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The "Fwee" Thread

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I used Moltres and Suicune in the Battle Factory on Emerald! :DDD Legendaries are fun. Now time to go to the GRR thread....

Simple. I caught it.

My first shiny Bug-type ever. I really like shiny Bugs at the moment. Her name is obvious: Shiny I.

I'm planning on a Shiny II, Shiny III, Shiny IV, Shiny V, etc.
I feel really happy today! :D

This deserves a post because I'm not usually so happy! Especially considering how much homework/coursework I have to do in the next few days. I guess it has a lot to do with me being able to kick myself down town without feeling too under-confident (yes... this is a milestone for me...), talking to one of my friends a lot, listening to some really pretty music all day and just feeling generally peaceful and self-confident.
At last. After just about two fucking years, I managed to stay interested in Diamond enough to finish the damn thing. :D
The Nostalgia Critic did an Adventure of Sonic the Hedgehog/SatAM review...and he rated SatAM very highly, so much that he said he should have put it on his Top 11 Nostalgic Cartoons list. Just wanted to take this opportunity to say FUCK YES because that show was amazing.
I just got a promocode worth three levels on SmartSIG for my Mario Kart Wii license! I've never gotten one worth any more than one level, so fwee.
The Sims 2 decided to be awesome and install.

Except for Pets, but it can be a party pooper for all I care. =(
Life is goood: one of my favourite fics updated, my sister's home and she's skipping (some) school to go shopping with me tomorrow :D

I'm such a bad influence X3
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