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Obsessive Scribblers~

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Dannichu told me about this, and I realized that I could join, too!

I need some critique on this. I want to know how to draw Glameow better, even though this is just a marker drawing. I could do much better with pencil. Like This one, perhaps.

My art thread is located here.

Maybe I'll do the December Art-a-Thon, too. I've already got two drawings, one from each day. They're here and here.

okay obviously I am late to the party because slow Kratos is sloooow but for future reference:

It's not that I don't think you guys are awesome and all, but for serious if you "pair" or "ship" me with anyone you will be stabbed repeatedly with some sort of implement yet to be determined but most certainly very unpleasant. D: You guys can have your fun and all and I know it's a joke but quite honestly I'm sure I'll still find it rather annoying. :/ Kratos/alone-in-a-corner-and-swatting-anyone-who-comes-near-with-aforementioned-unpleasant-implement is canon and absolutely nothing else is allowed k?

...I don't like shipping/romance/sex/mushystuff how many times must I say that D:D:D: argh where is my "Kratos does not approve" avatar when I actually need it stupid school computers

My second day picture included DanniKratos

so that had better not mean what I think it means. >|

I really don't mean to be a spoilsport but seriously relationships of any sort, fictional/crack or otherwise, make me uncomfortable. Just... if you must draw it, hide it from me, would you please? :/ I DO LOVE YOU GUYS REALLY JUST NOT LIKE THAT


The pictures so far do look lovely, though. I'm sure I would get more enjoyment out of half of them (octopus Yomi, RENT!AIDS, etc.) if I actually knew anything about them at all, but still p. cool. (And RainbowRayquaza gets extra points for drawing a dinosaur.) I haven't drawn much of anything yet because NaNo already used up all of my dedication for the rest of the year and ToS2 has devoured my soul, but I guess I'll get around to drawing stuff eventually. I should probably finish those requests first, though. Hm.

And is it me or does the howse get bigger in every picture?
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Oh wow, I missed Linoone's group pic!
It's amazing. :3 And prettyful and colourful and :D
And the Glaceon is so fuzzy and I want to hug it and Kai's Flareon has really good colours and everything looks amazing. :3
I am happy today. Can you tell?

Also, thanks for all the comments, guys.
I was going to comment on everyone's pictures, but I'll have to do it later since there are a bunch now. :P

It's funny; I thought this was a club for people who doodle on their school notebooks or something.
Ahaha, those two pictures are incredibly cute, Linoone. Spheal looks adorable in the snowman one (and there's my past seeeelf peeking from behind it so it's coo'). I like that Glaceon with a scarf someone drew too, it looks very good.


(you want creepy AIDS awareness pictures? Look no further
I remember seeing those in a shop or something and they creeped the hell out of me, especially since it looks like the scorpion's just about to stab the guy in the spine and ugggh

Okay, will probably post yesterday and today's pictures in a couple of hours. No OS members yet, just some bunkerfreunde and another Alain and Ivan doodle.

ALSO KRATOS i totally haven't forgotten your contest man, I'm just having trouble with the anatomy and the fiddly details in my entry. Goddamn brassiers and garters ):<
December 3rd
afi this turned out soooo bad...

Creepy AIDs awareness image is creepy.

Rainbowy~[Nicknamed for life] It's just too adorable! I want a plushie of it to take home and keep. ^3^
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(you've got the
brassiers and garters ):<


And Kai, your link is still broken. Remove the quotation marks and the extra http.com.

EDIT: Or, since I have time to kill at the moment anyway, I could just do it for you. Fixed now. Looks pretty cool, although once again I have no earthly idea who/what it is supposed to be. It'd be kinda nice if people explained things to poor old slow Kratos ):
Eee, he's coloured~

That's Laharl, the main character in Disgaea, a game originally on the PS2, but it's on the PSP and DS now, too. It's possibly the funniest game I've ever played X3
The colours on his scarf are awesome :D

My pic for today. Done for PK's birthday. I wanted to draw a more interesting pose than "standing there", but I couldn't make anything else look right :/
You can't tell on the crappy photo-version, but the colours are really, really bright on this ones. My hands are orange from all the sharpening X3

I'll do a late birthday pic for Flareth later in the month, I promise ><

Also, yesterday's drawing: just some Goebbelses. The little dudes, the one of him with his old timey microphone and the one of him blowing smoke were done without a reference, the others are all directly taken from pictures.
They look a bit wonky because they took like four to five minutes each, haha. Hitler looks super animu for some reason too, which displeases me greatly.
Ahem, yes. Linoone is here. Will post picture later.

Dannichu: Well, I was planning to draw everyone building a snowman on the first day, but screwed up horribly and suddenly realized that Spheals are round. So, yeah. And for the second picture...
*shows Crazy Linoone the RainbowRayquaza instruction booklet*
Look, it says here 'The RainbowRayquaza is not a scarf. Do not wear.'


And your table pic is awesome. How do you draw stuff with pens? I can not, for the life of me, draw anything in pen without screwing it up somehow. And everyone in Wicked is gay.

And then there's more of your awesome coloring skills. I WANT YOUR COLOR PENCILS what brand are they? (I was going to as where did you get them, but I realized that I don't live in England... :p)

Darksong: Welcome! You want crits, and I'll try to give you some. I think the hind leg on the Glameow is sort of weird. I can't really explain it... Go look at some real-life cats and study their hind legs, then go draw it. Or something. But the Absol and the Quilava are awesomeness. I especially love the Absol's claws and its shading. So pretty~

Kratos: HOWSE is magical. Don't question it.

...: It is. It's just that we have this event thing going on, so everyone's drawing random stuff.

Kai: Ohhhhhh it's the guy from this game I really want to play! The one I can't spell properly! The outline is awesome, and I love the eyes, yes.

Kratos: :D You're alive~

VPLJ: Awesome pictures of awesome awesomeocity. I can never draw people realistically... And the shading is awesome, too.
Hehe, I didn't know that Linoone was a Disgaea fan. D-I-S-G-A-E-A is how it's spelt.

Vlad: GOEBLES! NAZIS! DAMN! It looks amazing, and rather camp. Didn't Hitler hate the homosexuals, though?

December 4th:
Some DNAngel Chibis. These people are Satoshi Hiwatari and Takeshi Saehara, a major and minor character from the series, both Daisuke's classmates.

there we go a description happy now?
Woahcrap, sorry I died there. D:

I'll have pictures for today and the past two days later tonight. I got kind of carried away on Day 2's and it look me more than one day to finish it.

Everyone else's stuff is lookin' good :V
I'm really late with this, but Linoone's winter group picture is awesome. XD Fleeing Edward and Linoone are great, as is angry Spoon and zoom!Vlad... and I have a toboggan. Yes. |D The snowman one is cool, too.

Zora: Hey, I really like the Dec 2nd one - the scars and the whole battle scene thing is great.

Uuh I have been keeping up with the pictures but I don't like what I've got much; have this, it's the best so far. XP

Also those AIDs awareness posters are... pretty messed up. o_O
Yay; more Disney!Kinova art~ The shading on Scar is awesome, and his face is really good; his forelegs look a little small in proportion to his body but the paws and claws are excellent. Did you use a ref for it?

Zora: The day 2 picture is cool, with the face scars or whatever they are; the facial expression are particularly creepy. The day 3 picture is cool; the massive swod looks extremely cool, the wings are excellent, but (and this could be intentional; she's beaen up, after all), her arm looks very broken. Actually, it kinda looks like my arm ^^;
The detail on the day 4 dragon's head is really great, and the body is well-proportioned and is very Zora-style. Again, though, the arm looks like it's bending the wrong way. I think it might be because of the "arm creases" and oooh I am so bad explaining things. It honestly looks really great, though :D

Kai'd DNAngel chibis are adorable and chibi!dunkenness is always hilarious :3

Vlad's Gobbelses always make me happy :)

I'm gonna start colouring my picture now; it should be up by the end of the night.
I know; I've had a bit of a problem with arms these past couple days. But the arm thing on day three is a good idea, I'll go with that. :P

...Will comment on other drawings later.
Linoone is back! With Dec. 3 and Dec. 4 pictures!

A bit of explaination: the Dec. 3 one was inspired by Kali the Flygon's usertitle )Devourer or Sandshrews), and the Dec. 4 one is basically Dark Shocktail feeling annoyed at PichuK because she can't fly. Yup. It was an excuse to draw backgrounds.

Now, comments!

Zora: Day two picture is awesomeness. I love their expressions, how they're all like, "rawr". And the shoes are cool. Day three picture is prettyful. I like the sword and the wings very much, especially the shading on the wings. As for the day four picture, I agree with everything Dannichu said. Yup.

Kinovacakes: I love the shading, especially on the mane and claws. Although the arms looks sort of weird... Like they are coming out of the wrong place. I can't describe it properly...

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