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Open The Good, The Evil, and The Greedy

Name: Enivari
Age: ~20 Earth years
Gender: Asexual
Species: Alien (Gzaliels)

Enivari is about two feet tall, with a stocky body shape. It walks on four short but sturdy legs. Though its back legs are more like paws, its front paws have longer, slightly more dexterous fingers, and end in longer claws. Its long, powerful jaws take up much of its face, and it has large black eyes. It is mostly dark green, with sharp yellow fangs and a deep red mouth.

Enivari's back is covered in long, thick, vine-like appendages that Enivari can easily control, similar in function to arms or tentacles. Three shorter versions of these can also be found on its head: one in the middle of its forehead, and one where each ear might be on a cat. It also has a longer and thicker vine as a tail, from which a few other vines grow. On the back of its head, there are long, thin tendrils that spill down its back. Most of the rest of its body is covered by short, thin tendrils just slightly thicker than fur, but which are quite mobile. These tendils can absorb nutrients from soils and liquids, but are softer and weaker than the vines.

It has a scar on its neck where it had surgery to give it the ability to speak the human language.

The Gzaliels once lived on the largest moon of the largest planet in a distant solar system, the only place with a breathable atmosphere. The largest object in the sky was the beautiful gaseous planet the moon orbited, followed by other moons and then the brilliant blue sun. Not that they'd been able to see it, though, as the moon was covered by a thick blanket of clouds that kept the moon warm enough to live on (or so several told Enivari; it has no reason to doubt that).

For a long time the Gzaliels were ignorant of humans trying to land on the planet and dying, until a few refugees had the brilliant idea of visiting the Gzaliel's home moon. Then they kept dying because there wasn't any real food that humans could catch and eat, but eventually Gzaliels caught on and helped the humans establish shelters using their spaceships and find suitable nutrition.

Hundreds of dramatic advancements in technology and communication later, the Gzaliels and humans both were used to travelling together on spaceships and had already become used to the sights of Beyond the Clouds, and even left the solar system on self-sufficient spaceships.

One such ship, the Moon Beam, was where Enivari was born and raised. There it learned of the Mecha Planets and Pirates, and how to make itself useful on the ship. When it turned seven Earth years old (as Earthen time units were the only ones used), it underwent surgery so it could directly communicate with humans, and officially became part of the crew.

Enivari is driven by the lust for information above all, having been greatly influenced by the Gzaliels. It has an almost obsessive need to explore every planet it comes across, with treasures and adventure as an afterthought. It is fairly open when it comes to sharing its opinions, but it tends to see any non-Gzaliel as below it, only there for convenience or study.

Other: No, I'm not giving any details about their asexual reproduction stuff. >:( Also Gzaliels have telepathic communication with each other.
*growl* Alright, I know this is duoble posting, but I'm tired of waiting. Leviathan, you can still join, but I'm starting this thing now.


The spaceship that the pirates traveled in was still parked in the jungle, the occuptant of said ship outside trying to cut away the vines that trapped it and kept it grounded. They grumble under their breath when the vines they cut away regrow at a rapid speed. Their moods didn't lighten when the one that lived in this horrid planet speaks to them from the tree tops.

"That sure is a...effective way of freeing yourselves"

Her tail swings freely below the branch she sits on, her purple eyes watching the outsiders closely.

These are the fools that found the box that held the Bells? Typical...they are the dumb pirates of greed...they don't know what they truly hold...
It was mainly the four humans still trying to cut at the vines in an actual attempt to free the ship; both Gzaliels present were busy conversing. They stayed away from the humans, as their tentacles were quite similar to the vines that were being cut. Unlike vines, their tentacles had sensory nerves and hurt like hell when cut off. Not for the first time, Enivari cursed the fact that they had to be green. Who knew so many plants were green on several planets?

They're not going to send another miniship down, are they? Enivari asked, watching the vines grow at an impossible speed. It had never seen any plant, or plant-like organism, grow so quickly before, and was more interested in learning about that.

Good. It would be a shame to have to leave before figuring this out. Lefarui slashed at the vine with one of the sickles held in its vines, and they both watched it grow back, transmitting their images to each other through their minds. Enivari compared the images, replaying them in its head.

The vines grow from where we cut it, not the ground, Enivari observed. They both agreed that it made sense, sort of. Then they both simultaneously looked at the cut-off vines.

Vines not rooted don't grow back, Lefarui commented first. Enivari agreed. It will be hard to get a sample. Maybe it's this planet's soil.

Perhaps it's being controlled,
Enivari suggested. To trap our ship like that on its own, if like normal plants, it had no observable mind... that should be impossible.

Lefarui said.

Then, unexpectedly, a voice came from the treetops, in the human's language - although that language had been very common throughout the universe, it was still just a bit of a surprise. And a relief, sort of; it was the only language other than their own that the Gzaliels could understand.

"That sure is a... effective way of freeing yourselves," the voice said. Lefarui continued to observe the vines while Enivari looked up, sending the image to Lefarui: some strange, human-like creature, with a few odd traits, like the ears, fur in addition to the more human hair, and a tail. In return, Lefarui commented on the tone of voice, and they both came to the agreement that the speaker was using sarcasm.

"Shut up," one of the humans, Marc, spat, still trying to slice at the vines with the two sickles he held in his hands. Those were made for cutting plants, and they did the job well, but they lacked the ability to prevent growth after the cutting.

Judging by the harsh breathing of the other humans, they would have been too out of breath to answer the voice anyway.

"Who are you?" Enivari asked, analysing the creature as well as it could. Purple eyes. Female human clothing, or something like it. Long black hair styled like a human's would be - one of the hundreds of styles of human hair. Claws, probably around the same level of danger as Enivari's own claws.

A species neither Gzaliel had seen before.

A person in need of study.
Tanith raked a blade through the vines, making a low grunt as they quickly grew back. No good. She hissed at them, her long muzzle opening to reveal the several rows of sharp teeth her jaws held. Perhaps if she just ate them? She tried that, taking a large bite of a vine and tearing it away, letting it slide into her gullet. It wasn't very good-tasting, but the more jagged bite seemed to be slower, at least, growing back. She grunted again and spoke, sounding like someone who had learned the common tongue from a book rather than a native speaker.

"Jagged marks work best."

It was then she heard the voice - female? It seemed so. Warm blooded. A feline? But she looked human. Tanith examined the creature, her green eyes darting back and forth. A strange thing - new. Was it - she - harmful?

Tanith hoisted the bade in her left-upper hand, ready to attack.
((For those that wonder, this is what Ming looks like ))

Ming rocks side to side on the branch, watching the outsiders hack and slash at the vines. One even tried eatting them, finding that jagged cuts make them grow slower. She leans on the trunk of the tree and looks at her claws.

"That vine will give you a belly ache, you might not want to eat the vines here"

She then grins, flashing her fangs in a cat-ish grin.

"You never know what the vine may do on your insides"

She then looks down at them again, then at their ships.

" Now...Why are you on my planet. What purpose is there to be here"
Fwak stared at a thick vine in front of him, quite annoyed. He had tried, for quite a while, really, to cut the vines and free the ship so the crew can get back to space again. Fwak did not like getting stuck on a planet in the middle of nowhere, held back by some stupid vines. Vines, of all things! They are but mere plants! It would have been way better to be surrounded by enemy ships rather than get trapped by some vines, Fwak thought as he attempted to slice through another one. The cut plant, however, quickly grew back just like all the ones before it.

Conversation. From the other side of the ship. A new voice, someone he didn’t know… Fwak poked his head out from behind the ship. “Really though, what are you guys doing?”

There was a strange creature sitting on a tree, some sort he had never seen before. Fwak’s hand automatically reached for the dagger on his belt, ready to throw it at a moment’s notice. “The question should be, what do you want with us?”
"My my, there are quite a bit of you, isn't there"

Ming streches, yawning a catty yawn. She now lies on her side on the branch, still staring down at them with slitted purple eyes.

"I want nothing to do with you. I want you off my planet and never to return again. But there is something I want that you have. Give it to me and I'll see what I can do about these vines."

I have to get that box...somehow...but I can't say that out loud or they will know they have something of value...my only hope is that they don't know the legend of the Phoenix....
Arrogant, Enivari suggested. Condescending. Demanding.

Probably powerful, Lefarui added. She seems to think that she can deal with the vines, but isn't 100% sure.

Possessive. Thinks this planet belongs to her.
Well, Enivari added, solely in its own mind, perhaps she did. But that would mean that there couldn't be too many sapient beings around here. What does she want from us?

We won't give it until we know, and maybe not even then.
Lefarui's mental voice came with a pulse of determination, just to show Enivari that Lefarui meant it. Enivari had no problems with that, but the others...

"What do you want?" Enivari asked aloud, as Lefarui took a large chunk out of the vine with its teeth, though not completely tearing it in two. As expected, another vine grew from the injured area, so the vine had split into two. Lefarui proceeded to slice it off under the split, and found it growing back into a single vine.

"Does anyone here have any kind of poison, acid, or fire?" Lefarui asked. "Try cutting the vine, and using chemicals or intense heat at the stump. But don't cut below the stump. Cut as close to the ground as possible if you're using something on the stumps."

Where does it get all of this matter? Lefarui privately wondered.

Enivari sliced off a vine itself, and watched it grow back. I don't know. It needs a lot of energy to grow so quickly, too. And to regenerate something that's lost instead of continuing to grow... that's similar to our natural response to injury, but this appears to be true plant.

We must bring some of this back for study. Such wondrous regenerative abilities would be amazing if we could apply it to Gzaliels.
((It is still open... right?))

Name: Moonbeam le'shine (He prefers to simply be called Jack, and is rather embarrassed by his birth name.)
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Appearance: Le'shine dresses in an eclectic array of alien clothing, from his smooth red Zunglith cap, to his orange patchwork Tresthic knit pants and dark red Rositinle shirt. He is of regular size, 5'7" and athletic, and always carries around a sling-over-the-shoulder style bag.
Bio: He graduated from a shipbased university in Xeno-medicine, and is an expert at treating both human and alien wounds. New to the crew, he has of yet to reveal anything else.
Personality: He is absolutely in everyday a true xenophile. So much so he seems rather cold and distrustful around fellow humans. With aliens and the few humans he is comfortable around, he is an jovial, somber and friendly person, with the occasional dry sarcastic joke.
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((Well, it does say "Open", so I'll assume that it is.))

Seems like the cat-person knows something about the vines… Could it be that she was the one controlling it? And what does she want?

Fwak narrowed his eyes. There’s something suspicious about this. The creature said it as if the planet belong to her (Fwak was pretty sure it was a ‘she’, but you never know with aliens), and as if whatever they had taken, it was important.

And if it was important, there’s no way he’s giving it back to her.

Fwak walked back behind the ship where he was working on a moment before. “Sorry, can’t help you there.” He sliced at a vine, which quickly grew back. Fwak sighed. He probably should listen to the Gzaliels, but he had no idea where the poisons were stored, or if they even have poison on their ship.
((Shea, you are welcomed in. Accepted~))

"Poison...you think you can poison them? These are not mere plants that wither by mere toxin and flame! These are the plants that adapted to surviving without other creatures. These plants are dangerous"

She was now getting annoyed, these outsiders were turning out to be a pain.

Why do I care...once they are dead, I can retrieve the box that they stole from the temple...

She sighs, knowing that if she continued to think like that, she will be scolded by Phoenix when she returns.

"You were in a temple and found a dull golden box. That is a artifact of my people. I wish for you to return to me. Once that is returned, then you can leave in peace..."
Name: Rilloc
Age: 7
Gender: Male
Species: Alien - Xirrin

Appearance: The same mold from which all of the insectoid species known as the Xirrin are formed has been filled over and over again for each and every one of those individuals throughout the centuries. The smooth, hardened, blood-red exoskeleton is well-suited for battle, designed to practically fend for itself without any weapons at all. It possesses four arms, one pair at the shoulders with hands of nimble fingers for manipulating the complex tools of the race, and a second, lower pair extending into serrated edges to torture enemies with a painfully slow death. The four eyes and antennae on its head provide optimal awareness for the environment,capable of perceiving in a wide swath in front of it and making out the subtler details of the surroundings. Its double-jointed legs are built with the strength to run incredible distances, and the clawed feet can have an additional function of being extra hands.

While the uniformity is good for efficiency, Rilloc's body specifically has certain attributes which have been added for either the sake of the military or his own mysterious intentions. Being one of the less-combat inclined soldiers in the legion, his muscle mass is significantly decreased to make room for more brain power and reflexes to operate in the research stations. A small computer is grafted onto the side of his head, wired directly to his brain for more convenient access; the main purpose of this device is to translate his speech, as the pincer-like mandibles of army-class Xirrin are incapable of producing the sounds necessary for any language other than their own clicking and screeching. A hollow metal shell is attached to his back, the surface covered with numerous holes, slots, and compartments, all holding the tools that he uses regularly for convenient access. A slightly smudged "tattoo" is printed on the middle of his chest, declaring the number and rank he held within the Hive in thick, cryptic, alien letters; try as he might to wash it away, a remnant will always remain there.

History: "We are the Xirrin Hive; submit to our will or join the eradicated." This was a transmission from a Xirrin vessel (or at least the best translation of it) brought back by the first known ship to ever come out of an exchange with the race in one piece. They are among the most violent and destructive of the universe's space-faring civilizations, so much so that they had conquered most of their home system while the machine-based empire of today was still beginning to form. When they eventually came in contact with the Machines, a treaty was made to stave off war by signing over a backwater galaxy for them to take over in the meantime.

Peace would hold between the empires for a century or two while the Xirrin were able to wreak havoc in their own little private battleground. Of course, this could only last for so long; their resources will out eventually, as will their supply of planets to raid. It is somewhere around this point that Rilloc fits in; he was, at one point, a tactical officer among the legions of other soldiers, one responsible for monitoring the enemy worlds and the information pertaining to them. It was on one fateful day that he came upon the legend of the phoenix, something never heard of among his people up until then. He then deduced that this power would be the answer to the empire's dilemma, and their ultimate weapon against the Machines.

It would hardly be an easy task to accomplish, however; even the strongest of army-class Xirrin had an extremely low lifespan, which didn't leave Rilloc with much of an opportunity to research before his inevitable death and replacement. No, he needed to act now, to get away from this place, if he wanted to have any hopes of seeing this through. Though escape was a hellish experience, an ordeal of having to forever abandon one's home and being labeled as a traitor, it was only the beginning of his problems. Exactly how would he go about living in this outside reality? But the unfamiliarity of it all, was just one factor; he was still a Xirrin, one of the most feared of all known races, the odds of him being accepted into any society were hopelessly low.

It just so happened, however, that his drifting craft would eventually be picked up by one of the many marauding pirate ships sailing the cosmos. Though he was loathe to be in the presence of those greedy scavengers, the one thing they didn't do was kick him off; "So what if you are one of them buggers?" they had said, "You are an exile, as are all of us." This seemed to strike a chord within Rilloc - or maybe he figured there wasn't any better option available - and he spends his days henceforward alongside the pirate crew, searching the stars for an ever-elusive answer to his questions.

Personality: Although he gave up the murderous nature of most Xirrin, Rilloc is still clinging tight onto the arrogant beliefs coded into his brain. He tends to stray away from contact with other people, whether its because he dislikes the idea of speaking with any of the "softies" or the worry that he will be killed for his very existence as a Xirrin being a major threat to the stability of the Machines' rule.

Being removed from his home, however, has led to Rilloc becoming a tad insane; the Xirrin are all interconnected in a hive mind, their thoughts always observed and maintained by the Queen. Without this ideal bond, his mind has been left to stray and fall apart in places, but has also been allowed to grow without its earlier supervision. This has turned him into a sort of mad scientist, running bizarre experiments from the confines of his laboratory - as he usually refers to his room - which yield even more curious results.

Other: Wasn't there something else we were supposed to put in here? Oh yeah, moon beams; they yummy good.

((Now you know why it took so long. @_@;))
"Leave? Why would we leave? We want the power of the Firebird. She will give us all we need." Tanith laughed, before digging her claws into a vine and hoisting herself up with it. She hoped that it didn't try to eat her.

She lept swiftly from the vines, her eight limbs helping her move steadily and with a clear goal - to be at level with the feline warm-blood. She landed heavily on the branch, her massive bulk cracking the wood, although she didn't quite notice.

"Feline, show us to the temple!" She hissed, bearing her multiple rows of teeth.

((EDIT: oh yeah, forgot I could do this - Accepted)
((Accepted~ Finally....~))

Ming hisses as one of the outsiders land beside her, ears pressed flat against her skull. She curls her fist and glares at the rude lizard.

"No. You've been there and took the box. There is nothing left for you to do but to return it to where is belongs. In my hands"

((How did you know that these plants can eat you?))
If they're supposed to survive without anything else, Lefarui commented, they shouldn't have any defences, like being able to trap our ship like this. And they shouldn't be able to resist poison. Unless fire is common here, it shouldn't be able to resist that, either... but in that case, it should be weak to cold.

Enivari stared up at her with narrowed eyes. Does that mean she's lying? What is her purpose in lying, then? And what is the lie?

We must find out,
Lefarui decided. There doesn't seem to be any way to enter the ship, however... if intense heat would destroy or at least weaken it, if we were inside, we could escape. If that were so, I would request that I stay inside, so I could turn on the engines at any time.

They both knew there was no need to speak of the golden box - the decision had already been made by the ScreeWee. And it was true, that leaving this very moment was not the priority... but they wanted to be able to leave at this very moment. It was an important difference.

I will support Tanith, Lefarui decided.

Yes, Enivari said, and sat down so it could watch. It opened up a link with Lefarui so that Lefarui could see the battle from two pairs of eyes, giving it an advantage.

Lefarui, cleverly using its vines and claws the way that Enivari never learned how, climbed up after Tanith - although, noticing the crack when Tanith landed on the branch, it decided to land on the closest branch instead. It didn't speak. Instead, it glowered at the catperson, vines swaying in the air threateningly, and claws digging into the bark.
Ming's tail twiches as more of the outsiders climb the trees. She wishes that the vines were faster so she could have some peace.

Why aren't the vines killing them yet....what is the matter with them...

She then notices the crack in the branch, a dark thought filling her head. She digs her claws in the tree and climbs up the truck. She then looks back at the lizard.

"I won't bring you to the Temple. you're filth will only sully the purity of it"

She jumps and land of the branch, snapping it. She free falls from the tree, then grabs a hanging tree vine and swings to the branch of another tree.

"Now leave and never return!"
Tanith hissed and landed among the vines with a thud, quickly scrambling up the tree again before the vines could grab hold of her. She held onto the bark with her claws, a few feet under where the branch had been. She bared her teeth in a hiss again, but quickly stopped, like she had an idea. She smiled a crocodile smile.

"If you show us the temple, we shall return the box to you." She said, climbing another foot or two up the tree.
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