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The "Fwee" Thread

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I finished my first semester Exams and now it's my birthday.
That's not good enough for a thread, I think. Oh well, it's here.

Two things:

First I was just over my friend's house watching Disaster Movie, in addition to Blue's Clues in Spanish. She was feeling upset and I helped cheer her up, so I was happy.

i beat the wheel of fortune boss in persona 3 FES!!!

yes, the wheel of fortune is its primary attack and it was not fun. but i killed him! yes!! (here is a video of the fight if you're interested.)
I'm about to watch DOn't Mess with the Zohan with my dad now. ITS A GREAT FILM. I just hope its as funny as I remember it.
I'm going to York on the Weekend to see my friend I haven't sen since I was 7 =D

Also, I made friends with someone I wouldn't normally talk to ^_^ kya~~
^ No, I said that because it was absolutely sudden since as far as I had known before now she didn't even have a crush.
My computer now possesses twice the RAM, for a total of 2 GB. Applications shall tremble before it's might.

And I bought a crazy new graphics card. Games shall tremble before it's might.
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