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Obsessive Scribblers~

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Uh, yeah, guys? I think I'm going to have to resign from artmo too. I'm so far behind that I don't think I can catch up. :[ I'll draw a lot during winter break to make up for it, I promise!

I'll comment on pictures later.
Oooooooh gaaah I'm so so sorry for not having posting.. ANYTHING for the December Draw-a-Thon. >< Been so held up.. Uck, I'm ashamed though. D: At least I'm on break though, I need to be draaawing. Maybe I can at least fill in in following days and do something anyway.

And.. O-Oooh my gods o.o Do- Do you take.. Requests? By chance? Aaaaaaaaaaah your style is sooooo adorable and the way you do Pokes.. Eeee~ >w<
I.. I'm sorry, I don't bug people for requests alot but I had to try.. xD I can also try an art trade maybe~

Oh and Awzum++ for House. =3
But seriously, try and make an effort to comment on other people's stuff. You can't expect other people to do the same for you if you don't do it for them, and that's what this club's about, amirite?

Obsessive Scribblers Christmas!

I'm so sorry to everyone who I couldn't fit iiiiin ><
And this one'll get ripped to pieces during the art contest, so don't bother too much with crit X)

Shush, I'll reply after the finals are over. AKA hopefully tomorrow. And the picture is so awesomely cute...

I would post more if I have time, but gotta go now.... Stupid violin lessons...

I am SOOO sorry I've been dead; the internet got shut off and I've been without access. But I have everything from the last few days done, except today's. It might take more than one day, but I'll get it done.

Can't comment, no time and there's too much to comment on ><
And.. O-Oooh my gods o.o Do- Do you take.. Requests? By chance? Aaaaaaaaaaah your style is sooooo adorable and the way you do Pokes.. Eeee~ >w<
I.. I'm sorry, I don't bug people for requests alot but I had to try.. xD I can also try an art trade maybe~

Aww, thank you! :D
Sure, if you want a team/a specific Pokemon, I'll give it a go. I've got a bunch of days left in December and I'm running out of ideas X)

Hehe I loves House <3 If you're stuck for ideas (and feel comfortable drawing humans) you should draw something House-related!

From what I can tell, Kai, that looks pretty cool; I like the shading on the flower.

Aww @ all you guys who're busy ): I hope your Christmas breaks come soon~
It's my last day tomorrow (technically today, given it's 4:20am - Christ I need to get to bed); I've got two essays to finish and then I'm home freeeee~

I drew a picture of London's Tower Bridge today. Me! Drawing structures! It's not brilliant, but I'm quite proud of it. I'll post it when I have a camera w/ batteries.
I drew a picture of London's Tower Bridge today. Me! Drawing structures! It's not brilliant, but I'm quite proud of it. I'll post it when I have a camera w/ batteries.
Oooh oohh you must show us!

December 17th
waaay overdue giftart for Blu. :D
December 18th
Inspired by something Mohinder Suresh said on yesterday's episode of Heroes. It was something along the lines of "But, both good and evil have a chance to shine through the cracks of Morality etc etc."
I AIN'T GOT TIME TO COMMENT because I have to go to sleep since I've got to wake up early tomorrow but expect several pages' worth of commentary when I come back from Portugal (in January). I'll try to slowly comment but er I don't know how effective it'll be.
Still maintaining that people who don't comment at all are being douchenozzles.

Oh and er my NaNoArtMo for Sunday: http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/2893/christmasalwincolouria0.jpg
For Kratos' art contest, which I have yet to vote on because I'm scared people will get on my back for too much criticism and blablabla (congrats to Dannichu for your future victory btw)
If they get on your back about too much criticism then they fall under the "no mercy for whiners" heading and get kicked out.

To make up for my inactiveness and such. Yes.

My very fluffy velociraptor plushie, Stella :D
Experimental shading here.

You... have a dinosaur plushie? NOT FAIR. ME WANTS. Ahem, right. Love the way the colors are so rich and colorful and not faded, and the fuzziness is awesome, too.

A little break from the pens. I watched a film at granny's house with very cute talking puppies in it. I like huskies.

Cuteness overload. Rebooting.... I like how you drew the tuffs of fur at the belly. The eye looks just a tiny bit too close to the snout though. I mean, you can't really notice it unless you stare at it for a really long time, and it doesn't look out of place, but still.

Moar pens! Issa cute Rattata. The paper looks a bit like homemade paper, but that's just because of colouring with the pens a bit too much.

Once again, love the colors. And the shading is really nice.

Sheena Fujibayashi cosplaying as Maya Fey (because their outfits are waaaaay too similar.)

I know the lines are shaky and messy-looking. D: But at least I drew something after like four months, right?

SHE'S LOOKING AT ME GAH DON'T STEAL MY SOUL ahem please ignore that outburst. Mind if I ask what happened to her mouth and nose?

The colors are pretty good, and I like her expression. You might want to ink your art before you color it though, so you can erase those pesky pencil marks.

I like the pose, but her head looks a bit out of place... I can't really describe it... *epic fail Linoone skills*

I'm probably not in this, but now I am.


Blade (RSP) - I LIKE IT!!! :DDD

The outline is clean and pretty, and Linoone approves. The neck looks too long though... Unless it's supposed to be that way, then please ignore me.

First, my own pictures, so I don't forget them:
9th of December, a drawing which you will all ignore because I can't draw Bush Sr. since he's extremely plain and I'm extremely untalented and I can't draw Reagan in profile, lalala. He kind of looks like a mix between Alistair Darling and Chris Dodd, actually.

Oh yes. Gay politicians. :3

10th of December. This is an actual dream I had. Upon waking up I was filled with regret, disgust and shame. and slight arousal

O.o You have weird dreams. Really weird dreams.

11th and 12th of December, little accounts of my exam days. Will probably be continued next week once I have more exams to pass/fail. And yeah drew myself as Putin what of it.
Next installments will probably have me as young!putin though because it seems more fitting.

:D Mr. Cake. I love the expressions on Putin!you. LOVE.

And wuh sadness at having long hair and antennae, that persona is dead to me, you hear, dead! I took it out back and shot it. It was a mercy killing.
Can't say I don't love the facial expressiong though. And god, the little Linoone/Spoon/Salamander with a flower combo is adorable.


Oh oh oh is Polly that magician that Phoenix takes care of or something because if so yaay.

Nyet, Polly is the nickname for Apollo. The magician is Trucy and she is totally awesome and filled with win. I don't really like her name though...

ack damn it i need to get back on target with ArtMo.

December 11th:
It's a glove. A glove that one of my RP characters uses. With a ring. And a wierd pattern that looks like a transmutation circle in the centre.

Very nice and clean outlines! And the ring looks pretty cool.

December 12th:
I tried to draw Darkrai using only a pen.

Only a pen? ONLY a pen? Wow. This is really good. And the outline is all neat and clean and Linoone likes it.

December 13th:
My RP character that uses the glove that I drew on the 11th.

He looks familiar... I can't tell why, though....

Maybe it's because he looks like you? Can't crit humans, sorry, since Linoone is epicfail at humans therefore all her crits are bound to be crap.

December 14th:
As suggested by Arylett over MSN, a growlithe.

I like how you always have so much contrast between the colors in your art. And how your lineart is always so clean. And how the Growlithe is all happy and stuff.

May I please have recommendations on this Aerodactyl? It's what I would imagine the back sprite to be if it were extended.

Hmmmm The head's pretty good, but the body is too small compared to the head. You might want to shrink the head or redraw the body. The wings should be way bigger, too.

Inspired by someone's avatar from here. I think it may have been Blaziking.

Dah, I have not idea who they are. But I love their expressions.

December 16th:
Ack sorry it looks too light, but my camera wont let me take a better quality image than that. It's basically a drawing of a collage I did for art.

The flower looks pretty nice (from what I can see), and the shading on it is cool.

Linoone will post her pictures later. Really. She's not lying.
Inactive Lett is inactive~

Yeah um I'm keeping up as much as I can with the Draw-A-Thon and being busy/lazy. So I probably won't comment on anything until Arylettlaziness ceases/I have time, there's just SO MUCH OF IT!

And nope, I don't have any Draw-A-Thon pictures yet. I still have to colour them all. ;;Works on one right now;;
I like to draw. But teh scanning software has gone bye bye so i can't upload em.

May I join anyway? *puppy eyes*
@Kai: The Umbreon is great! I'm guessing it's your Pokésona? But it's missing its rings. From the picture in your signature, though, it looks like it's supposed to have no rings.
Can someone please give me critique on this picture? It's not supposed to look completely real, but I just want to know if I missed something big so that I can use the critique on my next pic of this guy.
Um... I'm not good with animals, but to me the legs look very skinny and frail. Something also looks a bit weird about where the tail connects to the body. And the curve of the stomach seems odd as well. Sorry I can't be more helpful.
The tail and legs DO look a bit weird... hm.... I always curve the chest like that on my canines, but I appreciate the critique nonetheless.

Anyone else? :P
Yeah, I know. the heads are always either too big or too big on my drawings (no that is not an error).

Now to get onto the next drawing....

I'm terrible at critique, by the way.
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