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Obsessive Scribblers~

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Hey Zora, a tip on drawing wings? Don't make the feathers go across from the back of the wing, if that makes any sense. Like, don't line them up. Try curving the feathers to the shape of the wing, like pidgeotto Note that the darker brown support-thingie is basically just coloured there, you don't have to make a line.

^...Retarded anatomy lesson!
@Kai: That's a cute picture! But the Spheal looks a bit square.

I can't recognize anybody but Black hood, you, Dannichu and Zephyrous Castform. But it's still a nice picture! :D

I'm planning on making a special drawing on Christmas, so expect something from me then!
Argh, drawing feathered wings is a pain ><

Also, here's the 16th for those who couldn't get through the filter on dA.

EDIT: Wait.
Kai, who all is in that?
@Kai: That's a cute picture! But the Spheal looks a bit square.


Kai, the picture is awesome and adorable :3 I love the simplicity of the tree, and everyone's expressions are so cute...

Only problem I can see is that the Mewtwo's snout is a little... odd.
It looks too... (for want of a better word) pig-like for Mewtwo, really. I dunno how you could make it better, though.
And, uh, she's made from a dog? What do you mean?
By that I mean I got a dog plushie, and customised it to make it look like a Quilava. It's really fun turning dogs into Pokemon and suchlike. I turned one into a shroomdog too, as you can see in the 22nd pic.

And you colored in the lightbulbs perfectly! I see that you have either very sharp color pencils, or awesome coloring skills.
Actually I cheated and used pens there :P

Thanks for all those nice comments. By the looks of them, I seem to be getting better at expressions. That's good to know.


I found this guy whilst tidying my desk. He's a goofy-looking knitted finger puppet, I think I got him for my birthday a few years ago.

A Christmas present for my grandparents. I'm really pleased with it, but I think I screwed up the colouring on the body.
And no, I have no idea why it has a bunny, or why it's feathery, or why it just is. I was making it up as I went along, k?

Is that... a background? Yes, even if it is a pathetic one. I needed to make it look dark somehow.
I was doing a lot of this yesterday. Anyone care to guess what I'm playing? :D
I'll probably tell you anyway.

A present for my other grandparents. I know I missed a bit of outline on the tail, but I fixed that just after I scanned t.
Rawr people post too fast.


12th - Yes I know the background coloring is sketchy but that was before I saw that comment Dannichu made ><

Uhhhh... Ok, I won't ask. I like the eye on the deer, and how it's all shiny and stuff. Yeah.

Zoradragon! I like the horns, and the tail is curling very nicely.

14th - I dunno, it felt Christmas-y at the time so I drew it. :/

OH OH I see you have silver and gold color pencils that look shiny in real life but gets screwed up after scanning. Yeah. I have those too! I just don't use them! If they're not those shiny color pencils, Linoone apologizes for being weird.
15th - Behold! More emo!

D...died? D: *pats back* You should give her a halo or something. Because.

16th - Ahaha I'm on a role!

Hmm... I think the legs are a bit thick, but the blood is very nicely done.

Whoot randompersonIdon'tknow! Ahem. The goatee is rather nice, but the hood seems a bit out of place somehow... Can't really describe it. Maybe you should make it look more crumpled or something.

Whoot randompersonIdon'tknow2! I dunno. Can't see anything wrong with the picture...

19th - snow day :D

Like how you're all bent over when the snowball hit you. The coat should a bit more, how should I put it, not straight. Yeah.

20th - The Demon (Arylett, Cryptica and Darksong might know)

Note wings. See Dragon's post. But they seem pretty fine though, since wings don't necessarily look the same when folded compared to when open. Wings are very annoying, yes.

21st - The coloring is sloppy but it was one in the morning I was tired ><

Hmmm... The ears are a bit too big. But the eye is rather nice though.

Can't crit humans, shush.

Very chibi and simple picture, but Linoone likes. Is that a curly Arylettyena on the side there?

And where am I? D:

By that I mean I got a dog plushie, and customised it to make it look like a Quilava. It's really fun turning dogs into Pokemon and suchlike. I turned one into a shroomdog too, as you can see in the 22nd pic.

Ohhhhhh I seeeee.... I was thinking that you had a pet and, uh, turned it into a Quiliva plushie somehow. I dunno.

Actually I cheated and used pens there :P



I found this guy whilst tidying my desk. He's a goofy-looking knitted finger puppet, I think I got him for my birthday a few years ago.

Stumpy the short-horned raindeer~ Had two very stumpy horns~ And if you ever saw him~ You would... *shot*

A Christmas present for my grandparents. I'm really pleased with it, but I think I screwed up the colouring on the body.
And no, I have no idea why it has a bunny, or why it's feathery, or why it just is. I was making it up as I went along, k?

Is that... a background? Yes, even if it is a pathetic one. I needed to make it look dark somehow.
I was doing a lot of this yesterday. Anyone care to guess what I'm playing? :D
I'll probably tell you anyway.

Shroomdog! Folds in the cover! I like how there's a glow around the DS. It makes it look like you're playing it in the middle of the night while hiding from your parents. Or something. I dunno.

A present for my other grandparents. I know I missed a bit of outline on the tail, but I fixed that just after I scanned t.

This. Is. Awesome. The coloring is wonderful, and, and, and, and.... Yeah.

*hides in corner* Don't get me, Kai-claus! Linoone will scan her pics then moment she can! D:
...Well, none of those really depict me, although the red-haired one (Not the angel, she's different) was based on me somewhat. And no, the one in the remembrance picture isn't my friend who died, that'd be character-who's-based-on-me.
And wings are still a pain in the ass to draw. ><

Well I'm pretty bad at teaching, but here goes...
It's just a kind of shading really. I started with the shadow colour (light grey) in the darker places, and did quick, long strokes towards the lighter places. In the dark places on the bottom, like under it's belly, the strokes go in the opposite direction of the fur, and on the top of the neck they go the same direction, if you see what I mean. Then I coloured over the whole thing with the base colour (light purple).
...Did that make sense? I'm sorry if it didn't D=


Christmas Eve! Hahahaha lol I'm funny.
RainbowRayquaza: That's adorable! It's an Eevee, right?

The tail looks a bit long, but it's great.

I'm making my Christmas picture, and I need some help on how to keep my Christmas tree from being lopsided without using a ruler. It probably just has to do with the fact that I'm left handed.
Working as fast as I can on my Christmas picture; but it's not going to be a group one this time. Too much effort now.
In other news; today's and yesterday's drawings are coming, I just ain't had access to the scanner.

I wanted to say, thanks for the friends and wonderful times, everyone. I'm having a great time being here. This is titled Darksong's Gift, in which my old Pokésona returns, that Houndoom/Mightyena splice that started with a simple repose.


Again, I thank everyone.
Merry Christmas, everyone! As i suspected, I got a tablet, so now I can actually start arting properly. But before that... comment tiemz.

Also, here's the 16th for those who couldn't get through the filter on dA.
Very nice and guresome. The blood seems to be in all the right places (in relation to the cuts), and the shading is fantastic. The cracks in the floor and wall are a nice touch, too.

The simplicity is nice, and the quote is in a good place - it's not right in the middle, but it still stands out. What is that the person (Presumably you) is holding, though? A gun?

I found this guy whilst tidying my desk. He's a goofy-looking knitted finger puppet, I think I got him for my birthday a few years ago.
Awww, it's adorable :3 The shading is great, but in some places the outline is faded - but that's no fault of your own.

This is brilliant. Again, you've shaded it almost perfectly, and the colours go nicely together. The back leg, however, is at an odd angle, and looks like its broken slightly. I think in reality, the foot/lower leg would be a little more parallel to the body.

Is that... a background? Yes, even if it is a pathetic one. I needed to make it look dark somehow.
As other people have said, it looks really cute. I too love the little glow around the DS. The background looks fine, but I'm not too fond of the way the Shroomdog is almost perfectly side-on, but that's just me.

A present for my other grandparents. I know I missed a bit of outline on the tail, but I fixed that just after I scanned t.
This too is really cute - I didn't notice the missing outline until you pointed it out. The tongue, however, seems to be coming out of its chin, and has a small white patch at the edge that looks a little odd.


Christmas Eve! Hahahaha lol I'm funny.
Wow, it's a... Christmas Treevee? It's very cute, and I like the way you've included nearly every type of Christams decoration in it. The green part at the end of its tail, however, looks like it reaches further down the underside of the tail than the topside, if you get what I mean.

This is mostly good, but the external ribs all seem to be different lengths, and also the back legs look odd. If I were you, I would have spread the badge-things across the tree, and also probably made the tinself look fluffier, but that's just me.

And now, for this. It's not very good, as I'm not completely used to the tablet yet, but meh:


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The Spheal is adorable! But it looks a bit tall.

aaa Naruto fanart

Of course, I'm bad at drawing humans, so I drew the dog instead. If you like every single little detail as a surprise, it may contain a very minor spoiler for Shippuuden that's not that evident, but it's there anyway.
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