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Second Stage Turbine Blade
I got Ubuntu.

For those living under a rock, it's pretty much a FREE, FULL OS THAT KICKS MAJOR ASS.

The best part is that it runs flawlessly on my whack laptop.

It runs even better than XP, which it was designed for. My comp can generate awesome visual effects without even expending any real graphical prowess (which it lacks).

Anyway, I'm super fucking happy (even though I lost all my files AGAIN).
Once my mom bought a laptop with Ubuntu, but then she had to replace it with an illegal XP OS so that we could have internet.

But if it works for you, congrats.
Awesome for you. :D My brother uses Ubuntu, and it seems pretty awesome to me.
Ubuntu is absolutely amazing. <3 The only problems I've ever had with wifi (or any sort of connection) were on my Acer Aspire, and were easily fixed. Good on ya for switching.

(even though I lost all my files AGAIN).
For the record, Ubuntu is perfectly capable of working with most filesystems (and all common ones); you could have saved them to some sort of USB drive or something. :( (posting this bit mostly for the benefit of anyone else considering Ubuntu)
I like Ubantoo, but I can't get my games to play at a decent framerate on Wine. It isn't very stable, either...a few times, I had to reinstall because the GUI wouldn't boot on startup, and I have no idea what the command is to run GNOME via terminal. Also, I tried installing Kubuntu a few times, and every time the booting would fuck up. So, I'm not going to install it again any time soon, especially since Windows 7 is just around the corner.

Once my mom bought a laptop with Ubuntu, but then she had to replace it with an illegal XP OS so that we could have internet.

What was she expecting, Internet Explorer?
If you want a more stable Linux distro I have heard that Debian is superior to Ubuntu in that regard.
Er, where are you getting that, and what exactly do you mean by "stable"? o.O I've never had Ubuntu collapse on me (except for yesterday, when I had a faulty CD drive in for about an hour and putting a disc in would mess everything up.)
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