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Search results

  1. Aisling

    Pokemon X/Y

    Apparently Newtwo is a different individual at least from the one in the first movie, because it apparently has a feminine voice in the new movie
  2. Aisling

    Pokemon X/Y

    Doesn't even look close, here are three reasons 1) The art isn't even close to Sugimori, look at those claws, the gems, and oh my god the back feet, it's just drawn badly 2) the 3D model is bad too 3) the Solosis it's fighting is literally the B/W sprite
  3. Aisling

    Pokemon X/Y

    I only realized Sudowoodo's name was even a pun or something (and then understood it) just now PSEUDO WOOD wow how did I not get that
  4. Aisling

    Pokemon X/Y

    that was actually my thought too like maybe that's why he looks so much more... babyish but it felt kind of obvious too and I have a thing for noticing things really late, pointing them out and looking really stupid u_u;
  5. Aisling

    Pokemon X/Y

    In your face, suckas Seriously I love it ;;
  6. Aisling

    Pokemon X/Y

    ... I thought he looked cool :<
  7. Aisling

    Pokemon X/Y

    Why are we not talking about the possible new Mewtwo thingy
  8. Aisling

    TCoD WSC: Rules

    Re: TCoD WSC: Week 1 Um, this was like four years ago and I'm pretty sure nobody's looked at this thread in at least three, but sure I guess?... changed the link in the original post.
  9. Aisling

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I'm getting a puppy next weekend! Here's his petfinder listing (hasn't been updated since our application was approved just this morning) I'm so excited!!
  10. Aisling

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I was given a hug today by JAMES PORTNOW JAMES FUCKING PORTNOW
  11. Aisling

    pfff :p She sounds like a fun person then!

    pfff :p She sounds like a fun person then!
  12. Aisling

    Pokemon X/Y

    Well I'm eternally disappointed I wanted my clover dragons dammit
  13. Aisling

    Pokemon X/Y

    Chryscross and Buggler are the supposed Pinsir and Heracross babies, that are supposedly going to be revealed around the 15th, as the image says I'm assuming Scimincer is a baby Scyther. I bet it'd be cuuuuute (but not as cute as the clover dragons)
  14. Aisling

    Pokemon X/Y

    A fire/ice Pokemon could have something to do with those... hot springs in cold mountains? Where those fuzzy white monkeys hang out?? (where is that, what are those) I'm assuming Darmanitan is related to this "Snomanitan" thing, and they're primates, and... hot spring primates yes. Fire/water...
  15. Aisling

    Pokemon X/Y

    It could be a prototype name or something or they're extending the character limit Or it could be BS. I totally forgot about character limits. we'll know for sure in about a week when that reveal of the baby bugs happens or doesn't. but I want the clover dragons to happen so bad i could cry...
  16. Aisling

    Pokemon X/Y

    I heard there's a rumor that Claydol is getting an evolution but gdi I hate when people don't cite their rumors at all and just say "I heard that rumor about Claydol getting an evolution so here's a fakemon design" Oh? "that" rumor? What rumor?? aaaghwhere do you people go to read this stuff I...
  17. Aisling

    Windows vs. OS X vs. Linux

    I just kinda stick with the OSes that come with my computer honestly (I know I'm going to be drawn and quartered for this-- vista on desktop, windows 7 on laptop), any problems I have are never really OS-related and more to do with the hardware. T: Otherwise my computers do what I want em to do...
  18. Aisling

    Yo Mama jokes

    Your mama's IQ is so low, she thinks "crafting" is something you do on the "criver" Your mama's IQ is so low, she thinks a "golemancer" is something you get when you ask a "golemquestion"
  19. Aisling

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Finally figured out how to abuse the RNG for eggs in BW! You can even do the IVs now! Like literally all you have to do is figure out what time you need to set your DS to, set your DS to that time, start the game at the right time (to get the right IVs), and then listen to two Chatats and their...
  20. Aisling

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I finally got to play Journey earlier tonight oh my god it's so good I wasn't living before I played it
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