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Open The Arceus Gene: The Return

Cool, another Lucario one!
Sheena's going to be weirded out, since her Lucario genes came out in different ways, and they're more subdued. Welcome, both of you, if Full Metal Cookies accepts you. :D
Name: David Wisher

Age: 19

Gender: Male


If so, What Pokemon: Shiny Glaceon

Appearance: David have pale white skin with several blue square spots on his back, like a shiny Glaceon, Glaceon ears, dark blue eyes and white pupils, and his light blue hair is frozen, making it look like big blue spikes hanging from his head, which looks like the "hair" of a Glaceon. He always wears a grey parka(Eskimo outfit, think "Ice Climbers"), with fur collar. He also have the classic Glaceon tail, which have a little Eskimo amulet bound to the tip of it. He is 4'9" long.

History: David lived with a clan of hunters above Город, who survived by traveling, hunting, fishing and such. he originally just helped collecting berries and plants and making clothes, but he fell in love with a girl in the clan, and began hunting and fighting in his tries to win her heart. But nothing he did actually made her any interested, not even fighting off a wild Mamoswine would help him. But one night, there was a terrible blizzard, and some of the clans hunters was lost in it, including the girls father. David braved the blizzard by himself, and went looking for them, and actually got them back to the current clan base unharmed. This made the girl show affection to him, and gave him a traditional clan amulet, which he prizes highly, as the girl later died in a disease.

Personality: David is pretty calm in general, and negative, but he is actually pretty easy to amuse, and can easily laugh at dumb jokes. But despite the quite guy attitude he have, he is actually easy hurt-

Special Skills: David is a skilled combatant with pickaxes, and tends to carry one around, and know how to hunt in order to survive. And can make clothes of various fabrics and animal skins.
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(( Male Gardevoir - "Other: His breath is always visible, even if it's not cold in the area."

Why? ))

Raven stretched her wings and arms, looking around some more. It was a shame that none of the Crowbloods could come with her. They were all just humans, true, and young ones at that, but just having someone as loyal as they should be would be useful. Besides, they were pretty useless without her - she hadn't exactly trained anyone to be a leader, because none of them were good enough. They'd probably descend into chaos without her around.

Shame. When she got back, she'd have to re-create the entire gang.
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(('cus he's a ice type? Since ice types can do things like Ice Beam they got to store the cold winds in their bodies, right?))
(( Breaths becoming visible in winter works the same way as steam being visible. David's body temperature would have to be significantly higher than the surrounding air. imo an ice-type's body temperature is more likely to be colder, or in this case, the same as a human's or less. ))
((Oh. But if you read Glaceons Bulbapedia page they note that Glaceons fur is actually frozen, which is hard to notice, so the body got to have lower temperature, right?))
((If the body has a lower temperature than the air outside, you can't see the breath. For example, can you see a human's breath when it's 110 degrees Fahrenheit outside?))
((I'd post, but I did recently, and I can't think of anything else. Any other escorts have something to think, or say?))
((SHIT! we started when i was on holiday (i still am) i´ll post now))

Rawk was standing in the corner of the room, he was crouching down to avoid being seen; not that he was nervous but because he prefered to stay away from company. He was ducked down just low enough so his horn wouldn´t stick out from the crowd, and while he pondered his mission he prepared his rucksack. ...Food, water, matches... gun. Yeah that´s all I´ve ever needed, shouldn´t be different for this mission. But just where the hell is this Arceus Seed? Rawk glanced up to the supercompouter above him, the features seemed to light the room slightly in an eerie fashion. Hmm, I always did want to visit Japan!

Then he stood straight, while crouching down avoided attention, it was really uncomfortable. Nearly time. He thought as he made his way nearer the door, his jet black horn extended high above the crowd
((Well...nobody's been on...))

Sheena sighed, exasperated. Nothing was getting done. At this rate, the group wouldn't leave until morning, which was not an option. They were in a hurry, weren't they?

Taking a deep breath to steel herself for the stares that would follow, she said, "We're wasting time. We need to get going already, or do you want to fail our mission before we even begin it?"
(( i asploded, i sorry >: *everyone is in* I need to remember that this place exists, hurhurr))

>Go now, and be quick. Do not let the Seed fall into the wrong hands...< Kleine Schwester stated.

A massive door on the right wall slid open, revealing one of the gateways to the surface. There were a few armed human guards who would escort the group to the surface.

Then, the small hoverpod that contained the Seed of Arceus and his human mother emerged from the base of Kleine Schwester. The woman inside was beautiful indeed - long, perfect blond hair and serene blue eyes set in marble skin. She was young looking as well. The woman seemed to be slightly sad... Her eyes were downcast and she had a small frown.

Cecelia eyed her for a few moments, before darting to the rear-left of the pod, in her position. Her wrist-blades slid out of her wrists, gleaming a dull red.

"I'm ready!" She chirped, bouncing on the spot.
((FMC why do your avatars always burn me so?))
Mark shuffled quietly over to the Seed, stopping beside the Kricketune girl and looking at his shoes. The purple Nidorino-guy was admittedly nervous. Protecting a girl who carried in her womb the spawn of Arceus was going to be hard.
Jerome headed across the room towards the Seed. He examined the hoverpod closely before nodding towards Kleine Schwester. "We won't let this mission fail," he promised, sealing the deal with a glint from his coal-black eyes. Carefully, he glanced around the room, making sure that everyone was where they were before. For all he knew, someone could have snuck in and stolen some people. He chuckled. There he was with his silly, impossible thinking again. Would he ever learn?
Claudia closed her eyes for a few seconds, breathing deeply. There was no turning back, not that she'd consider changing her mind at this point. Opening her eyes, she dropped to her hands and feet out of habit and followed Jerome across the room. Straightening up, she studied the woman inside the hoverpod thoughtfully.
This person, or rather what she is, er, carrying, is so important. Something that seems so simple.. but it isn't and never will be.
Turning to the rest of the people in the room, she chuckled quietly. So these people, including her brother, were the best of the best when it came to this sort of thing. For not the first nor the last time, Claudia felt completely in over her head and terrified.
Fritz was struck by the woman's beauty as he ambled over to the pod.
Why am I here again?, he thought.
He felt the weight of the pistol he carried, Am I the merely human caretaker of... them?, he went on mentally as he remembered what he was told to do.
Fritz stood beside his, adopted, sister, and cast a downward gaze at the gateway ahead of them.
Amanda nodded, swishing her odd tail. "We'll get on it right away." She stared at Kleine Schwester for a moment, then turned to the rest. "Are we ready to go?" She asked impatiently. The short girl followed Cecelia into the pod, itching to hurry up and do something! All of this waiting... it was making her jumpy. Carefully, she wrapped her tail around herself, holding onto the end, as she always did when she was nervous. "The Seed won't escort itself."
Standing in the shadows of the room, leaned against the wall, Halan pushes off when the door opens for them to leave and travel. He glances at the woman inside the tube with his frozen tundra blue eyes, studing her silently. He walks towards the gruop, mumbling under his breath.

"Мы защитить эту тщедушную вещь?"

Halan shakes his head as he went, then ends up standing near the tube. He lowers his glasses and forms his words carefully in the "common" language.

"You vook sad маленькая девочка, Why is zat so?"
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