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Obsessive Scribblers~

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Wooo new picture~


Again... Woo?

EDIT: Ack, with the help of a friend I just noticed a bunch of mistakes in the picture. I'm fixing 'em now.

EDIT2: Damn, I tried to fix it, but it... broke... as you can see. Again, trying to fix it now.

EDIT3: Fixed~ I hope.
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*sigh* Haven't had much of a drive to finish the drawings for the last three days aside from today's... I'll get it done...

So in lieu of that, I give you something from my tablet:

Have a Christmas angel.
Merry Christmahannukwanzaakah. :]
Wee due to lack of time I'll comment on this page and the last.
As for my drawings: all of these were done on the twenty-fifth:
Sort-of good looking guy who kind of looks like my vision of Teleny but with a cat tattoo! for my cousin.
Sort-of good looking guy with a crappy cat! for my aunt.
Sexiest man ever! for my grandma.
I've drawn so much stuff you guys. You'll drown in my drawings once I post eveything.

Argh, drawing feathered wings is a pain ><
I'll say.

Also, here's the 16th for those who couldn't get through the filter on dA.
This is quite good! The bricks vary in size but mine always do too. The chainlinks seem to be only seen from the front and the side... maybe you could put them in 3/4 or something sometimes? They tend to get locked in that way more than front-side-front-side.
The waist's a bit weird compared to the rest of the body and the blood could do with being more liquid, but well done.

Hahaha, that's adorable <3 Since it's a finger puppet, maybe he could have some stitching down the side? I don't know what the original looks like though, so I can't say how much the drawing resembles it. The left nostril looks a bit weird, though.

I don't think the colouring on the body looks bad. Well, the tips of the feathers look a little... unnatural, maybe, but still. I like the wings, but I think the back legs look a little strange. The head's too big compared to them or something, I don't know. The bunny's really cute.

I like your expression and the shroomdog. The dog's maybe not creasing the sheets enough and there could be some more highlights on your face but it's cool anyway.

Oh, the shading on the face is great! I can't say I can see much wrong with it, except that the back legs could have been put forward a little and the claw on the front paw looks a bit off to me somehow.

When I read you'd made a pun on 'Christmas Eve' I thought it was going to be Eve as in Adam And Eve :v I don't know what this says about me but your drawing looks fantastic. The shading's nice, and the only real crit I can give is that the green bits could have benefitted from being darker.

The proportions on the Houndoom/Mightyena look strange. The back legs look weird, as does the tail. The tree's too boxey and the decorations could have been spread out better, and made to look like they're in the tree instead of just hanging there.
In general it looks okay, though.

This looks very cute, but as someone said it's a bit tall, maybe.

The head looks a bit large but he looks cool overall.

There's a conflict of perspective here. The lake's trying to look like it's in Bird's Eye view and Suicune wants to be in profile. But it is quite cute, especially Suicune's relaxed expression.

Just as a warning: remember to make the picture size smaller before posting it because they often come out huge.
I can't quite make out the light source (upper left I guess?) and the wings need some work but it looks quite good! Is it your first tablet drawing?

This took ages because I have my grandma's kitty on my lap + arms right now :v
The proportions on the Houndoom/Mightyena look strange. The back legs look weird, as does the tail.
How? I don't see anything wrong with them...

The tree's too boxey
I know, I know, I can't draw humans or trees very well D:

and the decorations could have been spread out better,
Already said...

and made to look like they're in the tree instead of just hanging there.
I don't think ornaments are supposed to be inside the tree.

Gah, so much stuff I got wrong, I feel frustrated... D:
How? I don't see anything wrong with them...
Well, I think the legs look small compared to the rest of the body. I'd redline it but since I don't have a tablet right now I can't.
The tail's too stiff and too high up on the back.

I know, I know, I can't draw humans or trees very well D:
It's alright, I can't draw trees very well either.

Already said...
So it was. Oh well, it's not like I hammered the point, it's jusy a comment.

I don't think ornaments are supposed to be inside the tree.
Obviously not inside the tree, but on the tree, in the branches.

Gah, so much stuff I got wrong, I feel frustrated... D:
Don't take criticism personally, it's just a drawing. And it could be worse, I never go all-out on my criticism in this thread or I'd be hated by all :v
Anyway, I'm nowhere near as bad as an actual art professor.
Is it your first tablet drawing?
Hehe, yeah. :]

Still trying to get used to it. But I must admit, it'll be easier to do memes now, which I've wanted to do lately for some odd reason. *goes to dig up some blank ones*
The arm things(I know what they're supposed to be, but blah) look kinda messed up, and its' tail looks too high up. If I had my DS in front of me I'd be able to tell you more.
To establish I'm not completely dead, I shall post some artwork totally irrevelant to New Year's or Christmas, OTL.

Technically me. Persona, I guess.
VPLJ said:
Sort-of good looking guy who kind of looks like my vision of Teleny but with a cat tattoo! for my cousin.
Sort-of good looking guy with a crappy cat! for my aunt.
Sexiest man ever! for my grandma.

The first one is very good, but I can't help wonder where his hand goes? You've got it in proportion, but it looks odd that his hand is completely hidden behind his head. Lovely shading, but I wish you would have upped the brightness so I could see it better! :3

The second one is quite good, but you're having issues with perspective and things here - particularly how his head tilts down and his hand (I feel your pain, I know it's a pain in the ass). I'm assuming his other leg is under the cushion. Other than those things, this is quite good! And the cat is adorable!

The third one is really good, I really admire the shading on the drapery bits - and you've got a good likeness, too. Only crit is that I imagine one of his feet would be further back a bit - it looks a little off-balance. But that might just be me.

See, I'm part of this club, I just don't post often because I suck. :x
That reminds me! I have a suggestion.

I'm sure a lot of you have seen this meme around deviantART, and I figured it would be something fun for us to do here in the club. But then I figured, well, the meme isn't that much to do (it wouldn't last long) and a lot of people don't have tablet pens here which would make it difficult to do the meme. Also, memes tend to get old fast.
So I thought that each type could correspond to a different piece, instead of them all jumbling up into one meme. So everyone would do 17 different pictures (one for each type) and we could do it all through January. Then we can show them off when we're done and go on about our favourite pokes of each type.

I dunno, I just figured it would be something fun and pokemon-related.
Sounds interesting. It could also be a part of my project, so I wouldn't have any problem doing that. If anyone else wants to~

I don't have a tablet, but I'll just draw, I guess. >=) *has ideas*
Ack, inactiveness is inactivness.

December 25th pic lost. Dont ask.

December 26th. I got a duck for christmas. It glows in 7 different colors and plays radio.
December 27th. 'Polly Justice.
December 28th. Trucy Wright.
December 29th and 30th. [I've been trying to come up with a new outfit. Either The same as the last but with a black jacket, or a grey waistcoat and black shirt.
December 31st. Yay! I finished ArtMo!
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