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Search results

  1. Ferasquilee

    'Tis my birthday today. AGAIN!?

    In 3 minutes, it's not my birthday anymore. At least over here! Hm :/
  2. Ferasquilee

    Also, I remember you from last year. You had the same birthday as me then too, for some reason...

    Also, I remember you from last year. You had the same birthday as me then too, for some reason. So happy birthday! :3
  3. Ferasquilee

    The birthday is happy if I'm right! Keep on happy-ing!

    The birthday is happy if I'm right! Keep on happy-ing!
  4. Ferasquilee

    'Tis my birthday today. AGAIN!?

    This is why dictatorship exists. They force people to like stuff! Not that I would...
  5. Ferasquilee

    'Tis my birthday today. AGAIN!?

    ...I thought I did that. Oh well, doing that now.
  6. Ferasquilee

    'Tis my birthday today. AGAIN!?

    As you might have gathered from the title, and perhaps the little birthday thingy on the front page, 'tis my birthday today! Since it's no secret (you can see it on my profile page), I might just say that I'm 13 now! I can finally register on various forums and other sites without having to lie...
  7. Ferasquilee

    Link's Awakening DX Sequence Break - What the!?

    First off, I noticed the spoiler tag was failed, but I couldn't edit it from my 3DS browser. Second off, I tried hurting the giant Armos with my sword, but it didn't work. Must've hit the shield... Are you sure the Armos are supposed to be pushable without waking them up? To me it seems like a...
  8. Ferasquilee

    Link's Awakening DX Sequence Break - What the!?

    So, yesterday I bought and downloaded the GBC game LoZ: LADX from the 3DS eShop. It's the first time I've played LADX, but I have played Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of time. I'm currently writing this in the 3DS browser while running LADX in the background, actually! This is just after I'm...
  9. Ferasquilee

    What will happen after Gen.7?

    Perhaps they'll redesign the Pokédex to contain evolutionary lines instead of Pokémon (001-1, 001-2, 001-3, etc.)? :3 EDIT: And 9/11 is a Twin Towers Pokémon.
  10. Ferasquilee

    New tcod Style im not sure to like

    Not only the weird guy logo, but also there's a pile of jelly monsters in the corner, and for some reason a white pumpkin.
  11. Ferasquilee

    Hey, we miss you. Get back in here please?

    Hey, we miss you. Get back in here please?
  12. Ferasquilee


    Happeh birthday! Have a duck; Uh... DUCK! Sorry, I haven't got any ducks. Imagine I gave you one and everyone will be happy. And no one will get hurt. probably
  13. Ferasquilee


    Yeah, I can go anywhere on this forum and find this kind of stuff. I was checking ni the Pokémon talk section, and even there! But regardless, awesome mom you have! *Does happy dance for you*
  14. Ferasquilee

    Live Action Pokemon movie?

    Wow, so completely fake. As you guys said before, the CGI looks horrible and there are... guns!? In a Pokémon movie!? If this was real I wouldn't go see it. Bleh.
  15. Ferasquilee

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I just read through all posts in the Fwee thread, and it made me happehz!
  16. Ferasquilee

    Guess who just turned sixteen?

    Happy birthday even though I'm three days late! You got two awesome games for your birthday, SMG2 and DQIX! send me a copy Hope you have an awesome year!
  17. Ferasquilee

    What's your birthday on the the tCoD Zodiac?

    Day of Tangrowth Reign of Celebi Season of Knowledge Tangrowth is pretty good, I guess, and Season of Knowledge suits me perfectly. Celebi can time-travel! *Awesome face* Yup, I've got a good birthdate. Better than in the old zodiac, where I had Pidgey, Reign of Zapdos, Season of the Air...
  18. Ferasquilee

    No more Brock!

    Now I am sad. Brock is too awesome to leave the show. CURSE YOU, SHOGAKUKAN, CURSE YOU! (If they still own the series?)
  19. Ferasquilee

    Requests Open the new Post-Modern Age

    Sorry for the gigabump, but it's open, so I figured I'd post a request. I'd like a pokéteam banner! Pokemon & Nicknames if applicable: [Sash] the Feraligatr [Sheen] the Lugia [Coil] the Ludicolo [Merozu] the Wailord [Gracely] the Gardevoir [SeeFlow] the Sunflora Name: Samuel Version: SS FC...
  20. Ferasquilee

    I just stalked one of your conversations with KronoGreen (no, I have absoltely nothing better to...

    I just stalked one of your conversations with KronoGreen (no, I have absoltely nothing better to do), and you said you like Swedish pancakes (they're pretty normal for me, because I am Swedish). Are you, by any chance, Swedish?
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