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Would you rename a type?

How about Flying ---> Sky?
...:D? Anyone like my idea?

I also agree with Grass ---> Plant; Ghost ---> Spirit; and Steel ---> Metal.
Yeah, but, you know, DRAGON and GHOST and sort of FLYING are the same: describing characteristics rather than element.
that's not really what i said. "bug" denotes the pokemon being "icky" or "gross", since it's used to mean that for any invertebrate that lives on land. meanwhile, "ghost" denotes the pokemon being capable of intangibility, invisibility, levitation and possession, "flying" denotes the pokemon being able to fly and manipulate wind, and "dragon" denotes the pokemon being extremely powerful and cool as well as being a reptile. in fact, dragon's connotation is almost the complete opposite of bug's.
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Ground shouldn't be changed to Earth because it discriminates against other planets.
I found that hilarious. xD It's so true.

I don't think Ground and Flying should be changed to Earth and Air/Wind; those alternatives are used everywhere. And I don't think they'd really fit Pokemon; Earth and Air seem to me like the elements of a fantasy game. Wait... okay, a magical fantasy game. With spells and such.

Before seeing this thread, I would never have thought twice about any of these, but now that I think about it, I don't really like the names of the Fighting, Poison, and Normal types, though I can't think of what they would be changed to.
come to think of it, poison bothers me too, since "poison" itself is a pretty vague term. also, poisons and venoms are entirely different, yet uses of both within pokemon are considered the same thing. Toxin or Hazard would be a lot better.

many details of the pokemon world would be a lot different if it was up to me.
I think "Dark" could be changed to "Night," considering how many Dark-types there are that have something to do with night.

As with the Normal and Fighting-types, Normal probably could be changed to Common or something. I haven't thought of anything for Fighting except Combat.
...Fighting could be Ninja :P
Then again, that wouldn't fit for a lot of them.
...How about Poison is Toxic or Toxin? Maybe Psychic could be Mind?
Whoever said Normal should be changed to Common - do you consider Kangaskhan, Chansey and Porygon 'common'?

I don't think any should be changed, personally. And, uh, RandomTyphoon, Unown have nothing to do with the ??? type. They're Psychic.
Let's see...

- Grass to Plant
- Fighting to Combat (I really like that, Cryptica. :D)
- Steel to Metal
- Ghost to Spirit

Changing Ground to Earth and Flying to Wind shouldn't happen. They're already in many games and, personally, it's kind of overused.
Like whoever said, some types are just describing the characteristics. Or whatever.

Which is why none should be changed.
Actually, Dark would be more "evil" than "night". The Dark type in Pokémon doesn't really mean the element dark, as in dark magic, but rather, dark moves are evil and bad tricks. Like Thief, Faint Attack, Snatch, Switcheroo...

Then again, there are a few Dark moves which actually use Dark energy - Dark Pulse comes to mind.
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