Okay, if you guys want me to stop typing huge comments, do tell.
And, er, incidentally, I'm sorry I won't be commenting on your first couple of pictures just yet, RainbowRayquaza, but I'd done that already and my computer decided to refresh this page and erase everything I'd written. uggh i'll try to do it at a later date
This picture is actually on time! Wow!
This morning I hatched some eggs Lora gave me yesterday. Hatcher, my Magcargo was very helpful as usual!
This was my first time drawing a Magcargo.
Aw, I like how it looks like he's protecting the egg a little with his lava-body. A bit of a nitpick, but why are there green highlights all around the shell? I'd understand near the egg only, but...
Drawing peoplefaces is my
I think that even for a quick sketch, it looks quite good. Then again, I can't draw animals for the life of me wihout staring at references intently so I envy anone who
can do it :v
She's cute, and the shading's good again, like on the other picture. It looks a bit blocky but eh, that happens with pixel-ish drawings.
I feel left out because I've never played any of the games you guys mention sob sob ;-;
EDIT: I got today's done as well!
December 8th:
The Niwa family chibis. Left to right, Emiko, Daisuke's mother, Kosuke, his father, and Daiki, his grandfather. I'll be doing Wiz and Towa at some point.[/QUOTE]
Again, no idea who they are, but your chibis are pretty cool so :v They wouldn't be able to move around very effectively, but they're coo'.
IT IS adorable :)
I like your style, it's quite cartoony, as opposed to a lot of manga-influences we see around the internet (like miiiine ugggh i've been trying to get rid of that wretched manga influence for
Yesterday's, a comic page. Not much to say really, check my Comic thread for more! (pimp pimp pimp)
Today's drawing, holocaust-inspired. It's pretty terrible but it'll do, I suppose.
Ok, so in case you couldn't tell: Lower left has two Jews in a camp sitting on a bench (in their striped pyjamas, bad shoes, David's stars and skinniness), lower right has a beat-up man with a pistol in his mouth (it looked strangely phallic before I edited it to look like a proper Nazi gun), top right has a regular Jewish man in his smart clothes (before the Nazis started taking them to camps or confining them to ghettos), top-middle's a man trying to hide his face and his pink triangle and top left's another man in a concentration camp, bearing the pink triangle and getting attacked by terribly drawn dogs.
And here's a special teaser (teehee) for my Christmas drawing:
Still scared shitless of doing the background. I'm pathetic I knooow
Next images will either be Reagan/Bush Sr. or the recounting of a very strange dream I had involving David Cameron, Boris Johnson and talking about feelings. Whatever I get inspired by during break-time :v