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Search results

  1. Pikachu Goddess

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose Aw, crap. You people are cruel, making me lose like that...
  2. Pikachu Goddess

    Least Favorite Pokemon?

    Rhypherior and Mr. Mime. Both are so freaking retarded. Don't forget Lucario. It's more so a dislike than utter hate. It looks too much like Mewtwo, and that just irks me, along with the fact that it replaced Mewtwo in Brawl. :(
  3. Pikachu Goddess

    Pokémon's Hidden Faces

    Pokémon's Hidden Faces Basically, this is theories about what's under Cubone's skull, Forretress' shell, etc. For Cubone, I think it looks like Marowak's head, except brown. ... And I have nothing else. :D;;
  4. Pikachu Goddess

    The anime may, in fact, be deeper and more depressing than I thought...

    ................................. ._. ...... I'm speechless. To take something in that much depth... it's remarkable.
  5. Pikachu Goddess

    What Pokemon mood are you in?

    Mewtwo. Calm, maybe a bit sad with who knows what, and I'm feeling kind of conservative (storing energy, trying to relax a bit).
  6. Pikachu Goddess

    Favorite Gym Leader?

    Volkner. I have no clue why. Oh, wait, because I'm a fan of his personality and his official art. :3
  7. Pikachu Goddess

    Dialga Vs. Palkia

    Ooh, they're tied now! :O I picked Palkia because of the design (well, for when I was deciding between Diamond and Pearl) and I like its type picks. Water makes sense for a Pokémon that's involved with space. And, well, I like Spacial Rend's animation. :B Zangoose: Ooh, thanks. Now I'll see...
  8. Pikachu Goddess

    What Pokemon have you sworn you saw in real life?

    ^ Darkrai has two eyes. Now, to add on to the list... I was at a museum thingy and I saw a Murkrow fly infront of a window. Had the witch hat head and everything. Then I saw another one fly into a tree on the way from said museum. Then I saw a Breloom in the clouds. Then I saw an Odd...
  9. Pikachu Goddess

    What's your favourite Regi?

    Re: The Regi Palace Regirock has always been my favourite. I can't explain why. Now that makes me want to watch the movie even more. D:
  10. Pikachu Goddess

    What pokemon do you never want to evolve?

    Pikachu shall never evolve if I have one. >D Oh, and I've taken a recent liking to Drifloon. Blame Drifloon Rocks. ... and that's all I can think of.
  11. Pikachu Goddess

    Database Error?

    Re: Random Thing.... Yep. Right when I tried to enter the main page of the forums. But I eventually logged on, though.
  12. Pikachu Goddess

    What is your favourite single Pokemon ever

    Pikapi!!! :DDD I also like Mewtwo, Darkrai, Houndoom and Mightyena.
  13. Pikachu Goddess

    what is your favorite legendary pokemon?

    My favourite used to be Suicune when Crystal and the Pokémon movie came out... Then it was Groudon for Ruby. But now, the most definite favourites are Mewtwo and Darkrai. I cannot begin to describe their coolness. *huggles both*
  14. Pikachu Goddess

    What Pokemon have you sworn you saw in real life?

    I want to see Darkrai on a roof... ;_; Speaking of said legendary, I had a nightmare right after I got a Darkrai promo card. o_o (I already said this in the Strange Dreams thread, but it has to be repeated since I think it's so awesome/freaky!) Oh, and I keep on seeing a Persian tail flash in...
  15. Pikachu Goddess

    What Pokemon are you emotionally attached to?

    Pikachu: First Pokémon I ever saw, first Pokémon I ever drew, my favourite Pokémon ever since Pokémon came out, and I can never see my crush as anything else ever since I named my partner after him in MD2... the list goes on. Mewtwo: I love how troubled he his (but not in a bad way!), and...
  16. Pikachu Goddess

    Strange Dreams/Nightmares

    I had a dream where a Jigglypuff had a stick of glue that could freeze people how they were (my dad was frozen sitting on the piano bench facing away from the piano with his arms up as if he were playing. He looked startled, and seeing him like that scared me) and I was trying to hide from it. I...
  17. Pikachu Goddess

    Who's your favorite Eeveelution?

    Umbreon. I've always liked the Dark-type, so Umbreon just happened to fall as favourite. Flareon is second just 'cause.
  18. Pikachu Goddess

    It's raining below Lake Valor!

    Once. I didn't think anything of it, actually. Never thought it was anything out of the ordinary.
  19. Pikachu Goddess

    Three word story

    ... set fire to...
  20. Pikachu Goddess

    Strange Dreams/Nightmares

    Well, a weird dream I had involved me being disguised as a boy. It was really strange. I remember riding on a motorcycle with a couple of guys from my school to my house. Oh, and when I needed fitting clothing for the disguise I remember being in a change room with a bunch of guy's clothes and...
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