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"Police say teacher hit boy over a broken crayon"

Wow... no comment. Some people need to go to an anger management class...
The boy said he fell to the ground, and Grant ordered him out of the room. He said he left the room and recounted the incident to another teacher, who told him it was time to learn to "not complain," the report said.

As bad as it was that an adult hit an eight year old, it's worse that someone else decided to ignore it. The staff in that school needs to be re-established.

I sincerely hope that he's getting punished for what he actually did, though - crimes against children are heavily punished and it's very easy for the media to spin a story like this; the public despises people who touch their children above all, so it's very easy to start a witch-hunt with little actual evidence.

I feel very bad for the kid if it did happen like the news story says it did, but I feel even worse for the teacher if it didn't.
...It was a black dude.

I can't say that this isn't a tad stereotypical. Before you activate TEH RACE CARD, i am black
If he turned himself in, he knows he did wrong.

I guess that's the only comfort you can get out of a story like this. Children are fragile in the mind and easily impressionable, this teacher should be a teacher no more after he serves the full penalty for what he did. He's clearly not got the patience for a job with children, no matter how stressed or upset you are in a job like that you need to be able to keep calm.
...a crayon.

Seriously though, punching a kid is bad, but telling him to learn not to complain? An eight-year-old boy? What would he do then, punch the teacher back?
That's really awful.
@ Dewgongian: If I am not mistaken, paddling is legal in some states. Hitting someone is NOT.
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