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Search results

  1. Alexi

    Strange, but I feel great now

    Thanks UV X3 Oh course you are Altmershed <33333
  2. Alexi

    How do you like your steak?

    Well. The taste of only partially-cooked meat is kinda gross. D:
  3. Alexi

    Strange, but I feel great now

    So my boyfriend broke up with me. As many of you know, I've been spouting about how great he is since I started dating him; I really did and still do like him. But it seems our differences have finally clashed in a way that we just can't stay together and make each other reasonably happy. And...
  4. Alexi

    Funny Player Names/Rival Names

    I named myself after my witch name, Lucian, and my rival Salam, after a guy I happen to have a crush on. D: But I *did* name my starter, a cyndaquill, after my boyfriend, so it's fine, right? ...I have problems ._.
  5. Alexi

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

  6. Alexi

    Shower Questions :D

    I can go three weeks without showering. I don't usually smell that bad, either. :D When I do shower, I wash my hair with whatever happens to be there, usually my mom's stuff, wash with my Axe body wash (currently Dark Temptation - it doesn't turn you into chocolate D: ) and then shave. Then...
  7. Alexi

    Language Barrier in Music

    New Flash: Gaelic music is amazing.
  8. Alexi

    Funny Typos?

    My typos include "incest" instead of "incense" and "cock" instead of "clock" (this is made funnier considering both those typos occured in a story about gay boys). And once in my English class, while reading A Midsummer Night's Dream, my teacher kept calling Puck "Fuck". XD Hilarious to a...
  9. Alexi

    Unbelievable Luck

    I found a dunsparce in Dark Cave in Crystal yesterday. They weren't swarming. :D Okay, it *is* a dunsparce, but still. XD Also finding a shiny vulpix card and another giratina card in my new pack of Platinum cards was pretty lucky too~
  10. Alexi

    Naruto Fanclub

    I do believe Chouji means butterfly in Japanese, but I could be wrong. Also, Ino means boar. I think. o.O
  11. Alexi

    Naruto Fanclub

    Dude, Ino and Chouji are cute together. X3
  12. Alexi

    Education in US

    One kid in my ROP school's morning class had respelled "umbrella" as "unbrella". And his paper was filled with so many spelling and grammar mistakes. D:
  13. Alexi

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I just disected a rat and a frog. The rat was alright, and I found poo in it. The frog was awesome! It was a female and had a kajillion eggs in it. Plus its organs created a beautiful pattern.
  14. Alexi

    The LGBT Club

    Verne, I've always wanted to tell you but felt weird saying it, but you look a lot like my friend Patrick. Just thought you'd like to know. *shrug* And uh...I haven't seen any gay movies, so yeah. I have a few rainbowy things, mainly an awesome heart-shaped keychain from SanFran, but they...
  15. Alexi

    Sorry I haven't replied, I've been having similar computer troubles as you XD Beltane is my...

    Sorry I haven't replied, I've been having similar computer troubles as you XD Beltane is my favourite holiday. ^_^ I do do things for the sabbats. I've attended circles for Yule and Ostara. But sometimes I can't, due to school and such. On those days, I just due a quick-and-dirty prayer in...
  16. Alexi

    Egg Group Changes?

    I agree with this. Also, I read this as "Egg Soup Changes"
  17. Alexi

    If you had to play a game forever, what would it be?

    I would kill myself with the cartridge. Fuck that.
  18. Alexi

    Most Overrated & Underrated films ever.

    Re: Most Overrated film you've ever seen. I thought Epic Movie was going to be amazing. D:
  19. Alexi

    Vermont close to legalising samesex marriage

    I do believe Prop 8 is being tried in court right now. Anyway, yay Vermont~
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