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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

What Pokemon have you sworn you saw in real life?

@John: I saw a couple hans and a weird head the hands were gripping sideways onto the doorframe and the head was sideways then it turned into a shuppet and dissapeared without a trace!
Your brain makes you see what you what you want to see....
Maybe brains will get more complicated and make you feel it hear it and smell it.
That way everybody who belived in pokemon could see them and interact with them.:)
Hehe hehe.
Boy I do wish, but I've never seen anything. However, I have seen the following Pokemon in my dreams...:


May have left some out, but...
Your brain makes you see what you what you want to see....
Maybe brains will get more complicated and make you feel it hear it and smell it.
That way everybody who belived in pokemon could see them and interact with them.:)
Hehe hehe.

I don't think I wanted to see Darkrai walking on the roof.O-O

I want to see Darkrai on a roof... ;_;

Speaking of said legendary, I had a nightmare right after I got a Darkrai promo card. o_o (I already said this in the Strange Dreams thread, but it has to be repeated since I think it's so awesome/freaky!)

Oh, and I keep on seeing a Persian tail flash in the corner of my eye right by the staircase when I go downstairs to play the piano.
Yesterday. Magikarp.

My family and I took my best friend and we went to Pymatuning and we were feeding all the Carp, ducks, and seagulls there when I glanced down and saw an orange carp!! What else could it be besides Magikarp?? Nothing I tell you, NOTHING!!!!!!!1!!one

Oh, and I know I have seen Taillow everywhere.

At night when I was in bed I saw a small flahing light that was yellow. I thought it was a Lanturn because the shadow looked like one too, that round shape and hanging light thing on it's head...so I went down slowly as I was scared [hey it was night and it was all dark and the light was behind the light plus it could shock me XD]
So I went up and...it was my dad's electric toothbrush charging and... one of my bags where my gameboy advance sp and nintendo ds goes in when traveling was there in a strange angle. I should of noticed the bumps all around the outside but I didn't.

From EeveeSkitty
I know i saw a ralts!!
i was sitting down waiting for my bus that was an hour late and i saw a figure with horns rushing into the woods then my bus came and it disappered!
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When I was up in Estes Park, I thought I saw a shadow of a Piplup in a river, but it was probably my imagination. Oh well. :(

You never told me about that! *Feels betrayed somwehow* Once, it was getting dark outside, and I was still jumping on my trampoline, when I heard rustling. I looked and I see..... My pooch. He's poodle/pameraneon, but I could've sworn it was Poocheyna. Although only for a split second.
Many years ago, around the time the 2nd generation of Pokemon was coming out, I'd seen a strange shadow on my bedroom window at night. Now, years later, I realize that it looked a lot like a Darkrai, even though that was long before it came out.... Wierd
When around rse came out I was in an ally way and i swear a Poochyena was staring at me then ran away, 3 months later I was in the same ally way with a friend and we saw a Mightyena run across the entrance and when we chased after it it was gone.

A year later I was just about to sleep and I saw a huge shadow stand in front of my window and a faint outline of red eyes then I went to sleep and had horrible nightmares and I didn't wake up till 7pm. I swear it was Darkrai.

three months later I was looking up at the sky with my friend and the clouds where a pink colour then a huge bird with orange, yellow, green, and gold feathers flies right over us and we looked back and it was gone. We thought it was ho-oh.

Two months ago I was walking to the grocery store and I kept on hearing a mew. I searched everywhere just in case if it was an odd sounding kitten. I found nothing and kept walking but the mews kept on irritating me so I looked again only to see a light pink blur go pass my face and the mews stopped after that. I was highly convinced it was mew.

I have seen sperrow (Kinda easy) and Tallow and even a swellow and I am not a compleat pokemon freak and I didn't even know of Darkrai when I saw the shadow in my window. (I was really scared when I saw it in p/d and it kept tormenting me whenever I saw it) *Shivers*.
One night I couldn't sleep and it was really late and dark outside. I decided to stare out the window because I couldn't sleep anyway, and I saw a shadow fly past my window. It looked like a bird, but it was black. It absolutely HAD to be a Murkrow that kept me up so I could see it. What else could it have been?
A year later I was just about to sleep and I saw a huge shadow stand in front of my window and a faint outline of red eyes then I went to sleep and had horrible nightmares and I didn't wake up till 7pm. I swear it was Darkrai.

Darkrai doesn't have red eyes, it has a single blue eye.
^ Darkrai has two eyes.

Now, to add on to the list... I was at a museum thingy and I saw a Murkrow fly infront of a window. Had the witch hat head and everything. Then I saw another one fly into a tree on the way from said museum.

Then I saw a Breloom in the clouds.

Then I saw an Odd Keystone. It had the same markings (although the two dots were oversized), the same crack, and the shape. Sadly, it was fused into the concrete, so I couldn't get it. :(

Oh, and when I was in the bathroom in my basement, I saw a Persian step into the hallway in the mirror. Turned around and, well, it disappeared. The same Persian that I see by the piano, anyone?
When around rse came out I was in an ally way and i swear a Poochyena was staring at me then ran away, 3 months later I was in the same ally way with a friend and we saw a Mightyena run across the entrance and when we chased after it it was gone.

A year later I was just about to sleep and I saw a huge shadow stand in front of my window and a faint outline of red eyes then I went to sleep and had horrible nightmares and I didn't wake up till 7pm. I swear it was Darkrai.

three months later I was looking up at the sky with my friend and the clouds where a pink colour then a huge bird with orange, yellow, green, and gold feathers flies right over us and we looked back and it was gone. We thought it was ho-oh.

Two months ago I was walking to the grocery store and I kept on hearing a mew. I searched everywhere just in case if it was an odd sounding kitten. I found nothing and kept walking but the mews kept on irritating me so I looked again only to see a light pink blur go pass my face and the mews stopped after that. I was highly convinced it was mew.

I have seen sperrow (Kinda easy) and Tallow and even a swellow and I am not a compleat pokemon freak and I didn't even know of Darkrai when I saw the shadow in my window. (I was really scared when I saw it in p/d and it kept tormenting me whenever I saw it) *Shivers*.
What have you been smoking? I want some of that.
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