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sorry, i'm never going to stop being mad about it.
Staff member
so I kind of let slip that I was bisexual to my mum the other day (I've been kind of reluctant to tell for fear of how she'd react) and he response was something like:


"uh, yeah."


"so have you been with any girls yet? :D"

I love my mum <3
Your mom is amazingly amazing and full of amazingness. She's awesomely amazing. <3

That's great. :D My mum was kind of gruff, but in a lovely way, and so was my dad, when they found out I liked ladies. Not that I don't love them for their serious "we'll always love you" talk. Your mum's response is fantastic, heh.

My mum was like "cool story bro" when my brother told my parents he was gay randomly at dinner. :P Mind you, she used to be a registrar and has conducted a least ten civil partnerships, so it wasn't exactly a surprising response. My dad was just like 'okay!' so in my house it's just a huge NBD.
Your mom is the sheer definition of awesome and needs to collect her 10 million internets.
That is amazingly awesome! Just in time for Bi day on the 23rd!

I only hope that my parents will act this way, if I ever tell them.

Has anyone else noticed a growing number of threads regarding sexuality?
Has anyone else noticed a growing number of threads regarding sexuality?

well tcod is lgbtq central for the pokemon fandom in a lot of ways
Yeah, I can go anywhere on this forum and find this kind of stuff. I was checking ni the Pokémon talk section, and even there!

But regardless, awesome mom you have! *Does happy dance for you*
We're so gay, and we don't even like boys. :(

Oh, super. Now I have a song I don't even like stuck in my head, up yours. :(

This is really great ultraviolet, your mum is practically an inspiration. :3 It always makes me so happy to see parents react in this way, gives me hope that the future is on its way. /corny
I just realized how much of this forum is gay/bi.

Tell your mum she's Epicly Epic of Epicness.
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