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Open The Good, The Evil, and The Greedy

Enivari was too exhausted by the long trip on the ground to respond audibly; it agreed telepathically, but none of them would be able to hear it. Its entire face and its sides were sore; they'd bruise tomorrow, it knew. It had run into trees and the like, and sometimes plants had attacked it without warning... but it had managed to escape, so it was okay.

It sniffed at the objects and looked over the temple, especially intrigued by the writing and pictures on the wall. It swept its eyes over the temple, memorising the image. Shame it couldn't broadcast the image from its current location...

The glowing thing was also interesting, and although it would rather have several experts try to decipher the messages on the walls, the light was something more likely for Enivari to understand on its own. It wasn't going to go first, though, not without another Gzaliel around.
As you aprroach near the back of the the temple, you see that the object is a single feather colored like the flames of a fire. The feather is aslong as one's arm and as wide as one of the steps on the stairs to enter the Temple. The feather gives off a soft glow of it's own.

On closer exmanination, you find that the feather isn't resting of the ground but is floating in mid-air within the pilliar of light. How it is doing that remains a mystery to you.

But, there is one other thing you notice about the pilliar is odd white dust littering the ground where the light is.


Ming pushes off from the side of the ruin, looking up at the Temple. Her ears twitch, her eyes taking on a daze expression.

"...I can hear you..."

She leaps up the stairs and slinks into the room, perching on a ruined statue. She stares at the feather and the ones that are looking at it.

Are they going to try to steal the feather?
I assume SU's are still open.

Name: Levier
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Alien (Faconer)
Appearance: No one knows, as he can shape-shift into any other creature, plant of object. He never shows his true form.
Personality: Dark, mysterious personality, prefers to be alone rather than with anyone else. He is quick to strike, and when he does, he strikes with no mercy.
Other: When he transforms, he has 1/4 of the power.
A vine swaying through the air was unfortunate enough to be in the way as Rilloc leaped off the edge of the ship's deck, then grabbed the passing vegetation and clung on for dear life - the technological caste of Xirrins were designed with stronger hands in mind for the purpose of gripping tools and operating machinery; even with one hand holding the rifle, this was child's play. A flex of his legs as he fell was enough to bring him flying up to the treetops, where his clawed feet firmly planted themselves into the relenting bark of the branches far above the jungle floor. But this, however, was only the beginning.

Staying in one place for any longer than it took to see where the path of vines led next was unacceptable to Rilloc; it slowed down progress and, knowing that at least some of the local flora was intelligent, posed an unnecessary danger to his plans. The vines themselves, along with numerous other flowers and even some of the trees, reacted to his presence, some shying away and others lashing out angrily. It would feel so nice to just pull the trigger on them all, to watch them evaporate slowly as their molecules were incinerated, but that might just bring the ire of the entire forest upon him. And that wasn't counting whatever strange entities that might live here who would surely seek vengeance for their secret garden.

The trail of green led to a place where the thicket cleared, and the alien sun shone through the canopy to the pyramidal edifice contained within this tranquil setting. What was probably once a grand temple or shrine had been worn to ruin over the centuries as the rains eroded stone away, and still more vines would grow in to fill the gaps. The computer in Rilloc's head likened the structural work to that of ancient human civilizations, from the planet they had originally come from. Unfortunately, their majesty had been forgotten millennia ago with the industrial revolutions, and completely wiped out when the Machines rose to power. It was a bit of a shame, really; some of the queens would have loved to hold domain over one of these once the rest of the universe was theirs.

Though he would love to study this fantastic discovery, the source of the vines hidden somewhere within the confines of the building had been on his mental list earlier, and so took precedence; he only had one body with which to work, after all. That would be an excellent experiment to try, however; a robotic double that held a copy of my own marvelous brain, he thought as he clicked his way up the stone steps to the inviting entrance and the pleasantly musky smell wafting out of it. Inside, there was no way for the sun to get in, instead light was provided in the form of a green glow coming from plants and fungi embedded in the stone walls, leading to his stomach somersaulting in excited apprehension at what was only at the start of this maze.

He could hear the voices before he actually saw their owners, the angry shouts of a riot in the making. But it wasn't much longer before the figures cleared into definition from the gloom at the end of this passage, their shadowed backs turned to Rilloc as they gazed upon some strange pillar of illumination he couldn't identify. Now he could see the large serpentine figure confronting one of human shape, and another off to their side observing the bright light, and the last small quadruped taking note more of the cryptic messages on the walls. He then realized that these were all some of his fellow crewmen - a very loose term, considering that he rarely ever leaves his room to engage in the merriment of the other pirates - probably here to find the source of the vines as he had, or maybe they had come to investigate the temple itself. Nevertheless, there was no reason to become involved with their affairs, lest his own plans be delayed further. He left them to their own devices, returning the hallway and the fascinating specimens residing there.
I assume SU's are still open.

Name: Levier
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Alien (Faconer)
Appearance: No one knows, as he can shape-shift into any other creature, plant of object. He never shows his true form.
Personality: Dark, mysterious personality, prefers to be alone rather than with anyone else. He is quick to strike, and when he does, he strikes with no mercy.
Other: When he transforms, he has 1/4 of the power.

(You missed the key word that would accept you. Re-read the rules.

Also. Content. More of it. Even if he doesn't show his real form, I still would like to know the form he is usually in when travelling with others.)
Tanith squinted at the shaft of light, then moved slightly closer, sticking her snout very close to the white powdery stuff. She drew a long breath through her nostrils, snorting quite a bit of it into her scent chambers.

She sneezed loudly.

"It is ashes! There was a fire here..."
Fwak carefully walked closer to the shaft of light. The dust seemed to be harmless; it's not eating through the ground, and there were no corpses around the powdery white stuff. Or none that he could see anyway. He peered at the beam of light, and suddenly realized what the thing floating in it is.

"Welll.... What have we found here...." Fkawqoiau'dvan muttered to himself excitedly. He walked through the ashes, his tail stirring up a thin cloud of white smoke behind him. It was a feather, a feather so bright that it seemed like it was a ball of flames. The feather seemed to glow and flicker as Fwak looked at it. And the feather was huge.

Fwak studied the beam of light, trying to see what was keeping the feather afloat. He soon gave up, as the brilliance of the feather took over him.

"... I think we have just found something every important indeed..." Fwak muttered again, this time, in awe. The light from the feather reflected off of him, making the normally blue and green alien look slightly orange.

He jumps from the statue and grabs Fwak's arm, pulling him away from the light. She then faces the other outsiders, arms spread out behind her.

"Don't get near this! I'm warning you!"

Her ear then flicks once more, the same voice spoke to her again. Ming's voice drops to a whisper, her gaze on the ground.

"....I...can't quite hear you..."
Tanith tilted her head curiously at the strange cat-creature. She was very... odd. Was that the word? Overprotective...

Then an idea hit her. She yanked a vine off the wall with her back-right claw and tossed it into the shaft of light. What was the worst that could happen?
The vine flared into a bright white flame in the air, the ashes slowly decending onto the floor. The light continues to shine as if it didn't incenerate a vine in it's flight, looking safe and calm as if continues to shine on the floating feather that glows with a warm light.

Ming lowers her arms and stares at the Lizard woman, her ear twitching.

"Now you see why you can't go any closer...."

Her ear twitches a again. She lowers her voice to a whisper.

"...your voice...it's faint.."
Well... that wasn't good.

Tanith took a few steps back, eyeing the light. It was dangerous. Perhaps it would be best to just leave...

She started to turn and leave, when she froze. A voice had started to echo throughout the temple.

>You must help me.<

The voice was soft and feminine, with a hunt of pain in it.

((*flexes co-owner powers* |D))
Ming turns to the feather, her eyes wide and amazed. She lowers to her knees and clasps her hands together, bowing her head.

"Your voice...it has been too long since your voice last spoke within this temple. My Lady, what is it you wish for me to do to aid you in this time?"

The feather's light grows brighter, thr glow of the golden light pulsing withing the pilliar of light.
Le'beam had his back against a pillar, brewing in his own thoughts when he caught in the corner of his eye the brilliance of the feather. Turning to look upon it, he was engulfed in vertigo and collapsed to the ground. He hurriedly pick himself back up again, to stare unto the brilliant feather once more. Deep within his mind, something told him that this shinning feather would lead him to what he seeked, something that could satisfy the carnal need that was a driving force behind every want he ever had.

Enivari looked around for the source of the voice, and, finding none, determined that it must've been from where it sounded like it was from - the pillar of light, or perhaps the feather. When the feather seemed, somehow, to respond to the catperson's voice, this only confirmed it. It seemed that the feather was some important... being.

Well. After those vines, Enivari couldn't say that this was more impossible, although it did seem weirder, somehow. It felt that way, but it wasn't the real truth, so Enivari disregarded the feeling.

"Who are you?"
>My Priestess I need you to retrieve the Bells... Please...< The voice echoed.

Tanith was tense. Voices-from-nowhere couldn't be good... She turned around and started to rush from the temple.

"Let's go, we've got what we needed...!"
Ming looks up at the father, a little confused at the statment. Surely the Bells were still within the temple, safe from any intruder.

Weren't they?

"My Lady...The Bells...aren't they still at the temple...?"

She then notices that the lizard and her comrades starting to leave the temple, the lizard woman claiming that they've got what they were after and were to leave.

The Box.

Ming growled loudly, her vision turning red.

"The outsiders! They've have taken your relic Box!"
Fwak squawked, surprised by the voice-from-nowhere. And the cat-person seemed angry... Very angry...

So Fwak did whay any bird would do in the presence of an angry cat; he fled. He leapt from where he was standing and followed Tanith. He was a bit bothered by the fact that they didn't manage to get the feather, but his instincts told him to run. Like hell. Powerful reptilian legs pounding the ground, Fwak took off and flew into the trees outside the temple.

"Come on, Jack, before that cat-person eats us or something," he called out, gripping the branches of the tree tightly with his right hand.
As Fkawqoiau'dvan called out to Le'beam, the young man stood frozen between two very distinct decisions he had to chose between. Within him the forces of these two options clashed against one another, consuming all other thoughts until his mind contained only one singular path of action. That action was to take none at all, leaving him empty minded as the singularity became an absence of thought.

Without him the ship would be flying without a medic, which would be suicide in the fringe space which the planet resided. Even if they did decide to leave without him, he would at least have the consolation of taking the path of greed that happened to coincide with his conscience.

"... I...I'm sorry buddy... It just not something I can do." He quietly said in response to Fkawqoiau'dvan's urging, chewing on his lip in contemplation of his actions.
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>The bells are gone. Go retrieve them. You're my only hope, my priestess, and these pirates are the key. Go with them. That is the only way that you will be able to travel to the far-flung reaches of the universe in which the bells are located...< The voice sounded sad and weak, begging.

Tanith darted down the stairs and ran towards the edge of the large clearing it was located in. Suddenly, she tripped and landed with a thud into a large crater-like hole.

"What...? What's this?" She hissed, clambering out on all eights, grumbling in her native tongue.
"I...must join them...?"

Ming looks at the light, dazed by it's plea. Surely the great Phoenix knew that these outsiders couldn't be trusted. Ming turns her head to the enterence, her heart heavy.

"...As you wish...but How do I turst these putsiders. How do I know they won't take off with the bells after we find them...they already lied about giving the relic box..."

She then notices that one of the outsiders, The human, was still in the temple. Her eyes narrow at him, fangs bared.

"Why haven't you flee with the rest of your group, human"


Meanwhile, outside the temple.

The crater shutters under Tanith's foot. It shutters slowly and weakly.

one would think that the crater was alive
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