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Search results

  1. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    Final Fantasy x, where x is any positive integer other than 11: A spiky-haired youth with an obscure and probably depressing past rallies together a ramshackle group of heroes against an ambitious monarch/military leader aiming to take over the world, only to find that an even more sinister...
  2. Leviathan

    Open The Arceus Gene: The Return

    ((FMC: If you subscribe to your threads then you'll know when people post, effectively resulting in a reminder system.)) The computer's monotonous voice was so urgent, so commanding; clearly it was eager (as eager as a lifeless being could be, anyway) to have this mission carried through. But...
  3. Leviathan

    Open Return of the Reapers Game

    What exactly do you mean by pins that are "basic"? Pins that are at the bottom of their evolutionary chain? Those boring nondescript pins Neku gets on the first day (Pyrokinesis, Shockwave, Cure Drink, etc)?
  4. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    The first thing to consider in the planning of a WEWY-based roleplay is the setting in which it should take place; while obviously a large city is the ideal location, the culture of that city is something that could be problematic. I believe that the reason Shibuya worked so well was that it...
  5. Leviathan

    Open The Arceus Gene: The Return

    ((Will probably fix this up a bit later; if it takes me much longer to at least get a first draft done the RP will already be finished.)) Name: Märsh Finicia Age: 172 Gender: Male Beastblood? Hells Yeah! If so, what Pokemon? Relicanth Appearance: You would never guess that Märsh is as old...
  6. Leviathan

    Storytime of Epicness

  7. Leviathan

    TCoD Top 50 Classical Pieces

    A must, I say. Rite of Spring, Firebird Suite - Igor Stravinsky Waltz of the Flowers - Tchaikovsky Beethoven's Fifth Symphony A Night on Bald Mountain - Modest Mussorgsky Bacchanale - Camille Saint-Saëns
  8. Leviathan

    Open The Good, The Evil, and The Greedy

    A vine swaying through the air was unfortunate enough to be in the way as Rilloc leaped off the edge of the ship's deck, then grabbed the passing vegetation and clung on for dear life - the technological caste of Xirrins were designed with stronger hands in mind for the purpose of gripping tools...
  9. Leviathan

    Open The Good, The Evil, and The Greedy

    The vines continued their assault on the snared vessel, lashing at the various crewmen on the deck and brushing along the porthole-lined sides for something to latch on to. As this probing went on, the ropey vegetation would periodically stray to one window in particular, where the reinforced...
  10. Leviathan

    Open The Good, The Evil, and The Greedy

    Name: Rilloc Age: 7 Gender: Male Species: Alien - Xirrin Appearance: The same mold from which all of the insectoid species known as the Xirrin are formed has been filled over and over again for each and every one of those individuals throughout the centuries. The smooth, hardened, blood-red...
  11. Leviathan

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    And with that Leviathan has won his first NaNoWriMo; you can tell how fried his brain is because he's talking in third person like this. And yet, what I find most amazing is that I've managed to keep all of my grades up at school throughout the entire ordeal. For once, I'm actually on top of...
  12. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    I find that one major part of the likelihood of people joining a roleplay is how familiar the players are with the topic it's based upon. Pokemon RPs benefit the most from this aspect, as, given that this forum itself is based on Pokemon, everyone here knows about it. I suppose one could think...
  13. Leviathan

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    So as of me writing this, I'm still a little behind (ignore what my word count says right now; I haven't updated it yet), but I think I've managed to catch up from the rut I was trapped in following Monday. Ha, you and your plot conclusions. And I'm even farther behind the point I thought...
  14. Leviathan

    Open The Good, The Evil, and The Greedy

    ...Nyeeeeah, we must join, but we also must finish NaNo! D: Reserve; maybe I'll be able to squeeze in the time to make a character over the weekend. If you want to start before then, I'll just drop out.
  15. Leviathan

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    Remember that post I made yesterday? The one about ending up a little behind on that day's word count and then catching up on it today? Forget it. Forget it completely. I absolutely could not write anything at all today; I suppose I hit one of those "walls" that the latest "pep talk" e-mail was...
  16. Leviathan

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    I underestimated the load of work I had to do today and now I'm behind a few hundred words again. At least I'll have plenty of time to make up for that tomorrow (hopefully). I had a sudden plotbunny yesterday for a sequel to this story, and yet I'm not even halfway finished with it. Now I'm...
  17. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    Confirming what Skymin said. If my computer hadn't crashed I'd've posted it first. Random factoid: Did you know that all of the fashion brands in The World Ends With You, with the exception of Gatito, are based off of the animals in the Chinese zodiac? (I'm not too sure how Pavo Real is related...
  18. Leviathan

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    Yeah, I'm living proof of this statement. My laptop is a piece of shit; it always decides to crash when I'm in the middle of something important, like it did just a few minutes ago. I'm backing up NAO. In lighter news, my writing is going pretty well now, and with Thanksgiving and a week of no...
  19. Leviathan

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    It only took staying up till midnight, but I'm finally all caught up again (barely). Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go collapse from a lack of brain juices.
  20. Leviathan

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    In reference to the last post I made: I suppose I took this to mean that one had to finish their novel in order for it to count. Somehow. Guess I was wrong. So I'm still behind a few hundred words now - had some massive writer's block at an awkward section of the plot - but it's still by a...
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