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Search results

  1. Thorne

    Open Rift in the Dimensions

    ((Just for the record everyone, I talked to Skymin a while ago, her computer is dead, and she managed to contact me over Youtube, because her Wii doesn't like our forums. She told me to tell you guys that she'll soon be buying a laptop so she'll be back in some weeks))
  2. Thorne

    Open Rift in the Dimensions

    ((Very well, then)) "I see, so that doesn't work, huh?" Naoto said, studying his opponent, "if only Rise was here, she would be able to figure out what this man was capable of doing with Kanzeon." Once again, he pointed the gun towards the sky, "I might not understand the rules of your game...
  3. Thorne

    Open Rift in the Dimensions

    "I have battled the god of death, and I have overcome it's curse, I hardly think anything you could do would be worse then being, in fact, dead, even if it was for a short time." Naoto aimed the gun a bit upwards again, and the blue card faded into existence again. "And since you won't agree on...
  4. Thorne

    Open Rift in the Dimensions

    "I'm the one pointing the gun here" Naoto said, aiming directly at the man's head, "And unless you want to see just what I can do, I suggest you answer my question calmly. Now, let me reformulate my question, DO YOU have any kind of connection to a being called Ameno-Sagiri? From what I heard of...
  5. Thorne

    Open Rift in the Dimensions

    As Naoto began moving closer, he could hear and see the two figures clearly enough now. Just as he was nearby, he heard some words from one of them, the one with darker skin. "Humans are too deluded to see the goals that I have for this world." Naoto felt a chill that ran up is spine. "The only...
  6. Thorne

    Open Rift in the Dimensions

    "Well, I might as well not stand here," Naoto said, "that won't accomplish anything, if I want to know where I am, I have to find that out for myself." He began walking, but stopping after some steps. "I suppose I should do this, for safety measures," he said, and brought out a revolver of his...
  7. Thorne

    Open Rift in the Dimensions

    "This makes very little sense." A young, very slender boy, was standing somewhere in a gigantic plain. "Even to me, it makes no sense where I am." He said, looking around. He knew he wasn't in the TV world, as they had stopped the kidnappings, the possibilities of this being another kidnapping...
  8. Thorne

    Open Rift in the Dimensions

    ((I soooo should have been Zero Two instead, just to see how Kirby reacts. XD)) "Really?" Giygas said, turning at Drawcia, who had turned her back to Kirby. "I suppose there was something about her, I just felt that. But is it that bad? She seems to fear you more then anything thought, I saw...
  9. Thorne

    Open Rift in the Dimensions

    Seeing how Kirby was eying Drawcia very strictly, Giygas went up to him and sat down at the side of the pink puff and said: "What's up with the mean look at Drawcia? You have something unsolved with her?" ((Blargh I really can't RP as two characters))
  10. Thorne

    Open Rift in the Dimensions

    Giygas ran faster into the portal as when he had entered the area, he really didn't like how it looked there. Drawcia followed him, mainly because Giygas had grabbed her robes and dragged her in, since she had just stood there and looked dumbfounded.
  11. Thorne

    Open Rift in the Dimensions

    Drawcia jumped in the air the second Kirby spoke with her, firstly because of the shock, secondly because she feared Kirby with all her life by now. Just to make sure he wasn't going to destroy her like last time. "Eeeh, your blue spiky friend over theeeeere" She was by now pointing at Sonic...
  12. Thorne

    Open Rift in the Dimensions

    As the spacial disorder stopped, the voices in Giygas' head disappeared as well. And he was very thankful for that. "Alright, what on Earth was that about?" he thought, before going back to speak with the others. "So, where are we going next? It appears we are done here, am I correct?" --...
  13. Thorne

    Open Rift in the Dimensions

    ((I demand this thread to be still alive)) Giygas stared at what was happening, even if he couldn't actually make out what was happening, there was for some reason a feeling of familiarity with this inexplicable mess, as if he had something in common with it. "Please give us Strength!" A voice...
  14. Thorne

    Open Rift in the Dimensions

    ((I feel girls get a lot of attention here, first god is a girl in Call of Judgment, and now here? Arceus even sounds like a boy name)) Giygas rubbed his hands against each other, as if trying to remove dust from them, he felt he had done something useful for once. Then, he reacted to the name...
  15. Thorne

    Open Rift in the Dimensions

    As Dialga made rocks fly at every direction, Drawcia was floating higher into the air, trying to think of a strategy to battle the giant metal dinosaur. A paintbrush appeared out of nowhere, followed by a empty painting. The paintbrush did some quick swipes over the painting, drawing a little...
  16. Thorne

    Open Rift in the Dimensions

    Giygas turned around, looking at Bara. "I'm sure that time will be fine unless we kill him" he said, "but we have no intentions to do so, right?"
  17. Thorne

    Open Rift in the Dimensions

    ((Why do you guys have to post over eighteen billions times when I'm offline?)) "Well that's just freaking brilliant" Giygas thought, "We're going to fight gods. That's about as smart as poking yourself under your eyelid with a needle" But he followed into the portal, hoping he'd survive with...
  18. Thorne

    Open Rift in the Dimensions

    Drawcia flew after Sonic. "This works just fine so far" she thought, "This time Kirby won't stop me!" --- Meanwhile, Giygas walked around in a circle, trying to figure out how to use the attack Kirby used when he copied him. "Think goddammit!" when through his head continuously. "Think like you...
  19. Thorne

    Open Rift in the Dimensions

    "That's good, then" Drawcia said, looking around her once again as if she was afraid something would pop up and eat her skull once she wasn't paying attention. "So, could we go meet this group, not that I see one from here to say the least"
  20. Thorne

    Open Rift in the Dimensions

    "It wasn't a decay that drove me out of my world" Drawcia said, her one eye got smaller, showing a serious look. "It was that little pink ball of cuteness and destruction!" She looked at where Sonic pointed, and said: "So there's lots of you, from different worlds? Which you try to save? I...
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