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Vermont close to legalising samesex marriage


actually very huggable
Staff member

tl;dr: bill passed senate 26-4, still needs to go before house; governor (republican) says he will veto, but a two-thirds majority in both chambers overrules him. so... don't fuck this up, vermont house of representatives >:(
This better damn well pass so there's one more place in American that stops making it the giant oxymoron it is.
yay now people there that like it up the butt can sign a contract saying they like it up the butt

world became a better place

(as for people saying I just excluded lesbians, they like it up the butt too, they just use dildos)
Hmm, good news to my ears.

I'm glad some state besides California has decided to do something seemingly significant.
Hmm, good news to my ears.

I'm glad some state besides California has decided to do something seemingly significant.
Massachussets has had it since 2004 and they haven't repealed it, which makes them a cooler state.
It's also legal in Connecticut.
Dey' coo'.

I don't even know where Vermont is on the US map. [GOES TO FIND IT]
Oh it's at the top. One of the tinytiny states!
So homosexuals in Vermont might get the same benefits under law as those heterosexuals in a formalised relationship? Well, let's hope that the bill passes there, and that the other states pull their own heads out of their asses and follow suit.
Yeah, a law allowing same-sex partners to marry passed in California in mid-2008, but Proposition 8, which limits marriage soley to opposite-sex couples, passed in November '08. And there are steps being taken by loads of groups to help legalise same-sex marriage again, but I don't think a vote or suchlike is being taken anytime in the near future.

I can't express how much the fact Prop 8 not only passed but was allowed to exist in the first place shocks and horrifies me.
Yeah, a law allowing same-sex partners to marry passed in California in mid-2008, but Proposition 8, which limits marriage soley to opposite-sex couples, passed in November '08. And there are steps being taken by loads of groups to help legalise same-sex marriage again, but I don't think a vote or suchlike is being taken anytime in the near future.

I can't express how much the fact Prop 8 not only passed but was allowed to exist in the first place shocks and horrifies me.

The great thing is that prop 8 is not really having much of an effect. A lot of the details (are marriages conducted already void?) are vague, and the mayor of San Francisco is merrily ignoring the whole thing.

edit, 3rd april: suddenly, Iowa! in a unanimous decision! meanwhile, vermont is three votes short of two thirds in the house. this could get interesting.
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The great thing is that prop 8 is not really having much of an effect. A lot of the details (are marriages conducted already void?) are vague, and the mayor of San Francisco is merrily ignoring the whole thing.

edit, 3rd april: suddenly, Iowa! in a unanimous decision! meanwhile, vermont is three votes short of two thirds in the house. this could get interesting.

Well, I'm glad that the mayor of San Fransisco was merrily ignoring it all but why not officially get rid of the prop 8 then?

Hopefully Vermont will get the two thirds, if it hasn't already.
whoa iowa the fuck out of nowhere :0 Way to go, America! You're slowly but surely getting in touch with the modern world, socially-speaking 'v'

And the Mayor of SanFran can't get rid of Prop 8 himself, the Californian judges have to do that (and they're trying, apparently).
The Southern states are pretty much another country altogether.

Agree with you there. :< We're apparently (and appropriately) nicknamed the 'bible belt'. You can't drive down a main street without seeing any churches, and I bet less than 5% of the population is atheist. I have friends who oppose samesex marriage, much to my disdain. :<
whoa iowa the fuck out of nowhere

I know, right? And it's not like California where the ban was overturned by a single vote. It's going to be a hell of a lot more difficult to reinstate it with a unanimous decision, even if Iowa is a little less liberal overall.
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