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Obsessive Scribblers~

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@Darksong: Well that's stylistic preference really, the spikiness of the Flareon's collar and the spikes on Vaporeon, I mean. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, it's really just my style of drawing. (And I made Flareon's collar spiky like that to make it look more firey.) But I do agree with you on the part that the ears on Glaceon are too close... mmm.

Also, I like the way you did Bolt. It's quite nice. Well-done! Only thing I see wrong the left paw... it looks a bit funky. Can't really explain it. I guess the curvy lines are too long, maybe erase a bit of the ends of them off. Oh and the back... it's too straight. And the curve of the tail is too abrupt. ;;Sucking at explaining;;
I especially like how the guy with glasses is so deadpan in the bottom two pictures event hough he's being gropey and, uh, fingery. Guy without glasses' hair changes in every picture; which one do you think is the most accurate?
Haha, they do show an impressive lack of emotion in real life, but I guess that and their proper...ness is their gimmick.
Oh, I think George just changes his hair a lot because in every picture I saw he had a different style. Makes for difficult drawing ):

December 1st. Me and my good friend Ri. DO NOT ASK, IT IS CHOCK FULL OF INJOKES. (I actually had it already drawn and coloured before December 1st, but I didn't really have time to draw something new. I suppose you could say I FINISHED it December 1st. I drew and coloured the briefcases on that day. THEY COUNT.)
I really like the facial expressions and the hair in this one, but the crossed arms look a bit off. The hands seem to disappear.
The suitcases are stacked on each other, right? It kind of looks like one is behind the other, they don't look like they connect. The clothes look good but the shoes aren't really touching the ground, either.

I can't really make many comments on this one since Pokémon-drawing isn't my forte, but I think Eevee's tail looks a bit too plain compared with the others' (and its own) fluffyness. Flareon looks a bit spikey, but you said that was an effect you were going for so :v If you wanted fire-y, maybe it should be a bit flowier? Fire's very pretty and rounded.
But yeah they all look really cute ;w;

Again, can't really comment on Eeveenatomy, but I think Vaporeon looks nice. Umbreon's legs look a bit weird though, like his feet are pointing in opposite directions.

I think they all look pretty good here, but as some general advice: eyes tend to bulge out a little on the side of the face, they don't stop squarely or wrap themselves around the face two-dimensionally.

December 5th, Anne Stanton, a character of mine. (Note: I got her name from a book. You get 20 Awesome Points if you can tell me which. How I created her is actually sort of... crazy. I changed my name to "Anne Stanton" on MSN and somehow... I made her into a whole new character seperate from the one in the book I read, because I started acting different with the name Anne Stanton. And I drew her according to how I think someone with that name would look. I could go into more detail, but it's really quite crazy. And yes, I was going for a Bitchy School Teacher look.)
She does look like an Anne Stanton, and I think you nailed the 'bitchy school teacher' look, moreso than my Alain! Her left boob looks a bit odd and her neck's maybe a bit thick but she looks really nice otherwise. is it wrong that i'm reminded of sarah palin ;-;

Violent Cockroach!
Originally inked only in black/white. This dude is from EarthBound (no duh) and looks like he's giving me the finger. D: I swear, I didn't notice that until now. Also, I based his pose off an official clay model. I like how it came out.
Ahaha, he looks like a Dragon Ball villain :v The colouring and pose are quite nice, but since I don't know the character I can't say much about it. He kind of looks like he has a :3 face going, though I'm pretty certain that that's his neck fold or something.

All right, how's this?


I also added in the coloring on the collar that was supposed to be there.
Looks good, is he a Chihuahua? If you want to add some more furryness to the picture, a few strokes of the pencil at appropriate spots would add to that illusion. I do it with hair all the time.

And Kai, she looks really nice! Did you base her pose off an official image or did you come up with it?
Looks good, is he a Chihuahua? If you want to add some more furryness to the picture, a few strokes of the pencil at appropriate spots would add to that illusion. I do it with hair all the time.

Well, I just followed what he looked like from the movie, and it was kind of hard to see the fur since he was such a bright white.

I sincerely don't know what species he is. I think a chihuahua would work, but there could be something else, too.

@Darksong: Well that's stylistic preference really, the spikiness of the Flareon's collar and the spikes on Vaporeon, I mean. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, it's really just my style of drawing. (And I made Flareon's collar spiky like that to make it look more firey.) But I do agree with you on the part that the ears on Glaceon are too close... mmm.

Oh, all right, then. I just haven't seen many styles at drawing. I'm better at creating than criticizing.

Also, I like the way you did Bolt. It's quite nice. Well-done! Only thing I see wrong the left paw... it looks a bit funky. Can't really explain it. I guess the curvy lines are too long, maybe erase a bit of the ends of them off. Oh and the back... it's too straight. And the curve of the tail is too abrupt. ;;Sucking at explaining;;

It was rather abrupt in the picture, but you're right, the paw on our left does look rather weird. I'll fix that, but probably won't post the picture another time unless you really want me to.
XDDD Arylett's Stanton pic reminded me a bit of Sarah Palin, too X3 Her outfit's great; I love the fishnets, and her hair and face are cool. All the Eevees look adorable; you're getting better at legs and paws :3 I think I like the Jolteon and Espeon best, though the Umbreon's ears are <3

...'s angry cockroach is fantastic X3 I have no idea who he is or anything, but he's so :3 and giving me the finger and yet he's so adorable and things~ Also, your digital skillz are impressive.

Bolt looks really, really cute~ Hit head looks a bit big, but form what I remember of the trailer, his head was bit anyway. I love his face especially.

And Kai does digital art, too~ What did you do this one in? Etna looks adorable, and the shading's cool, too.

Argh; I'll put tomorrow's and today's up together later when I'm done with it.
I've been forgetting to upload my pictures a lot. I've got the one for the 3rd, I'm about to draw today's one, and the rest are waiting to be scanned.
So here's the 3rd.
Nothing very interesting happened that day, so I asked my dad what he did. He said he had some coffee with his friend called Jeff, so I drew a Jeff and some coffee. Obviously they're not the same Jeff, this is the one from EarthBound. They're actually completely different.

EDIT: Here's the rest, I'm working on today's one.

A Reconstructed Lion from Mother 3. One of my favourite mechanical chimeras!

Pikachu! I drew this with highlighters, so when I scanned it the colours died. I messed about in Photoshop to fix it.
The colours are obviously a lot brighter in real life. So bright I had to give him needs sunglasses.

I went to my friend Lora's house. We weren't allowed on the Wii, so we got up to all kinds of silliness on the stairs. I drew Lora as a blue dragon here.
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Thanks for the crit VPLJ~ The crossing arms on that picture were hell and I was trying to stack the briefcaes on top of each other. And that whole picture was just hell for me to draw. First time I've drawn crossing arms, it is obvious. I'll remember about the eyes, bulge out a bit~ And I'm glad to hear that Danni! Yaaay~ My paws are getting better! (Hmm... now that I think of it... Anne DOES remind me of Sarah Palin... wow, I wasn't even thinking about her when I drew her.)

Kai: I love your Disgaea picture, as I've already told you. It looks a lot like the official artwork picture, good job replicating it! Just one thing - The outlines are a bit fuzzy and jagged. But other than that, it's a good deal~

Spaekle: Love your bird-parrot guy. The colours are amazing! The shading and outlines are very nice. And the wings are feathery and fluffy~ Also the one with the guy on the couch? It's pretty damn good, if I do say so myself. He's a bit creepy looking. The left leg is also a bit... angly. I don't know, it's funky. It's got too much of a curve and god, my explaining skills are awful.

Yesterday's drawing? I'll have it later~ And today's? Same.

This picture is actually on time! Wow!
This morning I hatched some eggs Lora gave me yesterday. Hatcher, my Magcargo was very helpful as usual!
This was my first time drawing a Magcargo.
I'm extremely sorry that I've been so inactive here. I did mess around the member list again, but DeviantArt accounts haven't been added to those who don't have them before, sorry. If I managed to misspell your name, or have an outdated link please alert me.

I'm very impressed with you guys and your drawings for this month <3~ Linoone's are very amusing, and have an interesting style. Dannichu's managed to be cute, and have blatant improvement. Arylett's are better than what I previously saw in her Art Thread. RainbowRayquaza's are adorable, and have nice colors, when they're colored. VPLJ's are just amazing, and the way she draws people makes me envious. ...'s doodles are turning out quite well, and I find them to be fun to look at. PichuK's are simplified a bit, but the main features are still evident.

A wolf doodle, which took slightly less than twenty minutes
December 7th:
aaghr no why did i save as a JPEG why o why o why!

Flonne, another one of Laharl's vassals. She was sent by the Seraph [A high ranking angel] to assassinate Laharl's father, the overlord. However, she arrives two years late only to assume Laharl to be his father. After a chapters worth of chasing her, Laharl finally confronts and explains the truth, that his father died two years ago. She then pursues Laharl to find out whether demons are capable of loving.

EDIT: I got today's done as well!
December 8th:
The Niwa family chibis. Left to right, Emiko, Daisuke's mother, Kosuke, his father, and Daiki, his grandfather. I'll be doing Wiz and Towa at some point.

Daiki has a Kimono because he is awesome.
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Okay, if you guys want me to stop typing huge comments, do tell.

And, er, incidentally, I'm sorry I won't be commenting on your first couple of pictures just yet, RainbowRayquaza, but I'd done that already and my computer decided to refresh this page and erase everything I'd written. uggh i'll try to do it at a later date


This picture is actually on time! Wow!
This morning I hatched some eggs Lora gave me yesterday. Hatcher, my Magcargo was very helpful as usual!
This was my first time drawing a Magcargo.
Aw, I like how it looks like he's protecting the egg a little with his lava-body. A bit of a nitpick, but why are there green highlights all around the shell? I'd understand near the egg only, but...

Drawing peoplefaces is my life

I think that even for a quick sketch, it looks quite good. Then again, I can't draw animals for the life of me wihout staring at references intently so I envy anone who can do it :v

December 7th:
aaghr no why did i save as a JPEG why o why o why!
She's cute, and the shading's good again, like on the other picture. It looks a bit blocky but eh, that happens with pixel-ish drawings.
I feel left out because I've never played any of the games you guys mention sob sob ;-;

EDIT: I got today's done as well!
December 8th:
The Niwa family chibis. Left to right, Emiko, Daisuke's mother, Kosuke, his father, and Daiki, his grandfather. I'll be doing Wiz and Towa at some point.[/QUOTE]
Again, no idea who they are, but your chibis are pretty cool so :v They wouldn't be able to move around very effectively, but they're coo'.

IT IS adorable :)
I like your style, it's quite cartoony, as opposed to a lot of manga-influences we see around the internet (like miiiine ugggh i've been trying to get rid of that wretched manga influence for years).

Yesterday's, a comic page. Not much to say really, check my Comic thread for more! (pimp pimp pimp)

Today's drawing, holocaust-inspired. It's pretty terrible but it'll do, I suppose.
Ok, so in case you couldn't tell: Lower left has two Jews in a camp sitting on a bench (in their striped pyjamas, bad shoes, David's stars and skinniness), lower right has a beat-up man with a pistol in his mouth (it looked strangely phallic before I edited it to look like a proper Nazi gun), top right has a regular Jewish man in his smart clothes (before the Nazis started taking them to camps or confining them to ghettos), top-middle's a man trying to hide his face and his pink triangle and top left's another man in a concentration camp, bearing the pink triangle and getting attacked by terribly drawn dogs.

And here's a special teaser (teehee) for my Christmas drawing:

Still scared shitless of doing the background. I'm pathetic I knooow

Next images will either be Reagan/Bush Sr. or the recounting of a very strange dream I had involving David Cameron, Boris Johnson and talking about feelings. Whatever I get inspired by during break-time :v
Aw, I like how it looks like he's protecting the egg a little with his lava-body. A bit of a nitpick, but why are there green highlights all around the shell? I'd understand near the egg only, but...

They're actually orange and yellow, to show the lava and the little flames glowing a little. Maybe that's less obvious in the scanned pic.
uuugggghhh haven't gotten to a scanner yet but I have every picture from the 5th up done so :v

still too lazy to comment also a little depressed at the moment but I'LL GET AROUND TO IT i promise ><
Here's a bunch of lame doodles just so I'm caught up with y'all :D

MAGNEMITE AND TYROGUE: two pokemon that no one really gives a crap about. I kinda like them both. :[

This was just me playing with oil pastels. I might finish this some other time.

Based on a true story. Is it not totally fscking annoying when this happens?

So, uh, yeah!

I really like RainbowRayquaza's Magcargo; especially the face and how smooth-looking it is. The mouse is awesome too, and I also love how cartoony-like your style is. (Getting rid of anime/manga influence is hella hard, dangit. :c)

I'm really liking the coloring on what I can see of VPLJ's Christmas picture. Also the anatomy in general; for me it all kind of falls apart once I get past the face. Dang.

I srsly don't play Disgaea (I've been kind of considering it for a while just because the art is cool, but I don't know the first thing about it) but Kai's art from it is pretty cool. Were they done with a mouse? Because that's pretty awesome if they were.

Arylett has some nice Eeveelutions; the Vaporeon has one eye that's really big compared to the other and the Falreon's manefurstuff seems really spiky. The Eevee is quite good. :V

MY TO-DO LIST: Hand practice! Female characters! Things that will make my head hurt and delay me even more!

Dec. 5 - I really have no idea. :/

Dec. 6 - A few Pokemon, just because I couldn't think of anything else.

Dec. 7 - Again, because I couldn't think of anything else.

It's probably the most emo thing I've ever drawn, but yesterday was an important date for me so.

Today's is in the works. :/
I'm extremely sorry that I've been so inactive here. I did mess around the member list again, but DeviantArt accounts haven't been added to those who don't have them before, sorry. If I managed to misspell your name, or have an outdated link please alert me.
You totally missed me D:
Whoa this grew two pages while I'm not paying attention?

Ahem, comments first. VPLJ's art is full of awesome any gay people (which are the same thing, but who cares) and Linoone approves very muchly.

Arylett's Eeveelutions are very cute; however, you missed the rings on Umbreon's hind legs.

Violent cockroach is cool.

Bolt is cool, too. Although his head is really big. Is his head supposed to be like that?

RainbowRayquaza's good at markers! You should team up with VPLJ and draw pictures of lots of gay rainbows!

Kai's skills with a mouse is like... Wow. I love the shadings on that Disgaea person/thing!
I really should play it sometime. *stockpiles money*

Spoons' wolf-face is pretty. I love the little tuffs of hair coming out of the sides and stuff.

Spaeklegunk is cute~ I totally agree with that picture. It doesn't snow here, but it rains, and we get to have PE (also known as Gym in a lot of countries) off if it rains. That's why I hate sprinkles.

Zora's eeveelutions are very Zora-ey. The large Zora's eyes in your crazy emo picture is sorta scary though... I think they're too far back in her head.

Annnnd... My art time!

Dec. 5 Random dragon thing. With glasses. I dunno.
Dec. 6 Because Zora asked for more Zora, so here's a Zora! With a big Zora sword thing.
Dec. 7 Uhhhhh.... Parings? With Kratos/I'm-just-going-to-hide-in-that-corner-now-go-away-and-leave-me-alone and short!Flareth. Well, actually, it sorta happened like this. Dannichu was emitting rainbows for no apparent reason, and everyone in her path turned all happy and rainbowy and gay. I really don't know.
Dec. 8 Have you ever noticed that Apollo resembles a Blaziken? While, now you have. First time drawing Polly, so if I screwed it up somewhere, uh, hi?

Blah still needs to draw today's scribble. Will post later. However, Linoone might not be on as much due to FINALS GAH and projects but mostly finals.
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