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Obsessive Scribblers~

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...I failed ArtMo because seasonal and regular depression :<

But be thankful, because I actually DID do 31 pieces for December, I just didn't do them all on paper.
Yeeeeah, my activity in this club died along with my artmo. :c

...but I did buy some awesome watercolor crayons and a new sketchbook with Christmas money. I will have pictures up sometime!
What Spaekle and Zora said. Argh~ I've got 27 drawings. And a lot of them aren't even finished or coloured.

Sorry I haven't commented, Lazylett is lazy. Although I do like Kai's Pokésona Christmas picture. It's adorable~!

I will, however, make a few more drawings to make up for the ones I didn't do on the 28th, 29th, 30th, and today. I'll draw four more today to make up for it. I mean, I know they're not drawn EVERYDAY, but eh... at least it'll be 31 drawings for December, I figure.
I gave up on the Art-a-thon after Christmas day. Hey, I still lasted longer than I thought.

This is my dad's Christmas present...

It's actually more orange, but we all know that scanners can be silly things. I noticed that the eyes are maybe a bit close together.

And here's some things I drew at something like 2 in the morning.

Green hat-wearing dog. Not much to say here, really. Oh, the hat is one of my dad's ones that I like to steal.

SHROOMDAAAAWG with invisible shading. Even less to say here.

It's actually more orange, but we all know that scanners can be silly things. I noticed that the eyes are maybe a bit close together.

Wow, that's really nice. The paw closest to my right seems a little awkward, but other than that, I really like this picture.


Aaw, it's adorable. :) It seems the scanner blurred the rim of the hat, though.


SHROOMDAAAAWG with invisible shading. Even less to say here.

That is all I have to say. :o
You were doing the wings fine before you erased them >=/

Remind me to give you all a lesson in drawing feathered wings. Or just freaking look at some birds out the window >_<
I say decent. Try making the part around where the wing bends bigger, like make the feathers bigger.

Hmm. I'll make a thingie soon, or when I feel I'm a good way ahead into my project. Have I shown that to you guys yet...? I dunt think so, but fwee~
@Dragon: She wanted to put the wings in a different position, and we can't see any birds outside our window because there are no trees close enough. >:/

I mean, we could look at a picture, but she wasn't trying to draw wings exactly like a bird's. It's a wolf.
@Dragon: Good lord, girl, don't be such a wing accuracy nazi. >|

I'm not saying I wouldn't like to be able to draw accurate feathered wings, but for now it's not really a detail I'm concerned about. >>
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...Point taken. Perhaps I will work on that then, but there's some other things I'd like to fix first. (e.g. hands, facial features, maybe work on proportions and perspective a bit more)
I drew this, but I'm not sure if I want critique. If there's a dark shape in the picture, refresh the page.

I'd like to be able to critique this, actually, I could redline it for you if you want.

EDIT: Oh, I nearly forgot!

I need help with this image - mostly ideas.


Any crits on it would be good too (I know that her skintone is messy at the edges, sorry), but mostly I'm looking for ideas. I got this far and then I got stuck. I'm intending to continue the butterflies up thoughout her hair. Maybe.
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Okay, sorry for the post-and-run comment (especially since there's some things I'd like to comment on here), but here's one of my late ArtMo pictures:
Bar Mitzvah!
I was mostly trying some new colouring styles (there's a load of anatomy mitakes, especially on the arms), and I think it's kind of nice. Maybe I'm just tired. That's why I can't comment now, I kept laying it off and now it two in the morning :v

Ultraviolet: Pretty good, pretty good. WHAT AM I SAYING I love it~ The heart kinda looks the wrong colour, but I'm not sure. X3 The blue.. veins looks scribbled in, maybe fixy? I'm guessing the orange is sky, sunset maybe. Blend in some sunsetish colours if it is, if I'm wrong =P

Vladmir Putin's LJ: Yes. Anatomy mistakes, but people don't seem to want me to crit on that. *glares around* The colourings' cool, I likie. Uhh... can't find much to comment on.

The end.
No no no, feel free to comment on my anatomy mistakes! I do it all the time. The right arm on my last picture's ridiculous, for example. It's a midget arm. His whole proportion is midget-like, actually.
Anyway since you were all fagging about wings a few pages back here's my contribution:

Yeah I know. But I draw wings like once in a blue moon so lay off :v I'm not even entirely sure what the hell's going on with the green-lined dude but eh, this took about ten minutes so I couldn't be arsed.
In my mind the wings sort of grow out of the shoulderblades and I tried to show that but I failed.

I mean the only times I've drawn wings recently was in this picture (beware of naked bums) and this one (beware of men licking men) and even then they're supposed to be small and shredded. And no, the character does not have wings, I just think it's appropriate to give him some sometimes because of how angelic he is.
Yeah, well fagging is fun. >:/ The green dude is... well, I'm not sure if wings attached to shoulder blades(I imagine them attached there too, btw) could move like that. Unless there was no muscle. The red guy is meh. I want to fag about the blue guy, but you would all hurt me so I'll shut up now. >_<
Dragon said:
Ultraviolet: Pretty good, pretty good. WHAT AM I SAYING I love it~ The heart kinda looks the wrong colour, but I'm not sure. X3 The blue.. veins looks scribbled in, maybe fixy? I'm guessing the orange is sky, sunset maybe. Blend in some sunsetish colours if it is, if I'm wrong =P

I won't change the colour of the heart, because I really didn't want a super vivid red because I wanted most of the brightness to come from elsewhere in the painting; however I understand what you mean with the blue veiny thing. I think I intended to fix it later but then... forgot? I'm not sure.

Actually, I hadn't thought of the background that way, I was mainly thinking 'okay, I need a background colour... brown will do for now.' But that's a good idea, I should really utilize that auburn colour. :] It might be hard to blend in a little though, because it's all done on one layer (that's tegaki for ya).

I'll post drawings of wings and stuff later when I get around to it. :)
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