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Obsessive Scribblers~

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Heh, That looks quite good. The only flaw I can see is that both his feet are facing the same way, and it's not forward.
Oh my I'm slightly behind with posting my pictures. Well, one week.
I do feel kinda ashamed at not commenting on anything, but I really find it hard to make half-decent comments. Sorry D:

Lora's birthday! I never managed to give her anything in time, and now she's off somewhere hot until after Christmas :(
This is her shiny Quilava plushie, Lava, that I gave her last Christmas. He's made from a dog.

Put up my Christmas tree today. Dad put tinsel on me when I was standing still. Okay, it was only one bit of tinsel, but it inspired me to draw this.


Me and some school friends decided that I am a dog. We have no idea what breed I am though. So is this a dog dressed up as me? Maybe. Observe the toilet paper on the shoe.

My birthday! A while back, Blu suggested I drew an Ultimate Chimera at a birthday party. I forgot about that until now. The main thing in this drawing is a slice of cake, which was very delicious.

Dunno why I chose to draw this. It looks like I nicked the idea from cheesecake's avatar, but I drew this before I saw that avatar! Honest! D8


Hehe, this one's for Crazy Linoone. All my other dinosaur plushies! Well, 6 dinosaurs, 2 pterosaurs and a cryptoclidus.
The baby raptor is called Fuzzy, the baby sauropod is Sylvia, the little pterosaur is Luigi, the big pterosaur is Swoop, I think the baby triceratops is Pebbles, the rest either don't have names or I forgot them. None are related, but Stella adopted Fuzzy and Luigi.

An autumn dragon. I wanted to experiment with the wing colours here. I just noticed that I got the wing shape kinda wrong too.
Lora's birthday! I never managed to give her anything in time, and now she's off somewhere hot until after Christmas :(
This is her shiny Quilava plushie, Lava, that I gave her last Christmas. He's made from a dog.
It looks so awesome! And cute! I want one! Dont suppose you can make me one in time for christmas, eh?

Put up my Christmas tree today. Dad put tinsel on me when I was standing still. Okay, it was only one bit of tinsel, but it inspired me to draw this.
Hehe, Rainbow the christmas tree... I think I may try and draw that If draw an OS christmas pic.


Me and some school friends decided that I am a dog. We have no idea what breed I am though. So is this a dog dressed up as me? Maybe. Observe the toilet paper on the shoe.
This is cool, but In truth, Rainbow is a shroomdog. |D

My birthday! A while back, Blu suggested I drew an Ultimate Chimera at a birthday party. I forgot about that until now. The main thing in this drawing is a slice of cake, which was very delicious.
Is it possible for something so large to fly with suck small wings?

Dunno why I chose to draw this. It looks like I nicked the idea from cheesecake's avatar, but I drew this before I saw that avatar! Honest! D8
Heh, gotta love that Pokemon Marshmallow joke. Dont worry, I belive you. ish.

Hehe, this one's for Crazy Linoone. All my other dinosaur plushies! Well, 6 dinosaurs, 2 pterosaurs and a cryptoclidus.
The baby raptor is called Fuzzy, the baby sauropod is Sylvia, the little pterosaur is Luigi, the big pterosaur is Swoop, I think the baby triceratops is Pebbles, the rest either don't have names or I forgot them. None are related, but Stella adopted Fuzzy and Luigi.
I don't really like dinasaurs much, but it still looks cool. Fuzzy the Raptor is a must-have name. I may actually use that one for my Aerodactyl.

An autumn dragon. I wanted to experiment with the wing colours here. I just noticed that I got the wing shape kinda wrong too.
OH! That's the same dragon that Darksong has in her avatar, right? It looks great!

Whoa yeah Kai actually commented for once hooray lets have cake.
That's a cool picture! But the Sky Shaymin's snout is a bit rounded. And what is that Pokémon in the middle? Also, Absol's head-scythe is on the wrong side.

But yaaaay, shiny Glameow ~ :D

I like how you (mostly) scaled the Pokémon correctly. :)
It's not a Pokemon, it's a dragon. Specifically, the Dragon. ;) I'm working on another one for Christmas~
@Kai: That picture is... creepy. I like the way you put the creases in the clothes and the way that he looks mischievous, evil even. But the mustache (even though I'm used to spelling it "moustache") looks a bit crooked.

I think this is one of your best ones so far. Keep it up, only 11 drawings to go!
That's.... nice. If the quality wasn't so crap, I would have more to comment about... your signature looks like 'Kal', with the crap quality. Ironically, my camera is better than my scanner.... ^^;
Eck! Linoone goes to sleep, and what happens?

Ahem. Because Linoone can't be bothered to quote all of you...

Awesome Quilava. I love how you drew the paws, and its expression is cute~ And, uh, she's made from a dog? What do you mean? The Rayquaza is funny though. I love how you're all like, "go away." And you colored in the lightbulbs perfectly! I see that you have either very sharp color pencils, or awesome coloring skills. I can never color in small places like that. And RainbowRayquadog makes Linoone amused. I love the expression on you in the Dec. 16 picture~ You style is very comic-ey and nice. The Treecko and Charmander pic is cute, too. I guess the Treecko could be a bit greener, but that's just me.
D: Dinosaur plushies! Me wants!
And the Autumn Dragon is rather nice. The coloring is all bright and pretty and such.

*takes deep breath*

Over all, rather nice, I must say. The only thing bothering me is that Latios isn't fat enough. Yeah. Latios is fat.

Ma...ma-mia! Scary! The evil smile, the folds in the clothes... It's really good. I guess the mustache is a bit crooked though... But your hand is really good. I can't draw hands (or anything human) for my life, so can't crit you there. And evil Kai-claus is coming! Linoone is not naughty! Really! She will scan her Art-a-Thon pics! *hides in corner*

12th - Yes I know the background coloring is sketchy but that was before I saw that comment Dannichu made ><


14th - I dunno, it felt Christmas-y at the time so I drew it. :/

15th - Behold! More emo!

16th - Ahaha I'm on a role!



19th - snow day :D

20th - The Demon (Arylett, Cryptica and Darksong might know)

21st - The coloring is sloppy but it was one in the morning I was tired ><


Note: These aren't exactly meant to be masterpieces, and quite a few of them were done in a rush so even I know there's a bunch of stuff wrong with some of them. Crit if you want, but even I know I can do better than this. :/
12th - Yes I know the background coloring is sketchy but that was before I saw that comment Dannichu made ><

I like the color scheme on this. Both blues and the yellow look really good together.

14th - I dunno, it felt Christmas-y at the time so I drew it. :/
Zora? And angel? not bloody likely

15th - Behold! More emo!
I'm so sorry for your loss. RIP Leisha...

16th - Ahaha I'm on a role!
For some reason, Deviantart prevents me from viewing this, sorry.

I have no idea who these people are, but I hope that they're friendly.

19th - snow day :D
Lucky you. The closest I've seen to snow this year is the school pond freezing over. >:(

20th - The Demon (Arylett, Cryptica and Darksong might know)
oooh demon ninetales. Its all stripey and evil and stuff.

21st - The coloring is sloppy but it was one in the morning I was tired ><
Either the legs are too long or the body is too thin. I think that its the second one.

I've got my camera at the ready, just give me the signal when you're ready, XD

December 23rd.
Pokesona christmas party.
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