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The "Fwee" Thread

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Fwee, Ichigo, Ichigo, Ichigo, Ichigo, Ichigo, Ichigo!!!!! :DDDDDD *huggles picture of Ichigo with his shirt off from the seventh manga* Yep, I'm crazy. But he's so hot! <3

*cough* My parents already got me my birthday present (it's February, and my birthday's in July. Odd, eh?) and I'm suspecting it's tickets to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. They're music is amazing, and I've longed to go ever since I first heard Wizards in Winter. :D


My parents neglected to tell me, so I got dressed only to find that school was closed. XP (The only con is that my friend doesn't get her Honors-English-art-museum-field-trip today.)

I love going to a multi-school-district school~
I just finished a picture, the first portriat I've drawn in nearly a decade.... and I am so, so happy with how it came out <3

(I'll put it in my art thread when I scan it :D)
^ LUCKY! The stupid firewall blocks this site.

We got out early because my township is stupid~

To be precise we got out earlier than everyone else did, but they still got out early~
I'm posting from school too! But I do everyday, so XD

My boyfriend can finally come over today, yaaaaay!!! Now all I need is some Leninade to make this day perfect. <3
Holy shit holy shit holy shit.

My ex actually said he missed me. And he's thought of getting back together and starting everything over again. Oh my god. YAY!

*ahem* Yeah, it sounds a little immature, but I was with this guy for five years (A five year relationship in high school is...yeah, incredibly rare), and everything ended so abruptly and bitterly. He admitted that he didn't like how our relationship ended, which makes me insanely happy. Now, if only he didn't live half-way across the country...oh well, I'm considering moving considerably closer to his area, anyway, so who knows? And we talked on Skype for like five hours and everything. Just...fwee. :D
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More days off than I knew what to do with this week :3

Out of a maximum 5 days at school this week I had to go in one and a half. :D
Wow, it rained so damn hard, it was beautiful. ^_^

And my boyfriend got to come over and stay for hours, and I got to sing to him. <333
I'm feeling randomly happy today, fwee! I mean, why not? It's Saturday, I don't have a headache and feel like puking anymore, I've been making new friends at the role-playing forum lately, and I'm gonna get a Shaymin at Toys R Us tommorrow, so why not be happy?
...They're giving out Shaymins tommorrow? Sweet!
Not just tommorrow, but tommorrow through the 14th! So if you can't get it then, you've still got other days. They're also giving out Regigigas on the 22nd though the 28th. When traded to Platinum, Shaymin will activate the Gracidea Flower event that will let Shaymin become Sky Forme, and Regigigas will allow for the capture of the Regi trio in Platinum.

Awesome, I know. :D
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