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Obsessive Scribblers~

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And speaking of which:

I got someone on dA interested in the Draw-A-Thon. :P
She doesn't go here, but still. :D
Spaekle is here with some crap for you all!

I really liked this until I tried giving it a background. :( Most of the background is cropped out due to suckage, because I'm a cheater. I really don't know what this guy is supposed to be; I'm guessing some kind of ManSnakeParrot? The left wing is messed up and the background sucks balls, as I said before. I might redraw this guy some day. I like the concept.

Half-assed disproportionate sketch of one of the horrible characters in my head on his couch. :V

I'll hopefully have today's and tomorrow's sketches up tomorrow. Because an artist who's always behind schedule is what every client wants.

Woo, DNAngel! (I really loved that manga, but I haven't touched it in forever...) Yay Scar! (Oddly enough, I was listening to "Be Prepared" on the bus today.) Dragons and Nazis! International Hug Day! I have a headache right now and can't be arsed to give any constructive comments! :(!
Aw, thanks everyone <3 and sorry for not uploading a drawing a day or commenting on other drawings but I can't get the pictures to load on my computer. ugggh i'll steal my mum's later on :v

Vlad: GOEBLES! NAZIS! DAMN! It looks amazing, and rather camp. Didn't Hitler hate the homosexuals, though?
Haha, thanky. And sure, that's what he said, but he did tolerate them for a long time. Himmler ppushed him into the Night of the Long Knives. Goebbels was obssessed with people thinking he was gay so it's safe to assume he was :v
I liiiiiied. But it's up now, so it's all good.

4th December (Elphaba and Galinda all winteryish)
5th December (the Red Mage from Disgaea with a colour scheme I invented entirely)

I'm really happy with both of these; they both took freaking ages and the drawing for the 4th isn't even coloured yet x.x
Elphaba and Galinda aren't really looking at each other, which bothers me a little, and the drawing for the 5th suffers from the dreaded "I wish I'd started this drawing an inch to the right ><". But I love how it came out; it was meant to be practice drawing clothing creases and I think it's mostly okay in that respect.

Oh, if anyone with a better eye for realism than me (I think that's all of you) think this looks more or less how the light/shading would work? Thanks :)

Everyone else's stuff is great; Speakle's snake-man-thing looks really cool and the background's really not that bad - hey, at least you bother with them :3 Kai's butterfly is beautiful... and woah; realism in the ArtMo! :O
Aww, Darksong's hug is is adorable; I love the Luxray's head best, it's so fluffy~
Aaah, both CrazyLinoone's pics are fantastic; the perspective on the Flygon is awesome, and I love the tip of the wing all curled up. And PichuK's arm is a little low down, they both look adorable, it's a brilliant idea for a pic, and the background is amazing <3

Keep it up everyone! :D
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Drawings will come tomorrow or Sunday, whenever I can use the scanner.

But I must say that everything looks great. :D
Dannichu: The folds in clothing. I have no words. And, yes, the lighting is good. I think. Ask Vlad or Kratos or Kai or something; Linoone doesn't have an eye for this. And the colors. Gah. So pretty and colorful and prettyful and color-ey...

You really are improving. I should go practice drawing folds in clothing... Yes I should...

Spaekle: Hurr, I just realized that I forgot your glasses in the group pic. Sorry about that. And the man-parrot-snake-thing is pretty.... The shadings are really nice, and the colors are nice and dark. I think the wings look a bit funny though... I think the feathers are too straight.

The dude on the couch is staring at me funny.

Kai: Pwettyful butterfly...
attn: fucking wall of text, read at own risk:

Gonna try to comment on everything from now on.
Also got my computer back, so there should be less of a delay on the daily drawings.

Aw, it looks really cute! I like the shading too, very nice and quite soft, just like a butterfly's wings should be. The fact that it doesn't have any antennae or a tube mouth is a little strange, but I'm guessing that was on purpose?
Good job.

I liiiiiied. But it's up now, so it's all good.

4th December (Elphaba and Galinda all winteryish)
5th December (the Red Mage from Disgaea with a colour scheme I invented entirely)
Your first picture is also very cute, Danni. I really like their clothes, and thye just look super sweet <3
I think Elphaba's hands look a bit off, but books are tricky things to draw. Galinda's knees are a little low, and her bag strap just sort of goes from her shoulder to her side in a straight line (which is a bit odd, beause girl bodies curve a lot).
Can't wait for the coloured version!

Oh, I do like the colouring on this. I don't think I could do that with pencils, to tell you the truth. I don't know the character at all (Disgaea? paaah, you kids), but the colour scheme you invented looks nice and I like her expression. The boots seem to have a different light source than the rest of the picture, though.

Oh, if anyone with a better eye for realism than me (I think that's all of you) think this looks more or less how the light/shading would work? Thanks :)
I think it's pretty accurate, if the light's coming from the top left. Though most of the lighting on the right (her left) of the coat, especially near the tummy folds, should maybe be obscured more. Same for what's actually under the coat, since shadow has a lot less variation than lighting.
Lalalala it's three am I don't know what I'm saying :v

Anyway, my drawings for the third and the fourth. I drewmost of my entry for Kratos' contest today, inked it and only need to colour and add a background. Need to figure out an appropriate colour scheme, but I think I'll go with red and black. And some spots of green, maybe.
Looking up 'Christmas lingerie' and '1940 lingerie' on Google was pretty fun.

My NaDecDraMo drawings from two days ago and yesterday:
3rd of December, and as I said, a couple of Stephen Fries. There was another drawing but it looked too shitty for me to post. So, a quick sketch of his face and a weird Stephen+Alice combo, because he's appearing in the new Alice in Wonderland and I was all 'bet he plays alice' and someone encouraged me to draw that :v
He's playing some other role though. Could be anyone, really, Rabbit? Mad Hatter? One of the Queens, maybe.

4th of December, the Bunkerfreunde again. I actually have a valid excuse for having drawn them this time. I'm in a play set during World War II and I play the sister of the male lead, and we're Jewish and things. I only show up at the very end though and since I have to watch the entire rehearsal I doodle a bit.
Got inspired by the atmosphere. Those titles are films I've got to check out, pay no heed to them :v
All done without a ref and while I was super distracted so they're shittier than usual.
Thank you very muchly; I'll take the suggestions for the first pic and redo it a little :3

D'aww, Stephen is so, so cute <3 And you can definetly tell it's him; the nose and mouth in the non-Alice picture are pretty much spot-on. And the Alice picture is hilarious; I'll love your forever if you do a Hugh Laurie Hatter/Hare to go with him X)

Haha, Rudolph Hess kinda looks like Phoenix Wright o.O I don't know what they all looked like, so I can't comment on how you're drawing them in the likenes of the originals, but they all look very, very different; moreso than your pictures from a while back; each of them looks distinctive and if they were characters in a manga or something, they'd be hard to confuse, but at the same time, they all look very much like they're drawn in your style. How long does each character take you when drawn like this?

I've got a sketch for what might be my entry to Kratos' competition; it's a group picture, but it's damn hard fitting everybody iiiiiin ><

I'm spending all day in London tomorrow, so expect my pic for the 6th to be all wobbly from being drawn on the train X3
thanks for the Stephen compliments, I'm glad you think he looks good! I personally find him very cute when he was younger, despite the wonky nose, and I think that if he lost some weight now he'd look even better. He's not ugly now or anything, but you know.

Haha, Rudolph Hess kinda looks like Phoenix Wright o.O I don't know what they all looked like, so I can't comment on how you're drawing them in the likenes of the originals, but they all look very, very different; moreso than your pictures from a while back; each of them looks distinctive and if they were characters in a manga or something, they'd be hard to confuse, but at the same time, they all look very much like they're drawn in your style. How long does each character take you when drawn like this?
I'll post some pictures because I'm cool like that.
Rudi Hess. I'd forgotten how square his head/jaw was.
Göring. He never looks very large in pictures for some reason but I can assure you that he was a raging fatass.
Heydrich swoon
Goebbels, propagandin'. Extra picture of him just for the cock goes where? intensity value and so you can see that I do draw his haircut correctly!

A little picture like that takes me about four to seven minutes, at most.

And yesss enter Kratos' contest, there's not nearly enough entries ):
Rargh, I'm still trying to decide whether I want to enter that or not. I don't want to use any of the holiday drawings in my main sketchbook though, those were just drawn for fun.

I'd like to do something funny involving the tropics and vacationing for the holidays, but I just can't figure out what I'd want to do.
And yesss enter Kratos' contest, there's not nearly enough entries ):

qft D: Everyone who said they were going to enter and then doesn't enter and can't give me an amazing excuse (e.g. "my dog ate both of my hands") will win the grand prize of an embarrassing picture of them drawn by me and plastered all over the forums. D<

Still haven't really drawn anything! I inked something I drew earlier, though. uugh deciding to do this right after NaNo was a horrible idea.

Anyway I am going to be not lazy and actually comment on people's pictures, but only on this page because otherwise too muuuch


Parrotsnakemanthing: very cool, I like the concept, too. And no one cares whether or not the background is bad if you actually make an effort to include one! It might be nice if the wings/feathers weren't quite so straight and angular, but still awesome.

Couch person: well, the picture isn't horrible so I'm assuming you're talking about the character himself? Why, out of curiosity, did you use that particular adjective to describe him?


Pretty, yes. It does look a bit odd without antennae/a proboscis, but it is all nice and soft and delicate. The only thing that really bothers me is the scanner quality... I'm sure it isn't supposed to look that dark, and it's hard to see the pink bits at the bottom. D:


Glinda and Elphie: First of all, let me say that you are definitely getting better at fabric folds. (I wish I could say the same about myself, but my brain has issued a moratorium on drawing anything that is not some sort of critter and well, yeah, I kind of owe it a break after NaNo.) As Vlad said, Glinda's knees are a little low, and they're also too small/too far off to the side of her waist: they look as though they're... some sort of prop placed in front of her at an angle instead of a natural continuation of her legs.

Red mage: Very cute, and it's always nice to see people taking the time to color their work. I don't know anything about Disgaea so I can't make any sort of comparison to the usual color scheme, but still, nice. And I know what you mean about the poor placement... ugh, so annoying. :/

As for the shading, pretty much what Vlad said. Light from the upper left wouldn't be hitting the area on the inside of her coat, which is facing directly away from the light source--that spot would be pretty dark. And so on. I'm also a little leery about the boots (in the finished pic); I know they're angled upward, but I think her body might be blocking the light that would fall on them, for the most part. There might be a teensy bit of light on the back of her boots, though.


Oh, you with the lingerie. Stop teasing me it isn't nice! D:

Stephen Fry: No earthly idea who he is, but nice. Also haven't heard of this "new Alice in Wonderland", but I approve of men in dresses made for small children.

Nazis: ugh I feel so left out when you draw these people because I don't know who anyone not named "Hitler" is. Man, I need to brush up on my history something awful. The eyes on most of the pictures don't quite line up properly, but looking at the pics you've posted I'd say you've drawn them fairly accurately. Good job.

and I'm going to stop now because I have requests to do and also my throat is feeling weird all of a sudden.
Haha, thanks people. :V I choose the adjective 'horrible' to describe Evan because he eats pretty much anything he thinks looks attractive (which often includes things like kitchen appliances?) and he listens to Nelly Furtado. And he's one of those characters who just appears in my mind when I don't want him to and makes life awkward. :(

Now that people have pointed it out, I can see the wings on Manparrotsnake being too pointy. I really do need to re-draw him someday.

And I'm going to have to get the pictures I'm behind on up this weekend. Sorry. This is what I get for trying to draw things that challenge me every day. xD

VPLJ continues to be very good at drawing peoplefaces; Kai's butterfly is kind of blurry but I like what I can see of the colors/shading; I'm not really familiar with Disgaea or Wicked but Dannichu's pictures are both cute, and from what I can see the light source thing looks okay (but I'm not exactly the best at that either); I probably forgot some really sorry D:
To everyone who commented: Thanks! I drew the butterfly from an image I got from google; It didn't have any antennae on it, so I didn't draw any. The pink bits are, indeed, hard to see, but blame my crappy pink pencil for that. It took me an art lesson, and then an english lesson [I had a cover teacher who said we could do what we liked and gave us chocolate and stuff], so it took about 2 hours. I then took a photo of it using a digital camera since I don't have a scanner. I seriously need to get one.

I'd comment on everyone else's, but it's 9 in the morning and I'm tired. Perhaps later.
Oh, you with the lingerie. Stop teasing me it isn't nice! D:
Kratos you silly, that's what lingerie's for!
But don't worry, I'll probably finish my drawing tomorrow. I just need to do a shitload of colouring and I'm done. Strangely enough, I'm pretty happy with how it looks so-far because I usually suck at anatomy and this picture blows less than usual in that aspect <3
I showed my mum, who despite being a bit shocked gave me a thumbs up on it. My stepdad told me to add more package, so I obliged.

Stephen Fry: No earthly idea who he is, but nice. Also haven't heard of this "new Alice in Wonderland", but I approve of men in dresses made for small children.
Oh, Stephen Fry's been in dresses quite often. I don't know who he'll play in the Burton's Alice, but it can only be awesome. He's this super intelligent, immensely funny man who hosts QI and appears in many shows and films. He's best friends with Hugh Laurie and they've made a sitcom called A Bit of Fry and Laurie and they also adapted P.G. Wodehouse's Jeeves and Wooster into a series.
Here's them being awesome. Oh, there they are again! Seriously, watch it A Bit of Fry and Laurie, it's amazing.

Oh, and he's also an Oscar Wildefag and played him in the 1993 film Wilde. He got to hug/kiss/fondle Jude Law, so everyone was happy.

Nazis: ugh I feel so left out when you draw these people because I don't know who anyone not named "Hitler" is. Man, I need to brush up on my history something awful. The eyes on most of the pictures don't quite line up properly, but looking at the pics you've posted I'd say you've drawn them fairly accurately. Good job.
Oh, the most important ones are Goebbels, Göring and Himmler, really. Well, and Böhrman, but I haven't drawn him here so er :v

VPLJ continues to be very good at drawing peoplefaces;
I am indeed drawing many peoplefaces for the DraMo, but they're a lot of fun and I can brush up my realism a little so it's coo'.

5th of December, slightly half-assed. It's Alain, weeks before his wedding, mentally preparing himself for the honeymoon by watching porn. Obviously, he doesn't even rent proper porn, he gets Emmanuelle (the original, at that), which is widely considered artsy as fuck and contains only softcore scenes.

Today's (6th of December) picture, Gilbert and George. They're this awesome pair of pop artists that some douchebags call hacks, but I love them. And they're so cute too, always together, always dressed and behaving perfectly, always having dinner in the same restaurant at the same time, th-they're adorable ;w; And they inspired Kraftwerk's look so you know they're amazing.
The way they met was cute too, they were studying sculptures at St. Martin's and George was the only person who understood Gilbert's broken English and it was love at first sight.
I warn you though, the pictures the produce are super cool but there's a lot of works where they show up naked so you might want to be careful if you're horribly scared nude, middle-aged men (for some reason).

Awwww the drawing for the 5th is so cuuuute. I saw Avenue Q today (yay! :D) so I instantly think of poor Nicky ): The black and white shading works really well, though, especially on the chair. And his :/ face is supercute.

The faces in the drawing for the 6th are great; I especially like how the guy with glasses is so deadpan in the bottom two pictures event hough he's being gropey and, uh, fingery. Guy without glasses' hair changes in every picture; which one do you think is the most accurate?

Will upload my pic for today tomorrow because I'm shattered and want to go to bed x.x

Oh, and I second the Fry and Laurie love. Those two are amazing.
Wow... I've missed a lot. Eh, I'll comment later. Right now, I don't have a lot of time. Here's what I've got so far:

December 1st. Me and my good friend Ri. DO NOT ASK, IT IS CHOCK FULL OF INJOKES. (I actually had it already drawn and coloured before December 1st, but I didn't really have time to draw something new. I suppose you could say I FINISHED it December 1st. I drew and coloured the briefcases on that day. THEY COUNT.)

December 2nd, some Eeveelutions and Eevee.

December 3rd, more Eeveelutions.

December 4th, the finishing of all the Eeveelutions.

December 5th, Anne Stanton, a character of mine. (Note: I got her name from a book. You get 20 Awesome Points if you can tell me which. How I created her is actually sort of... crazy. I changed my name to "Anne Stanton" on MSN and somehow... I made her into a whole new character seperate from the one in the book I read, because I started acting different with the name Anne Stanton. And I drew her according to how I think someone with that name would look. I could go into more detail, but it's really quite crazy. And yes, I was going for a Bitchy School Teacher look.)

Today's? Oh, I'm still working on it.
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@Darksong: I think you should lighten the shading on the neck a bit; I couldn't tell it apart from the collar.

yo, I'm probably not going to do this NaArDraMo thing, but here's a thing I drew today:

Violent Cockroach!
Originally inked only in black/white. This dude is from EarthBound (no duh) and looks like he's giving me the finger. D: I swear, I didn't notice that until now. Also, I based his pose off an official clay model. I like how it came out.

I was going to upload this sketch of Ness and co., but the scanner made the pencil lines all light and stuff, so I'm going to upload it when it's inked. <3

I must say, I quite like everyone's stuff. Thumbs up and stuff~
All right, how's this?


I also added in the coloring on the collar that was supposed to be there.
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