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Obsessive Scribblers~

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Yeah, his head is supposed to be that big.

Uh... Pokémon Akatsuki!

I like it, but after Itachi, I started skimping on details and tried to hide each Pokémon as much as possible.

Pokémon: (if you can't read it)

Darkrai- Pein
Snover- Konan
Scyther- Hidan
Meowth- Kakuzu
Sharpedo- Kisame
Claydol- Deidara
Carnivine- Zetsu
Floatzel- Itachi
Marowak- Tobi (because I couldn't find anything else with a mask)

I think they're just misunderstood >:
Also ttly didn't notice Itachi in there until I looked at your guide.

ETA: Also ttly forgot to mention how awesome I look in those pictures of Crazy Linoone's. Specially the one with huge!sword :D
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'Twas the only thing I could think of. A lot of the Akatsuki members are mysterious, so it was hard deciding their Pokémon.

There was a good Darkrai somewhere, but... I can't remember where.
9th - it's a bit big.
It actually looked good when the scanner scanned it all big and such, so I didn't bother to resize it.
I think I'm getting better with these pens already :D
These are my two axolotl characters, Strawberry and an axolotl-dragon who still has no name. She never talks, so maybe it makes more sense like that? Her eyes also change colour all the time just 'cause.
Kai said:
UV: It looks incredible. God I'm bad at commenting but hey. I can't see much wrong with the eye and horn, but in my head, I think that the horn needs to be pointing more forwards.

Thanks! :) I was thinking that myself actually, I'm no good with horns.

Rainbow Rayquaza said:
9th - it's a bit big.
It actually looked good when the scanner scanned it all big and such, so I didn't bother to resize it.

They're adorable! I really like how you bled the colours on their wingy-ear things.
Aaaah I'm a terrible person for not posting here in so long. I swear I'll comment on people's pictures in a bit, but here are my ArtMo pictures for the last couple of days:

6th - My friend's Pokemon team (wonder at the Girafarig's anatomy!)
7th - Mass Consumerismmon
8th - Azumanga Daioh sketches (marvel at my variety of poses!)
9th - Present for Crazy Linoone :3
10th - Dr. House and his very best friend. And a totem of chibi ducklings. I dunno. (please ignore his hands ><)

I really need to start working out what Holiday picture to draw for Kratos' conteeeeest D:
10th - Dr. House and his very best friend. And a totem of chibi ducklings. I dunno. (please ignore his hands ><)

I think his hands look quite good - you're improving a lot.
Haha, Wilson. xD
ALRIGHT. My drawings for the last three days:

9th - There is an explanation behind this one. I had wanted to draw something involving Spirit (the blond), and there had been a debate on Santa going on in class. The result... yeah.

10th - Word was "stocking", after asking my friend for a word due to lack of inspiration.

11th - SHE CAN FLY!
No, I really don't know what inspired this one. >>
Hehe, thank you :)

Okay, I can comment now~

I approve so much of Kai's House pic :) He looks really great~

Aaah, Crazy Linoone's pictures are not only hilarious, they're so good, too~ The Blaziken/Apollo one is brilliant (I have nocied the silly hair-thing they have going on, but the picture is love) and both Polly and Trucy look great. The dragon looks awesome, the candy cane stick-up is brilliant, and the group one with the rainbows nearly killed me XD
Oh, if I had a printer, I would colour that one ): It's so fantastic on so many levels; Flareth on the HOWSE, Salamander and Spoon, the smiley faces on my shoes (<3), little Strangy... guh, it's fantastic <3333

Awww, the little non-pink thing in Rainbow Rayquaza's picture is so happy :D The big chunky outlines and bright colours look fantastic.

I don't know what's really going on in the Earthbound pic, but it's very cool; Ness looks great and the fire effects are impressive.

That Dragonair's Hermes-type-wing-thingies are absolutely beautiful o.o The shading around the eye and nose/snout/thing is excellent, too. I can't really think of anything in terms of crit except maybe the crystal ball thingy (oh my god why can I not name parts of a Dragonair) isn't shiny enough? But it's stunning as it is :)

Darksong's group picture is cool; getting all the Pokemon in one pic like that can't have been easy and they all look good, but you might want to take a bit more time with the colouring. It's cool that you colour at all, but in places (especially on the Darkrai) it looks a little rushed and sloppy.

Aaaand now I'm going to bed.

EDIT: Daaaaaamn you Zoraaaaaa

The Say It one is great; the expressions are fantastic and it made me giggle X3 The girl in white's pose looks a little uncomfortable because she's not kneeling down or actually resting on her, but the girl in purple's helpless flailing is fantastic.
And oh wow, that is an awesome dream which is now on my list, too XD
The flying one is very cool; I perticularly like how good you are at 3D structures like the Port-a-Loos, and while it's really awesome that you take the time not only to draw but also colour in backgrounds, the colouring is a bit sketchy. Maybe try crosshatching or something? It's still great, though :)

Okay, NOW bed.
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Danni said:
That Dragonair's Hermes-type-wing-thingies are absolutely beautiful o.o The shading around the eye and nose/snout/thing is excellent, too. I can't really think of anything in terms of crit except maybe the crystal ball thingy (oh my god why can I not name parts of a Dragonair) isn't shiny enough? But it's stunning as it is :)

Yeah, I've been having trouble finding a balance between it being all dark and mystiful and 'OMG SHINEEE' so yeah. Thanks. :3
My very fluffy velociraptor plushie, Stella :D
Experimental shading here.

A little break from the pens. I watched a film at granny's house with very cute talking puppies in it. I like huskies.

Moar pens! Issa cute Rattata. The paper looks a bit like homemade paper, but that's just because of colouring with the pens a bit too much.
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