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Obsessive Scribblers~

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Awesome start, guys :D
The dinosaur looks so damn happy and Speakle's scarf is made of pure love <3

Here's mine; I was thinking who to draw to represent AIDS awareness and then hit my head against the wall several times X3
Ahaha, that is absolutely AMAZING. I love it :DDD

God, you've done more group pictures than everyone else put together, I reckon. You're awesome like that :3

It's now my desktop background and I can't stop staring at it with love <3 The giant HOWSE, the angry Spoon, Rainbow Rayquaza's bag of jellybeans, FMC's "OMG" face and Kinova's complete disinterest. And, god, just pretty much everything :)
oh my god I'm such a cute Ed x3 *giggles*

Oh, and, speaking of rainbowness, who else except Danni remembers this?

It's the cutest pika I've ever drawn. ; ;

*attempting to actually draw some pics for December now* what do i draw guys D:
:3 Thanks Danni~ Group pictures are ridiculously fun to draw. I'm pretty sure Rayquaza was obsessed with Jelly Beans a while ago, so that's why I put that in.

Oh! FMC! Draw us! Draw a OSer every day! That'll fill up at least half the ArtMo. And that Dannichu is adorable. I want to hug her so bad~
Oooh, I love the Group Pic, Linoone!

And Danni's AIDS awareness one too! Awesomenocity~ Ahahaha, I'm riding with SPAEKLE WHOOO~ I love my outfit, it's my Arylettopian RPG Outfit, yaaay! And Kinovacakes is dressed as Wizardmon. And Howse! Oh my God, Howse. ;;Insanely amused;;

Zora's RAINBOW DRESS is VERY nice, oh yes, yes! So colourful, so pretty pretty.

I've decided I'll take part too of the December Art-A-Thon, but I won't be posting my pictures too often. I'm taking a bit of an... Arylettvacation. Yeah, just a break off from everything. So I'll draw something everyday, I just won't post it everyday. I'll date my pictures~ (I'd better get started on the picture right now.)
Finally managed to upload some work. What kind of an Obsessive Scribbler would I be if I didn't scribble?

lol I've always wanted someone to draw this. Jeff and Tony are from EarthBound. Tony is pretty gay for Jeff and I like to ship Jeff/Paula so mhm.

This is a naked Ness with a censor bar, an unnaked Ness playing Baseball, little mac (I think?) and some detective guy who I probably based off those 1950s detective movies. You can tell he's cool because he's hard boiled and has a trenchcoat.

It's afro Duster! This is from Mother 3 and I had great fun drawing this even if it's anatomically incorrect. The bass is way too small and I know I got the design wrong, but shh. D<

Also, that group picture is amazing and adorable (and something else that starts with A). I must say that it's pretty cool.
Woo hoo Na Art Dra Mo! :3
I live in New Zealand, so it's the 2nd today. Here's what I've done so far for this:

Eevee! :3 It's a shame, though, my scanner really killed it.

Idea for a Ghost/Normal fake that I've been playing around with.
OMG Crazy's pic is amazing! I'm riding shotgun!

PichuK, your Eevee look adorable, but I think that the mane may need to be bigger.

So yeah, here was my pic from yesterday.

And here is today's. It was originally intended to be giftart for Shining Eevee, but I managed to finally get the tail done, so I'll submit it for today.


Okay so I ended up making two drawing for World AIDS Day because I thought the first one sucked.
First one, which sucks because I can't draw guns (especially not with super crazy perspective) and it just looks silly and weird, and the second one that's just not good enough, either.

Oh well, at least I did keep my promise of drawing things for World AIDS Day and I did my first NaDecDraMo drawing. Well, two drawings actually, but still.
Today's drawings will probably be Goebbels. Es.

To comment: I really like your Rent picture, Dannichu. I thought you'd draw something Rent-related, since from my limited knoweldge of it it features many HIV+ characters. And the drawing looks so cute too ;w;

fff the group picture looks so cool, Linoone! Makes me feel bad about not drawing more group pictures (and yeah the election group picture sort of got destroyed in my school bag :c). Everyone looks adorable and I am clearly awesome because my snowmobile is patterned like House's cane. Love how Spoon's pissed off at being in Kratos' coffee/cocoa :)

OVERALL A++ EVERYONE but i'm in a bit of a hurry so i'll comment on individual pictures later.

ps: thankyu for my sig kratos :>

Today I went on a school trip to a farm for geography. There was a really funny grey dog there. It was cold, so I wore my Danniscarf, and it went down quite well.
Dog + cold + Danniscarf = this picture.
And when I get home, what do I see? Snoooooow :D
Ok I promise I'll have today's AND tomorrow's pictures up by tomorrow, and after that it's going to go that I'll get them up when I can.

But today's is epic and I wanna put it up nao D;
Dec. 1 and Dec. 2 pics are done! I know they are only random sketches, but meh...

In case you're wondering, the weird, uh, strange thing by the snowman is Strangy. See the antenna-things?

Comments. Right. Fuzzy dog-Glaceon thing is adorable. What did you use to color it? It's so pretty and fuzzy... And VPLJ art is win. I love the coloring, and the details, and the awesome gayness in the second pic. Love the shading on the Flareon, Kai! I guess you should try to make it smoother though. PichuK's normal-ghost type is pretty cool. I want to see it colored. And ...'s pictures are also cool, but I never played Earthbound/Mother/whatever it's called so I have no idea what's going on...

:D And ArtMo continues!
Nobody noticed my Octopus Yomi picture :( [/wrists]

Also did I mention I'm extremely procrastinative :D? I managed to completely put off doing a picture today. I knew I didn't have the willpower to do this x3
I'm glad you're all liking my drawings so far. I like being accepted ^^
I don't have any special drawing pencils or anything, just all kinds of mixed-up pencils from anywhere. For the Glaceon I used a black watercolour pencil, obviously not waterified. I never bother to waterify the watercolour ones.

I'm glad you like drawing Rayquazas too. They're pretty awkward to draw, and I went and gave myself awkward colours too... Why must I be so awkward?
Wait, I never posted an actual ref, did I? Well here's one, all you really need to remember is the order of the colours.
Hehe, I really love Strangy's AIDS pic; it's really creepy without being overly so (you want creepy AIDS awareness pictures? Look no further - Not safe for work, parents or those easily disturbed) and the digital colouring is gorgeous.

Crazy Linoone's pictures are fantastic; the sproing of Arylett's hair and the Spheal head for the snowman are particularly brilliant X3 And the Rayquaza userguide is fantastic; where do you get all your ideas and where do I get some?

RainbowRayquaza's DanniScarfDog is so, so cute~ The colouring is really nice; the brown colours and the fuzziness of the fur make it look so warm and cuddly <3 And the realistic paws are really cool, too.

I especially like Kai's Flareon; the fuzzy mane is well-coloured, and the chibis are really cute, as always :3

PikchuK's Eevee is really great; the >:( face is too cute for words, and the pose is well-drawn, the back legs especially.

And welcome to the club, ...! :D Your pictures are great, even though I don't know Mother/Earthbound at all. I need to remedy that, when I have time.

Very humble offering for today (yesterday now, I guess, but I drew it on the 2nd); I wanted to do a well done pic for the NaNoWriMoers and practice drawing non-organic things. I still need to master the ancient arts of Drawing A Straight Line and The Taking Of Non-Blurry Pictures, but eh~ :3

Edit: Because all the cool people post here and while we're vaguely on the topic of AIDS Awareness posters, check this one out. My not-so-inner fangirl may have exploded. It's so canon~
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Er, is it okay if I don't post my first and second day pictures? I drew something, inked it, and colored it, but I made a horrid mistake, so yeah...
My second day picture included DanniKratos, VPLJEverything, and SpoonSpaekle, but I accidently drew Kratos with sorta long hair and blue-hued, instead of red. |D
The first one is a generic headshot of Link, which isn't worth much posting.
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