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Search results

  1. Murkrowfeather

    Never-Turn-Back; Murky's Attempt at an Art Thread

    You're in Never-Turn-Back. It's the gray area between the Pokémon worlds... and where I'm in charge! First off, don't ask about the Giratina. You should understand in about two months, give or take a few weeks. ^^ Also, Never-Turn-Back is the name I made up for Giratina's realm of...
  2. Murkrowfeather


    I use the Murky Barrage - Murkrows are so much more efficient and painful than lions. ^^
  3. Murkrowfeather

    OMG the smurfs...

    I felt no pain. :3 Never saw an episode of the Smurfs, save one. ^^
  4. Murkrowfeather

    WOAH. Magnetic Skittles?

    Quite pleasant, actually. Had a tint of lemon. :3
  5. Murkrowfeather

    In Progress The Monster of the Cinnabar Mansion

    IT WAS A ONE-TAILED NO-HANDED MAN-EATING DRATINI MONSTER~ ONE-TAILED NO-HANDED MAN-EATING DRATINI MONSTER~ ONE-TAILED NO-HANDED MAN-EATING DRATINI MONSTER~ Sure sounded strange to me. (Man-eating?) Heh heh, couldn't resist. This sounds very good. I think I know what's gonna happen...
  6. Murkrowfeather

    WOAH. Magnetic Skittles?

    I just opened my little bag of Skittles from Halloween, and I was pretty creeped out. The topmost seven skittles in the bag were all brown, and the other colors were shoved to the back in the corner. It amused me. xD
  7. Murkrowfeather

    Lulz, I'm writing a fanfic guide for no apparent reason. xD

    Lulz, I'm writing a fanfic guide for no apparent reason. xD
  8. Murkrowfeather

    Star Fox 911 Prank Call

    This is very funny, but the operator would probably hang up about twenty seconds through the prank. He has better things to do. DDD:
  9. Murkrowfeather

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers

    GONGG GONGG GONGGGGG Dewgongeru is amazing. :o In every way, she is superiorrrrr. xD
  10. Murkrowfeather


  11. Murkrowfeather

    Where did you get your Username from?

    To quote one of my old user titles, "It's a feather. From a Murkrow."
  12. Murkrowfeather

    Planned Teams for Platinum?

    I have no team set in stone, but it will include Houndoom and Murkrow if it is still available. ;D
  13. Murkrowfeather

    another homework poll ...

    Picked Gym, mostly because it's last period. My Gym teacher likes to have us in post-class huddle discussions, I need to run all the way across the school and back while taking the long way (there's a staircase right in front of us, but it's the up staircase and we need to go down) and dodging...
  14. Murkrowfeather

    RAMEN!!! :D

    ROM-NOM-NOM Ramen is fun. xD And, the proper term is "What is this 'ramen' of which you speak?"
  15. Murkrowfeather

    PRESIDENT (ELECT) Barack Obama

    He isn't actually President until late January, but... OBAMA IS PRESIDENT! WH-HOO! The community I live in is mostly McCain supporters, but OH WELL! WH-HOO!
  16. Murkrowfeather


  17. Murkrowfeather

    Poetry about forum members

    I don't see my username gracing these pages. GRACE THEM. DDD: Ahaha, these are awesome. Totally random and totally amazing. Make mine soon!
  18. Murkrowfeather

    Need help thinking up random quests...

    Maybe we could help you if you provided some background info on the place you're writing about?
  19. Murkrowfeather

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    No, I won't be doing it. I'm too young. D:
  20. Murkrowfeather

    Should there be anime only pokemon

    We have enough filler episodes nobody likes already. Why should we add more Pokémon just for it? If we're adding exclusive Pokémon, they should be for the games.
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