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Obsessive Scribblers~

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First, my own pictures, so I don't forget them:
9th of December, a drawing which you will all ignore because I can't draw Bush Sr. since he's extremely plain and I'm extremely untalented and I can't draw Reagan in profile, lalala. He kind of looks like a mix between Alistair Darling and Chris Dodd, actually.

10th of December. This is an actual dream I had. Upon waking up I was filled with regret, disgust and shame. and slight arousal

11th and 12th of December, little accounts of my exam days. Will probably be continued next week once I have more exams to pass/fail. And yeah drew myself as Putin what of it.
Next installments will probably have me as young!putin though because it seems more fitting.


Everyone who just dumps their NaNoDecDraMo art/other art without commenting on anything is a jerk (except for those who just joined, obviously. Hello Cryptica!). Look at this faggot, he's gonna comment on every picture that's been submitted after his own, a couple of pages ago.
hahaha i hate myself apparently. okay here goes:

MAGNEMITE AND TYROGUE: two pokemon that no one really gives a crap about. I kinda like them both. :[
Tyrogue's presenting an expression that look scarily like a rapeface. I like the Magnemite, though the eye looks a bit big. Magnemites are trippy as hell.

This was just me playing with oil pastels. I might finish this some other time.
I like this, mostly because I really like to see experiments with other art mediums and also because I like to see peoplefaces ;w; Why's he all bruised though? Street-fight or you just felt like drawing a beat up dude?

Based on a true story. Is it not totally fscking annoying when this happens?
I can relate so much. I mean it snowed like crazy a couple of weeks back and I was pretty pumped up because it looked like it was going to stick and then the sun showed up and decided to be an asshole.
The little yous are supe cute 'v' And I like that sun. :D!

I'm really liking the coloring on what I can see of VPLJ's Christmas picture. Also the anatomy in general; for me it all kind of falls apart once I get past the face. Dang.
Yeah, I'm working on the background right now and trying not to destroy my picture completely and it's coming out decently. And of course, I love to improve on anatomy because it means I get to look at naked men for extended periods of time. This is either a very, er, interesting activity if I'm doing toned men or a super fun one if I'm drawing wrinkly and old or fat dudes.
It also explains why I can't draw women's bodies.

Dec. 5 - I really have no idea. :/
I like the foreground with all the technological stuff, but the girl's (your?) arms look wonky. The table in the background's legs look a bit strange (they all come from the center of the table, which would prove interesting for balance, unless it's one of those very modern pieces of furniture) and the atomic symbol on the bomb wasn't immediately recognizable. I thought it was a valve or something, which didn't detract from the picture at all or anything but I just couldn't tell at first.

Dec. 6 -A few Pokemon, just because I couldn't think of anything else.

Dec. 7 - Again, because I couldn't think of anything else.
As always, can't really crit Pokémon because I can't draw them myself.

It's probably the most emo thing I've ever drawn, but yesterday was an important date for me so.
The eye on the bigger girl looks really off, somehow. The rest look quite good though.

December 9th:
Danni will like this one. It's Dr. Gregory House.
Hell yes, cool people draw House fan art. I'll try to do at least one House drawing before the end of the month.
You can immediately tell it's him, which is good. His mouth's maybe a bit too much of a straight line and his eyes are actually blue but the rest looks good. You've done his hairstyle a lot better than what I've attempted in the past :v

Ahem, comments first. VPLJ's art is full of awesome any gay people (which are the same thing, but who cares) and Linoone approves very muchly.

Dec. 5 Random dragon thing. With glasses. I dunno.
I really like this. The wings and the feet are my favourite parts, they're very well done. The right eye's a bit too much to the right, maybe, but it doesn't look too out of place.

Dec. 6 Because Zora asked for more Zora, so here's a Zora! With a big Zora sword thing.
Haha, Pyramid Head would be proud! I like how alert you look in this. Zora's left foot's a bit weird, though.

Dec. 7 Uhhhhh.... Parings? With Kratos/I'm-just-going-to-hide-in-that-corner-now-go-away-and-leave-me-alone and short!Flareth. Well, actually, it sorta happened like this. Dannichu was emitting rainbows for no apparent reason, and everyone in her path turned all happy and rainbowy and gay. I really don't know.
And wuh sadness at having long hair and antennae, that persona is dead to me, you hear, dead! I took it out back and shot it. It was a mercy killing.
Can't say I don't love the facial expressiong though. And god, the little Linoone/Spoon/Salamander with a flower combo is adorable.

Dec. 8 Have you ever noticed that Apollo resembles a Blaziken? While, now you have. First time drawing Polly, so if I screwed it up somewhere, uh, hi?
Oh oh oh is Polly that magician that Phoenix takes care of or something because if so yaay.
I haven't really gotten into Apollo yet since I lent the game to a friend a while ago, but I think you've done a good job. They're easily recognizable. Everything looks quite good, but their arms are maybe a little long or their thighs are a bit short, and Apollo's left arm seems a bit stiff.

Uh... Pokémon Akatsuki![/QUOTE]
The colouring's a bit too rough in this one. Can't say much about the Pokemon, those I can see properly look good, though Claydoll and Sharpedo could have used more work.

Criticism? I'm having trouble with the eye and horn.
I really like the shading on the skin and the details on the wings in this, they look great! The little spots under the eye are a nice touch, too. I think the eye looks pretty good, though I remember Dragonair having really big eyes. I guess you're going for a more realistic tone, right? If so, just adding some highlights in the eye and some shadows around it to show it's surrounded by flesh (like a human eye) should do the trick. I think some highlights on the orb around the neck would look good too.
The horn does look awkward, probably because it's not... level. It's very hard to explain without a redline (and I don't really feel like looking for my tablet right now, it's a bit too late), but the base of the horn looks like it's oval rather than round.
Still, very nice!

It's okay, but I think the shading's a bit... flat. It's like you used burn and dodge to shade, or something like that. I've seen a lot of people do this kind of shading, but it really looks lumpy.
The perspective's strange too, the kid in the back's as big as the tree next to him and Ness' shadow extends all the way back but in a very two-dimensional way.
I do like the theme and their facial expressions, those are nice. The meteorite(?)'s shading's nice too, and the fire looks cool.

December 10th:
Me and a friend on Boxing day. Done for Kratos' art contest.
The shading on your hair's nice looking, but you seem to lack defined fingers! :o
I can't quite make sense of your friend's beer, either. It looks like it's a semi-solid mass which got cut off in the middle. Beer's usually quite foamy and very liquid.
The poses and expressions are cool.

Oh, those are so cute! The little axolotl looks so much li,e the :awesome: smiley, haha. The poses are good and the shading's cool, not much to criticize here.

I feel bad because I can't comment on Pokémon so I'll just say that the lineart's great the they all look cute. Hoppip's blank, smiley face is especially great.

Well, it wouldn't be Delibird if it wasn't. Awfully cute for product placement though.

I've never actually read this comic so I can't say how true to the original they are but the little mini-them in the corners are great. Yukari's looking a bit cross-eyed.

The shading on the ribbon looks very nice. It's a pretty simple picture so there's not very much to criticize, but Linoone's beret's maybe facing us too much?

Foreman eeee
Should I watch Cast Away y/n
And yeah hands-wise the little problem is that House's right hand's apparently been exchanged for his left but that can be ignored because of the overall coolness of the picture.

9th - There is an explanation behind this one. I had wanted to draw something involving Spirit (the blond), and there had been a debate on Santa going on in class. The result... yeah.
I think the main problems here are that the blonde's legs look a bit disproportionate (I'd redline it but as I said, tablet trouble), her boobs look strange in that they shoot out of her collarboneand the drawings maybe a bit static. Their faces are very nice and I like the shading on the blonde's skirt, though.

10th - Word was "stocking", after asking my friend for a word due to lack of inspiration.
Haha, the word 'stocking' to me inspires thoughts of 1950s cabaret and retro pin-ups, am I a pervert?
The shading on the sock looks good. Nothing to crit, actually, it looks quite nice!

11th - SHE CAN FLY!
No, I really don't know what inspired this one. >>
The trees in your pictures always have the same weird thing where they grow balls of green cotton from their branches. Trees are very knobbly, creased affairs unless they're those very thin trees, and their leaves are always very distinct. You don't have to draw every separate leaf, obviously, but making them a bit, er, furrier? would look better.
This looks weird perspective-wise but the shading on things is nice.
And now I have that Spogebob flying song in my head.

Snowflakes are such pretty things, they look too pretty to be real. I think this one looks like it's been divided into two very specific areas where five spikes are to be added and no more, no less. They're supposed to be disposed around the central hexagone, I think, not into two groups.

This looks very good! And aww, it's so cute, even though it probably wants to jump on me and tear out my entrails <3

I don't know why, but even though it's cute there's something that bothers me about this one. Can't put my finger on it, it's very frustrating.

Yeah, because of too much colouring the black ink's started bleeding into the colouring, which is a shame seeing as it's nicely done. The colours are maybe a bit too strong.

Sheena Fujibayashi cosplaying as Maya Fey (because their outfits are waaaaay too similar.)
She has no mouth aaa!
But yeah overall it looks pretty good, but I'd have added some more shading between the boobs and the belt thing. Oh, and in the folds of the arms.

Haha, she's awesome. It's probably a line related to the bow she's god under her paw but I like to think she's just saying 'I don't need this anymore' in general. Her indignant expression is great, and the shading's quite nice.

It looks really weird proportion-wise. I think the head's too big and the legs are too short, maybe. The shading's okay.

Blade (RSP) - I LIKE IT!!! :DDD
Looks good, though the tail makes it look like the rest of its body doesn't have fur on it. The fur around its neck is also shaded in a very smooth way, though fur is usually fluffy. The head's maybe a bit big.

I bid you adieu.
Because once you pop, you just can't stop... have Remiel from Tales of Symphonia. =D I actually kinda like this drawing, although the feet are horrible.
@Vladmir Putin's LJ: I know, it just kinda came out like that D: I would fix it, but I was too far in and I had already erased too much. But I might be able to draw another one...
ack damn it i need to get back on target with ArtMo.

December 11th:
It's a glove. A glove that one of my RP characters uses. With a ring. And a wierd pattern that looks like a transmutation circle in the centre.

December 12th:
I tried to draw Darkrai using only a pen.

December 13th:
My RP character that uses the glove that I drew on the 11th.

He looks familiar... I can't tell why, though....

@Everyone else because I'm lazy: Well done for keeping up. Just 18 more days to go!
Will comment more later (taking a break from essay writing in an attempt to regain my sanity), but VPLJ, you are awesome for taking the time to comment on everyone's work.

The final panel of the Boris/David (we're on a first-name basis, clearly) comic made me choke. Choke!
You draw Boris' nose freakishly well o.o

And the exam comics... oh, I've been there. Many times. You've actually drawn two of the worst things to happen to me in exams; opening the paper and having absolutely no idea what the hell the questions are even asking (the massive fist is a brilliant representation of that), and having a coughing fit in the middle of a silent exam hall/a nosebleed all over the paper. Good times they were indeed.

And after a week of constant exams, me and my friends always had names and lookalikes for the invigilators, too; there was "Man who looks like JD from Scrubs in 20 years time", "Glarey-woman who leans distractingly over your shoulder when you raise your hand to ask for something" and, my personal favourite, "Man who looks like Farmer Hogget from Babe who plays games with himself when bored and thinks nobody is watching". I went into a silent fit of giggles when he was walking up and down the exam hall pretending one of the painted lines on the floor of the hall was a tightrope.

You have a teacher called Mr. Cake? If so, that's awesome. All our invigilators were really old, so there really was nothing interesting to look at when you'd finished. Except Farmer Hogget's methods of amusing himself.

Cast Away is pretty good, yeah; I enjoyed the fact the football was called Wilson perhaps a little too much, but it's a pretty good movie. Kinda long. One of those ones that's awesome for rainy Sunday afternoons :)
Here's mine for today, sloppy and half-assed but what can you do: Regarding that Bush shoe throwing thing in Baghdad. Yeah I know, terrible, probably already overplayed, blabber blabber.
What I loved were Bush's cat-like reflexes and CNN's caption: THROWING A SHOE IN IRAQ MEANS CONTEMPT. Sweet Moses, our cultures sure are different! I know that in Europe, throwing a shoe at someone shows enormous amounts of respect and love!

Because once you pop, you just can't stop... have Remiel from Tales of Symphonia. =D I actually kinda like this drawing, although the feet are horrible.
Yeah, the right foot's turned inwards in a weird way and the wings dont really look like they're coming from the shoulderblades, but the shading on the hair's cool and I like the shadow between the legs to imply cloth movement.

It's quite good, but where are the stitches?

Looks good to me, you can tell it's Darkrai and I can't see any immediate faults.

Nice hair shading. The ear looks a bit too stuck on, maybe, and he should have broader shoulders, especially since it's a guy. The eye's pretty nice, too.

Will comment more later (taking a break from essay writing in an attempt to regain my sanity), but VPLJ, you are awesome for taking the time to comment on everyone's work.
Imagine I'm bowing respectfully.

The final panel of the Boris/David (we're on a first-name basis, clearly) comic made me choke. Choke!
You draw Boris' nose freakishly well o.o
Hahaha, it made you choke? Is that a good thing? :v I'll see whether I can scan some more of my Camtastic comicz or drawings because I think UK-based TCODians would probably enjoy them.
And at the Boris' nose thing: again, a good thing? Means I think about him too much, more like :v

And the exam comics... oh, I've been there. Many times. You've actually drawn two of the worst things to happen to me in exams; opening the paper and having absolutely no idea what the hell the questions are even asking (the massive fist is a brilliant representation of that), and having a coughing fit in the middle of a silent exam hall/a nosebleed all over the paper. Good times they were indeed.
Yeah, that was embarassing as hell, especially because I've moved on from dry coughs to really annoying coughing fits that don't let up for ages. I have no idea why I'm nosebleeding either but this happens when I'm sick, probably the aspiring thinning my blood or my nose vessels popping because of my forceful nose-blowing or something. Either way it's gross.

And after a week of constant exams, me and my friends always had names and lookalikes for the invigilators, too; there was "Man who looks like JD from Scrubs in 20 years time", "Glarey-woman who leans distractingly over your shoulder when you raise your hand to ask for something" and, my personal favourite, "Man who looks like Farmer Hogget from Babe who plays games with himself when bored and thinks nobody is watching". I went into a silent fit of giggles when he was walking up and down the exam hall pretending one of the painted lines on the floor of the hall was a tightrope.
I wish my examiners did more interesting things, they just wander around and occasionally sit on spare tables to chat in hushed tones. The only really interesting-looking people so-far have been the headmaster, the Pope Guy, Mr. Cake and some other cute teacher who's also short and also wears clingy clothing and is also British, like Mr. Cake 'v'

You have a teacher called Mr. Cake? If so, that's awesome.
Well, very nearly. The name's been changed to protect the innocent(s), even though I've been pretty lazy because his real name is also phonetically a pastry name :v (not tart)

I'll see if I can check out Cast Away, it looks pretty interesting from what I've seen so-far.

December 14th:
As suggested by Arylett over MSN, a growlithe.
Aw, it's cute! Nice shading, too, I've got not real crtitiques to give.

ps: I'm not commenting on anyone who doesn't comment on at least one person's work from now on because I feel like a retard for wasting my time when no one else does except a handful of other people.
pps: my week-end NaDec drawings will be uploaded in a couple of days because they're both pages of my comic and I still need to ink them.

But seriously, try and make an effort to comment on other people's stuff. You can't expect other people to do the same for you if you don't do it for them, and that's what this club's about, amirite?


I like the lineart on the Darkrai very much; you should try and use lineart like that on other pictures that you colour and see how it works out. It gives it a much more 3-D look.
Your character looks cool, but his arms are a little... floppy? Try and give some defintion to the elbows, maybe. The shading's very cool, though.
I like the spiderwebby design on the glove :o You should colour this one.
And the Growly is several shades of adorable; did you use a ref for this one? The shading's cool, especially on the fluffy fur; with the expression on the face, it kinda looks like it's smiling up at the sun or something equally cute :3


Ooh, I really like that Absol; what program did you draw it in? The blocky shading's very nice, and the angle you drew it from is cool. The neck's maybe a little long, but the legs are awesome.


Yay for Purugly fanart~ She looks really cool; like VPLJ, the defiant expression/pose are great. I think you're improving at shading, too.
I like the boniness of the Persian; the front paws look especially good, though it doesn't quite look like her back-right foot's on the ground. Awesome stuff :)


Ooh, I really like the smudgy-pencil you used for these; it looks really good. The 3-D-ness of the Magnemite's magnets looks great and the Tyrogue's expression is brilliant X) My only crit would be, if the horn-thingies go down the centre of the face, his eyes are a little too far to the left. But it's not really noticable.
I envy your ability to use so many mediums so much~ The oil portrait looks really good - the face shape is perfect and I especially like the eye, ear and colours you used for the skin.
And awww the snow one is adorable~ I like the :D sun in the second panel best X)
Think youself lucky; I've never had a snow day in my whole life ):


Aaah, you got Bush's face down perfectly! It's that kind of stunned confusion with the eyebrows and the almost D: -type mouth. The hand's slightly weird, but I have a feeling the main point of this pic was to do the face.
Well, I guess choking's never really a good thing, but it was my fault for eating dry crackers and looking at funny art at the same time :o
And yes, the nose is a good thing; it's very distinctive and you've got it pretty much spot-on. Your drawings of RL people have come on leaps and bounds since your earlier stuff. Go you!

Aaand here's the last pic I'll be posting for a while. It's my pic for yesterday, also my entry to Kratos' competition. Then the camera battery died and I can't be bothered to go and spend lods of money on new ones, so you'll have to wait till I go home for any updates (which will be crushing for you, I'm sure).

Obsessive Scribblers Christmas!

I'm so sorry to everyone who I couldn't fit iiiiin ><
And this one'll get ripped to pieces during the art contest, so don't bother too much with crit X)
Obsessive Scribblers Christmas!

I'm so sorry to everyone who I couldn't fit iiiiin ><
And this one'll get ripped to pieces during the art contest, so don't bother too much with crit X)

ö Is that me hanging from the tinsel?

(Also please don't eat me for being an inactive idiot; as mentioned before I won't be able to do much art until I get my tablet for Christmas, sorry~)
Maaaaaaaybe :D

Aw, I'm not annoyed, and I especially didn't mean that towards you, especially because you don't post art much. It's juct a little cheeky to say "What do you think of this?" while ignoring what other people have posted.
Fff, sorry for being inactive guys, school, and preparations of going to NY this Thursday. Dx
Looks like I can't participate on the DrawMo. Mainly because I'm not sharing a room in the hotel with my sister, but more of sharing it with some other 8th grade students. Please don't ask why, because my posts will become ridicoulously long. D:

I should be commenting on everyone's art... But there's like 84928492802 out there so, I'd rather not. Sorry. Again. ;A; But I'd say that everyone did a great job, especially on the Christmas and group pics. You guys rock. :D

Again, sorry. Dx
As usual, I really do feel horrible about not being active/being able to comment on anything more than the most recent page or art threads aaaaa what is my problem with that, but yes, I do try my best to at least attempt to comment here and really everyone should. :/ But I just have so many other things to do, even with school over tomorrow, and blah. >: Also I am sick and miserable which sucks.

I think I'm not going to "officially" do the artmo thinger any more; I'm just going to make an early New Year's resolution to draw more often in general and leave it at that. Luckily, that still shouldn't be too difficult to keep up with this month, what with the requests and effective job offers and whatnot. So that's cool I guess.

Everyone who entered the art contest is my best friend forever, by the way. There's still a little time left until the extended deadline, so hurry up and finish if you haven't already! Please?

NEXT POST WILL CONTAIN AS MANY COMMENTS AS MY STUFFED-UP HEAD CAN MANAGE TO SQUEEZE OUT I PROMISE D:D:D: but I have reffings and final exam review and other annoying shit and yeah god dammit
Dannichu: That's great! But the room looks a bit crowded. I don't really like crowded drawings much, but if you like it that way, it's fine with me.

Kai: I don't really get it, but if I knew about it, I think that would be funny.

Kai and Dannichu: I love your style of humans. I can't draw them very well myself. Good luck on NaDecArtMo, or whatever you like to call it. :)
@Dannichu: I drew it on paper, and then over the outlines with marker, scanned it, saved it as monochrome bitmap and then PNG, and then colored over it using Absol's color.
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