysti walked up toward the pod. She got back on two feet again. "And I'm Mysti, an Umbreon Beastblood. NNice to meet you, Seed of Arceus!" Mysti did a little curtsie.
Nasir watched as the pod started to move. He didn't panic as he looked at the supercomputer. He had no idea what would happen if they failed, but he guessed that Kleine Schwester couldn't do anything except order guards around. Shrugging inwardly, he followed the pod.
Rawk looked up from his spot on the floor and dashed after the pod, when he caught up with it he noticed two Beastbloods introducing themselves to the Seed, Rawk shook his head slightly. They're actually bothering to talk to him, why? It's not like names are important to know. Rawk thought as he continued to eye the two.
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