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GSC Remakes confirmed?

GSC remakes are now likely to come out, but I imagine that they will be set in the same time as DPP and not have any of Kanto in them besides Mt Silver and Indigo Plateau. Nothing about a third Kanto would be useful. The legendary birds are in Platinum. What most people now need are Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Ho-Oh and Lugia.

The other solid evidence of GSC remakes' being made is that DPP games recognize Johto - like Hoenn, Kanto and Distant Land - as a place where a Pokemon can have been caught or hatched before it was traded to Sinnoh. (Someone hacked DPP to generate these two Pokemon, which are permitted by the coding.) And there's the red Gyarados news item.
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GSC remakes are now likely to come out, but I imagine that they will be set in the same time as DPP and not have any of Kanto in them besides Mt Silver and Indigo Plateau. Nothing about a third Kanto would be useful. The legendary birds are in Platinum, and Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Ho-Oh and Lugia are what most people now need.

Gold and Silver already take place at the same time as DPP. And why would they take Kanto out? Remeber in G/S/C that you couldn't catch the birds anymore, so where did they go? To Sinnoh, apparently. Also, a third Kanto would be useful(wouldn't it just be second?) for those who are waiting to get a DSi that have never had a DS before. Besides, they have enough room for a full Kanto now, so why would they remove it? FR/LG added the Sevi islands, so if anything they will add more things to Kanto. Also, what of that mysterious White Rock Pro. Oak mentioned being in Kanto? In order for that to be there, they would need to remake Kanto again...which wouldn't make sense unless they were remaking GSC.
It would be so wicked awesome if they just made one large DS game with all the regions in it, and you started in one region randomly. Then you could really travel and it'd be really fun.
Still, a GSC remake would be great, I want a Stantler already.
I've read that page. Some of the references are more credible than others, but I shouldn't call any of them 'solid' except the red Gyarados. Most are just about the colors gold and silver cropping up now and then. You should keep in mind also that in DPP there are plenty of little references to Hoenn and elsewhere. Johto is not the only place.

Gold and Silver already take place at the same time as DPP. And why would they take Kanto out? Remeber in G/S/C that you couldn't catch the birds anymore, so where did they go? To Sinnoh, apparently. Also, a third Kanto would be useful(wouldn't it just be second?) for those who are waiting to get a DSi that have never had a DS before. Besides, they have enough room for a full Kanto now, so why would they remove it? FR/LG added the Sevi islands, so if anything they will add more things to Kanto. Also, what of that mysterious White Rock Pro. Oak mentioned being in Kanto? In order for that to be there, they would need to remake Kanto again...which wouldn't make sense unless they were remaking GSC.
The best point in your post is the one about the white rock. Why would they take Kanto out? Making a region needs time, work and money, and there is no point in it unless the region will be useful. Another Kanto would be as useful as another Hoenn. Would it be the second Kanto? Both of us miscounted. It would be the fourth Kanto, because there would be RBY, GSC, FrLg and the new GSC. I suppose if one goes by periods in Pokemon time, rather than Generations, then you are right and there are just two Kantos, but that's a far-fetched way of counting them.
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I just had a thought - what if [assuming it's in production] they release it/them around the same time as the DSi, and make it exclusively for the DSi?
Hm? I'm sure I read somewhere it was a console in its own rite, and had games exclusively for it, much like how GBC games would not work in a normal Gameboy. Or am I mistaken?
DSi ware, but I think that is it...unless they make games that use some of the DSi exclusive features.

Making a region needs time, work and money, and there is no point in it unless the region will be useful. Another Kanto would be as useful as another Hoenn.

If they are remaking G/S/C, then they will simply just update the region. Time and money goes into that, but I doubt they would want to disappoint fans who are looking foward to traveling through Kanto again. And actually, in the direction Nintendo is going, another Hoen would be useful. With the DSi and the appearance of certain Pokemon in Platinum that you couldn't get in D/P, it seems they are moving away from dependency on the GBA games. That right there is a good reason to remake G/S/C and Kanto.
I hope they are re-making this, that was my favorite game, except maybe they should change the player sprites, I didn't like the girl one, the hair was too big and blue XP And the phone was annoying, but fun.
I liked the steel gym and flying gym, and I miss that puzzle that if you solve it you fall through the floor. Kabuto! :3
I want bellsprout tower back too :( it was fun to burn all the old dudes bellsprouts to cinders with FLAMETHROWER the cyndaquil :D
lol ??? the rival (Or 'ASS' the rival X3)
A G/S/C remake would be good... though they really need to work on G/S/C's Kanto if they do make one. That was the only actual bad part of G/S/C (regardless of what the mindless legion of "hurr hurr da levelz is 2 low" people say.)

Being able to see how stuff in Kanto changed over three years was good, but half-assing most of the maps really sucked... the Unknown Dungeon's main entrance caving in and Cinnabar Island getting nuked by the volcano are okay, but Mt. Moon, Viridian Forest, and Seafoam Islands didn't even have reasons to be smaller than they were in R/B/Y. And shrinking half of the Kanto routes didn't make any sense, either.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and they should also make a new version of the Kanto wild Pokémon battle song, because the remixed one in G/S/C was so bad that it actually made me want to avoid wild Pokémon encounters.
EDIT: Oh yeah, and they should also make a new version of the Kanto wild Pokémon battle song, because the remixed one in G/S/C was so bad that it actually made me want to avoid wild Pokémon encounters.

What? Most of the remixes were great in that game, including Wild Pokémon Battle. Course, nothing beats Kanto Gym Leader.
What? Most of the remixes were great in that game, including Wild Pokémon Battle. Course, nothing beats Kanto Gym Leader.

Yeah, most of the remixes were just as good as the rest of the music in G/S/C (which is pretty good, especially considering that it was a Game Boy game)... and the Kanto Gym Leader song was one of the best.

But I honestly can't understand how anyone could have actually liked the wild Pokémon battle song's remix, especially not more than the original or the FR/LG versions. It was like a little kid pounding random buttons on a synthesizer while a poor-quality MIDI of the original song played quietly in the background...
Yeah, most of the remixes were just as good as the rest of the music in G/S/C (which is pretty good, especially considering that it was a Game Boy game)... and the Kanto Gym Leader song was one of the best.

But I honestly can't understand how anyone could have actually liked the wild Pokémon battle song's remix, especially not more than the original or the FR/LG versions. It was like a little kid pounding random buttons on a synthesizer while a poor-quality MIDI of the original song played quietly in the background...

I never said I liked it more than the original. I just said it was good. I did hate Lavendar Town though. That wasn't even a remix, just some botched up crap put in place of the original.

I didn't really like Kanto, they ruined it :/

We were talking about the music, not the region itself. :P
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