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GSC Remakes confirmed?

Oh man, if they announce a remake, I might finally get some Pokemon my fangirl has been thirsting for a long time. xD
I would so fix my DS for it. The nostalgia bomb it would ensue.
(I'm just a bit worried on how they would butcher the main characters, i.e. the player... Or even the rival. D: Oh well.)
I suppose you guys are right, but I still don't have much faith in these remakes. I think most fans are in for disappointment. For me, the most pleasant thing about G/S/C is all the nostalgia they bring, along with the fact they're just generally amazing games. I think remaking them is fixing what isn't broken.

I would probably buy one if they actually were good, but I know for a fact I wouldn't enjoy them as much as I enjoyed the original games, mostly because I'm older now. I just hate when people call the idea of a remake "the best thing ever".
...why in the world do people feel the need to worry that G/S/C remakes wouldn't "keep the protagonists"? o_O Did you somehow get the impression that the FR/LG male trainer was not the same one that was in R/B/Y? They just drew him better.
Since I've never played G/S/C, I'd love to play a remake, my personal problem with it is that the male character us G/S/C is my least favourite, he looks to much like Red if you ask me, it's like his design was based directly of Red.

Would the world implode if the playable character do NOT wear some sort of hat what so ever? :/
But we got the Seven islands instead of the Orange Islands in LG/FR. It would be nice to go to the Orange Islands at some point in a game, yeah.
The Orange Islands will never appear in a game. They were never intended to and Nintendo has already said that they never will.
Well that's good for the fans of those games. I'm personally not a fan of any of the games that came out before R/S/E so wether they make one or not, I don't really care. Although I may get it, if I hear good things about it.
Aw, that sucks. It'd have been cool if the Orange Islands were in a game. Personally, I think that they should make the gyms a bit better. Falkner was way too easy, and the Pokemons' levels only go up to a maximum of 40.

This gives me a rush of nostalgia. Remember when those Pokemon were new?

I think Game Freak needs to make this game...fans love the G/S/C series, so it's going to be pretty successful...and new Pokemon games always make a lot of money. Nintendo likes money, right?
THEY MUST MAKE A REMAKE. The GSC rival was the BEST EVER, and in Crystal it was awesome when you fall throug the hole in Burned Tower and your rival yells at you for being stupid enough to fall in a hole.

*sigh* Those were good times.
For the love of Arceus, give everyone GS balls because there are Wi-fi events now. I want to capture Celebi legitmately, you know.

I'm probably will stick to my Gold version until these games, confirmed or not, come out. Even then I'll keep on playing Gold while I can, because I love the old games to death.
Oh my God...
I hope to god this is legit.

My Gold version was the first video game I could ever call my own. My cousin got it for me Christmas of 2000.
It died, on the 21st of December back in 2006, and I've been praying for remakes ever since.

Not only would this mean a lot to me, it'd make a fuckton of money. I'd love to see WiFi in GSC too, just so if I neglected to get a certain version I could just use that with my internet friends who also had it.

I hope this is real...
Well, Gamestop isn't selling GBC games anymore, and gone with it are my plans to play Gold and/or Silver again; all hope's riding on a remake coming out eventually.

If the Orange Islands were featured in a video game it would probably be something like Colosseum - where the overworld is cut out and travel between locations is carried out simply by selecting them on a map - otherwise it would pretty much be a cross between Pokemon and Wind Waker, what with the sailing between islands and all.
The Orange Islands will never appear in a game. They were never intended to and Nintendo has already said that they never will.

Aww, but I want a crystal Onix!

otherwise it would pretty much be a cross between Pokemon and Wind Waker, what with the sailing between islands and all.

Well, you sail between the Sevii Islands.

And I really hope they don't include the Odd Egg. It would render my shiny Tyrogue completely worthless!
Not under your own power. You choose an option and you magically appear on the island one cutscene later. It isn't the same as surfing between them (or controlling the King of Red Lions in WW), which is what he was comparing it to.
Man I hope this is true evidence of a remake. Crystal is/was positively epic. :D

(the movie poster thing now reminds me far too much that I am not keeping up with the anime at all and for some reason now I want to o.O)
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