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Search results

  1. Pikachu Goddess

    What Pokemon do you like that other people hate?

    I like them... ;_; I like them, too! I have them on every single R/S/E file I have. That Pokémon is so. Freaking. AWESOME! *huggles Houndoom* Almost everyone I know hates Pikachu. That's a no-brainer. My brother and sister put sticky notes on my Pikachu plushie that say "Pikapoo!" with a little...
  2. Pikachu Goddess

    D/P/Pt Azelf and Uxie

    No second chance at redemption, at least by my experiences. Either way I'm too chicken to run from them. xD
  3. Pikachu Goddess

    Would you rename a type?

    Let's see... - Grass to Plant - Fighting to Combat (I really like that, Cryptica. :D) - Steel to Metal - Ghost to Spirit Changing Ground to Earth and Flying to Wind shouldn't happen. They're already in many games and, personally, it's kind of overused.
  4. Pikachu Goddess

    What Pokemon have you sworn you saw in real life?

    I remember seeing a small furry Pokémon walking in my room. I think it was an Eevee... There was also a time when I thought I saw my small Pikachu plushie lift its arms up out of the corner of my eye. I looked over towards it and it was the same as I left it. I tend to have an overactive...
  5. Pikachu Goddess


    I used to play, but then stopped. I mean, after you've beaten every quest (and a few member ones - yeah, I was that obsessed) and have reached level 77, there's nothing much else to do except become the next Zezima or whatever it is now. It has lost its golden touch for me. I never really go on...
  6. Pikachu Goddess


    Ghosts. Deathly afraid of ghosts. Everytime I see a picture of them I'm close to breaking down in fear. I think that fear became most prominent when I had to research Amityville Horror for a project... Oh, and having a member of my family die, especially my dad for some reason. Don't forget...
  7. Pikachu Goddess

    Favorite Food

    Ichiban noodles. As for desert, ice cream cake. *drools* ... Great, now I'm craving them. Thanks a lot. ;D
  8. Pikachu Goddess

    Names for Gold and Silver Remakes

    Ooh, la la. Those are really nice names. I saw Dusk and Dawn on Digimon DS game cases.
  9. Pikachu Goddess

    what would happen if team rocket stole pikachu and pikachu turned evil and wanted to destroy of all sihnoh

    It wouldn't happen. But if it did, yeah, Ash would pull some "you're my best friend and always will be" and "I believe in you" crap on Pikachu, then all would be well.
  10. Pikachu Goddess

    Has Pokemon ever embarrassed you?

    My friends aren't crazy about Pokémon, but they can tolerate my occasional babbling on the subject. They don't poke fun at me for it (except for one...), and I'm greatful for that.
  11. Pikachu Goddess

    What is the absolute cutest Pokemon EVAR?

    Well, it's obviously Probopass... Of course not. Pikachu all the way! *huggles plushie*
  12. Pikachu Goddess

    What do you think of...

    I think it's funny and perverted at the same time. What do you think of "Indiana Jones"?
  13. Pikachu Goddess

    What if Pikachu evolved?

    I would cry. ;_;
  14. Pikachu Goddess

    WTF Pokemon?

    *watches episode 1* Oh, my God, that was so damn funny! Amazing! Pure genius! But it's so funny seeing how much mistakes they think that they can get away with. Since the show's meant for children, they probably never thought that an older audience would watch and pick up things like that.
  15. Pikachu Goddess

    Do you want Pokémon Mystery Dungeon to happen to you?

    Re: Do you want Pokémon Mystery Dungeon to happen to you? I would want my partner to be Mewtwo, Houndoom or Darkrai. :D Of course we have to have our favourite Pokémon as partners! Oh, and a fanfic I'm writing is based on MD.
  16. Pikachu Goddess

    MD2 Déja Vu (Hey - It Rhymes.)

    Re: MD2 Déja Vu (Hey - It Rhymes.) ... Actually, I think I may have entered Temporal Tower through the same spot twice. Maybe that's how it happened? (Well, it looked the same...)
  17. Pikachu Goddess

    Has Pokemon ever embarrassed you?

    Ugh. I really hate it when people do that. I was drawing a Lugia during class and the girl I mentioned earlier blurted out "What's that Pokémon you're drawing? Is it a bird?" for the whole class to hear. ... And similar things happened. Another time with Pikachu, Mewtwo, and many others.
  18. Pikachu Goddess

    The Final Pokemon Game

    Roxxor, you ought to work for Nintendo someday. XD For a new game, I say that you have the following: - Your starter following you around (like ... said) - Being able to talk to your Pokémon and see how they're feeling and how much they like you instead of having that lady tell you. - Actually...
  19. Pikachu Goddess

    [PMD2] Outlaw Missions or Rescue Missions?

    Outlaw all the way. For the said reasons above. Ooh! Ooh! And for the kickass music! :D It's so peppy! Wow, outlaws are winning 15 to 1! :O xD
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