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Search results

  1. Zoroark

    Testing thread

    I haven't found the limit yet. It might depend on how many characters the signature field can hold.
  2. Zoroark

    Members MIA

    I know Meowth apparently had my username for a while. Also, I think I might be on your ignore list. I might also think you should be enjoying this time away from the guy who spams your visitor messages, rather than worrying about whether he's going to pop up at any moment like a wak-a-mole.
  3. Zoroark


    The way people here talk, you'd think that memes, anime-style battling, and Mafia were the only points of interest. There's lots to do and obsess over. Like. Um. Lots of stuff. Excuse me while I run off back to the roleplay forums, via the debate, laughing cupboard and pokemon discussion...
  4. Zoroark

    Hi people of TCoD forums

    I wonder what characters you play, what style your writing takes, and whether you're good at characterisation, or if they all turn out the same? I think I'll stare at you for a while. ... Okay, done. Welcome to the forums.
  5. Zoroark

    I am odd

    I always thought that time was an inadvertent side-product of the expansion of the universe. Of course, time, as humans think of it, is likely an illusion; we have to chop it up into manageable bits, like hours, days, months and years, because staring down the smoking barrel of Eternity is just...
  6. Zoroark


    I wonder why it's inevitable that everyone is going to have a fish-based reference in their welcome posts when someone tells everyone else to put the fish away? It seems like it's merely asking for trouble. In fact, I think I'll be unique in that I won't bring any fishy references to the...
  7. Zoroark

    Maeror Astrorum [Sign-up/OOC] OPEN

    Maybe I'll have Arcane hang around Opelucid for a while, at least until Pyre catches up a little. It might be funny if he's lagging behind, hearing all these things about a grey-skinned human with the ability to manipulate illusions, and he finally catches up when he spots the ex-zoroark...
  8. Zoroark

    Maeror Astrorum [Sign-up/OOC] OPEN

    Woo! I'll hold off on posting until I'm sure where Lampent-Boy is, I think. That means I'm waiting for Seeker's first post.
  9. Zoroark

    Open Maeror Astrorum

    Cold tiles chilled Arcane's bare feet as he pattered through the tunnel. He looked around interestedly; taking in the screen on one wall, with it's various images and photographs of the Village Bridge, the electronic ticker just above it, and the incomprehensible symbols that seemed to flow...
  10. Zoroark

    Maeror Astrorum [Sign-up/OOC] OPEN

    Okay, quick question; if you had some stranger come up to you and basically say 'Drop what you're doing, and take me to a foreign country just because I say so' would you do it? Even if they spoke your language, I can't really see it happening. I'd think that asking a Bidoof if he's seen some...
  11. Zoroark

    Common-sense and I have... more of a passing acquaintance at best; I can sometimes be entirely...

    Common-sense and I have... more of a passing acquaintance at best; I can sometimes be entirely dense and oblivious to the obvious, but I do try to listen when someone points out my mistakes. I just try to pass on the good advice I've seen around the 'net.
  12. Zoroark

    Maeror Astrorum [Sign-up/OOC] OPEN

    You're accidentally aboard when it takes off? Okay, less 'accidentally', and more 'planning to steal something', but it amounts to the same thing.
  13. Zoroark

    Oops, why don't I ever post

    I think you vanished for a while there, right? Welcome back; I'm Zoroark, and I love the Random tag; just refresh the page and watch my signature to see it in action. I do hope you stick around a little longer this time.
  14. Zoroark

    Maeror Astrorum [Sign-up/OOC] OPEN

    I think I may have solved the problem of how Arcane is going to get to the others. Mostly by looking at the Town Map on my game and randomly tapping towns with my stylus. I think he might hitch-hike on a plane, accidentally.
  15. Zoroark

    How did you become a Pokémon?

    Re: How did you become a Pokémon? Well, after that epicness my story is bland and boring. I was born. From an egg. Annnd... I think I evolved once. Yeah. That's pretty boring.
  16. Zoroark

    That was when someone turned his own observation on him, and he came up with that 'witty' remark...

    That was when someone turned his own observation on him, and he came up with that 'witty' remark so that it didn't apply. Personally, I think he was a little too enthusiastic in his attempts at psycoanaly- Point taken.
  17. Zoroark

    I think you're busy and distracted with something else.

    I think you're busy and distracted with something else.
  18. Zoroark

    It's probably why I'm so happy here; there's a possibility that someone won't get the joke while...

    It's probably why I'm so happy here; there's a possibility that someone won't get the joke while others do, and at that point I start giggling like a loon while I make it even more obscure. Hem. Yes. It is definitely a little habit-forming.
  19. Zoroark

    I get the feeling that I'm at that age where truly terrible puns and plays on words seem...

    I get the feeling that I'm at that age where truly terrible puns and plays on words seem entirely hilarious. Especially when they go 'whoosh', straight over someone's head. At that point I take great pains to obfuscate the joke even further, so it's next to impossible for them to get it. I...
  20. Zoroark

    Your avatar is very beardly. +1 Approval.

    Your avatar is very beardly. +1 Approval.
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