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Guess who just turned sixteen?


local hellion
(no, seriously, it just turned midnight over here half an hour ago)

It only took me, what, eleven months? (seriously, one of my friends has a birthday two weeks after mine, which means she's turning seventeen in two weeks. it's kinda frustrating)

So yeah, your Friendly Neighborhood Flora is sixteen. I haven't gotten any gifts yet, but I do know that one of my friends got me a Doctor Who t-shirt cause that was the whole point of our awesome-NYC-trip. And I also got a positively wonderful post on Facebook courtesy of my best friend (it was an amalgamation of several inside jokes and was just great).

And plus my crush said happy birthday to me three times. (though the third was cause he couldn't make my birthday party, but that was through a video and absolutely made my birthday cause it was the most ADD thing ever. And it talked a lot about how I'm not supposed to turn 16. Ever)

I have a feeling that this birthday will be awesome.
Happy Birthday~ Haha, and here I was thinking we were in the same grade. Have the coolest birthday ever, especially since it's a big one!

Alas, all I can offer you is a gif randomly selected from my collection, but I hope you enjoy it anyway.
Well, at least your crush seems to like you back. ;.;

Anyways, happy birthday Flora! My seventh grade friend just turned thirteen yesterday. I told her she's not allowed to be thirteen.
Well, at least your crush seems to like you back. ;.;

Naaaaah, he doesn't. And I have proof. He told me so. I'm basically his little sister, so.

stay away from her she's mine

soooooooo did you sex your crush?

1) I am?
2) You should know the answer already.

SO family party today :D

I got:

Super Mario Galaxy 2, Dragon Quest 9, about $100, some gift cards, a bag, LES MIZ DVD (sadly not musical), and...another engagement to Brock?

no seriously. apparently he likes my sexy legs or something like that. It was absolutely terrifying, even Misty agreed. (...my little sis made me a Pokemon themed birthday card. you should figure out the rest)

But first, a very random message: dear god what was the point of that fourth happy birthday message stop trying to compensate.


so I got an iTunes gift card, $20 specifically for band merchandise cause my friend couldn't find any, a pretty bracelet, a pretty shirt, a DALEK TSHIRT, and cake.

also my sister likes abusing my guy friend who came.
Happy birthday even though I'm three days late! You got two awesome games for your birthday, SMG2 and DQIX! send me a copy

Hope you have an awesome year!
Happy (late) birthday, Friendly Neighborhood Flora! xD

I know I'm late but this time I'm excusing myself since I got you a gift. :D
Happy Belated Birthday. I gave you the present of not having me around on your birthday to ruin in in some way/shape/form!
I gave you the present of not having me around on your birthday to ruin in in some way/shape/form!

Nah, my party wasn't ruined by my friend Dave repeatedly taking off his shirt and/or pants, so you probably wouldn't have ruined it :)
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