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Search results

  1. Dewgongian

    The "Fwee" Thread

    FWEEEEE, I got a new laptop charger, after my old one died, RIGHT when my laptop was out of power.
  2. Dewgongian


    Yes, it works perfectly. The wireless is a bit sketchy, but I think i can fix that.
  3. Dewgongian


    I got Ubuntu. For those living under a rock, it's pretty much a FREE, FULL OS THAT KICKS MAJOR ASS. The best part is that it runs flawlessly on my whack laptop. It runs even better than XP, which it was designed for. My comp can generate awesome visual effects without even expending any...
  4. Dewgongian

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    i lol'd at all the incessant bitching from the last page but that picture of the nom nom nom bear was priceless
  5. Dewgongian

    Games you really really miss playing

    i fucking love you so much i'm playing Silver again FUCK YEAH
  6. Dewgongian

    The "Fwee" Thread

    i presented my report on muscular dystrophy, and i think i got an A
  7. Dewgongian

    Famous Last Words...

    "Honestly, just eat it. No? You fucking pussy, I'll eat some."
  8. Dewgongian

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I REMOVED LIEK 25 VIRUSES FROM MA COMP woot woot its so much fastah
  9. Dewgongian

    no problem sir!

    no problem sir!
  10. Dewgongian

    I made something that will hopefully cheer you up a bit!

    I made something that will hopefully cheer you up a bit!
  11. Dewgongian

    "Police say teacher hit boy over a broken crayon"

    ...It was a black dude. I can't say that this isn't a tad stereotypical. Before you activate TEH RACE CARD, i am black
  12. Dewgongian

    "Police say teacher hit boy over a broken crayon"

    Our teachers in preschool used to paddle us over much more minor shit than this.
  13. Dewgongian

    Like Marilyn Monroe~

    Good that you saw Blood Brothers, but that does suck.
  14. Dewgongian

    see my post

    see my post
  15. Dewgongian

    The "Fwee" Thread

  16. Dewgongian

    agreed we can organize this on msn

    agreed we can organize this on msn
  17. Dewgongian

    The "Fwee" Thread

    You're not eating Lucky Charms XD
  18. Dewgongian

    your sig makes me laugh my fucking ass off and is fucked up at the same time

    your sig makes me laugh my fucking ass off and is fucked up at the same time
  19. Dewgongian


    I used to love bugs, but that was before I became an absolute pussy and now I am scared of them T_T (Not all bugs, but you know what I mean)
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