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Search results

  1. Mad MOAI

    Obsessive Scribblers~

    I drew this, but I'm not sure if I want critique. If there's a dark shape in the picture, refresh the page.
  2. Mad MOAI

    Obsessive Scribblers~

    The right shoulder (our left) DOES look a bit odd.... on to Gekikro! :D Or something else...?
  3. Mad MOAI

    Obsessive Scribblers~

    Can a Spectrobes fan give me critique on this orange (Custom color) Senkro?
  4. Mad MOAI

    Obsessive Scribblers~

    *giggles* I like this one a lot, Kai. Evil santa with an evil grin... >:D First of all, the rim of the hat looks a bit flat. I can't say how, but it looks like paper. Actually, that's it.
  5. Mad MOAI

    Obsessive Scribblers~

    Yeah, I know. the heads are always either too big or too big on my drawings (no that is not an error). Now to get onto the next drawing.... I'm terrible at critique, by the way.
  6. Mad MOAI

    Obsessive Scribblers~

    The tail and legs DO look a bit weird... hm.... I always curve the chest like that on my canines, but I appreciate the critique nonetheless. Anyone else? :P
  7. Mad MOAI

    Obsessive Scribblers~

    Can someone please give me critique on this picture? It's not supposed to look completely real, but I just want to know if I missed something big so that I can use the critique on my next pic of this guy.
  8. Mad MOAI

    Obsessive Scribblers~

    @Dannichu: I drew it on paper, and then over the outlines with marker, scanned it, saved it as monochrome bitmap and then PNG, and then colored over it using Absol's color.
  9. Mad MOAI

    Obsessive Scribblers~

    I'm probably not in this, but now I am. I LOVE ART Blade (RSP) - I LIKE IT!!! :DDD
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