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You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

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Re: You laugh you lose

You actually find that funny? It's really the result of me, hanging around boredly, thinking, "Gee, I could use a new custom member title. Oh I know!" *clicks link*

*adds tally mark to list of people who think I have a sense of humor* Thankies!
Re: You laugh you lose

Oak: Delia! I just got word that Ash beat the elite four! You know what that means!
Delia: :D
Re: You laugh you lose

wait wait WAIT

how can one who is grossed out by sex (ejaculation, after all, is an essential part of sex) have a dirty mind?

I'm pretty sure your mind is relatively clean
Re: You laugh you lose

I agree, only that was an extremely outrageous claim that I simply had to rebuke.

I hope you will forgive me for degrading this thread into a discussion about semen. So here is an image to make up for it:
Re: You laugh you lose

No idea how many times I lost, especially in the last two pages. This is the best thread ever. Nothing to post, though.
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