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Would you rename a type?

I just don't like that it is, mostly because of the "dark=evil" stereotype. I kinda like "dark" stuff, but not "evil" stuff. I don't want to think of some of my favorite Pokemon are "evil", even if I know they aren't just because of their type, but you get what I mean...

I would have to kill somebody if that renaming happened. Okay, kill is going a bit too far... Maybe just throw eggs at and toilet paper at their house.
Yeah, but as someone already said, Dark is called 'Evil' in Japan.
bug -> insect

Ariados and Spinark, anyone? They aren't insects.

come to think of it, poison bothers me too, since "poison" itself is a pretty vague term. also, poisons and venoms are entirely different, yet uses of both within pokemon are considered the same thing. Toxin or Hazard would be a lot better.

All too true. I guess venom is poisonous, so poison would cover more things then a venom type.

Ice - Snow
Fire - Flame
Rock - Stone
Ground - Earth
Water - Aqua

D: No. Just no. Flame and Aqua are overused, and "Earth" is more of grass and land, not ground. Stone is ok, I guess...

Let's see...

- Grass to Plant
- Fighting to Combat (I really like that, Cryptica. :D)
- Steel to Metal
- Ghost to Spirit

Changing Ground to Earth and Flying to Wind shouldn't happen. They're already in many games and, personally, it's kind of overused.

I like these ideas! Metal is a must, and Combat sounds cooler than fighting.
Whaddabout like... Dragon -> Serpent? Naw that's too tacky...
Dark - > Shady... ew no that makes me think of scary people at night.
Perhaps Ghost --> Haunt ? Meh... the well of creavity is empty.
The Grass type's always bugged me. I mean, I've always thought, "Hey, Venusaur doesnt have grass on its back!...It has a freaking flower!" But then, it's easier to picture grass being scorched by fire than a nice, sturdy tree which is always what comes to my mind when I say "plant".

But that's nothing compared to calling Venusaur grass. >:o
grass should be plant alot of pokemon are not covered in grass they have leaves and flowers! and in torrettas case trees.

steel should be metal *steel* is 1 metal their not all steel bronzor bronzong.

the rest is fine
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