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Open Rift in the Dimensions

"I don't think he has any specific weak points.", Taunos replied to Spire, "I believe he isn't anything too imposing physically, his body used to be that of a human prince. It wouldn't surprise he if it were propped up by enough dark magicks that he could withstand an incredible amount of damage, though. We should watch out for his unholy powers. He controls the undead Scourge, and probably wields potent death magicks, which constructs like Bonecrusher and Ravage shouldn't have to worry about, and frost magicks, which I can protect us from."

"So I suspect he'll swarm us with as many undead minions as he can so he doesn't have to actually fight?", Geralt asked.

"It sounds logical to me.", Taunos answered, "Fear not, I can stave off the hordes. Spire, Bonecrusher, and Ravage, am I correct in assuming you three can deal with large groups effectively as well? If so, the rest of us can reach the Lich King and vanquish him."
"Sure, we can handle that," Ravage said, "Well, Bonecrusher and I can handle that, I can't really speak for Spire."

"I can handle a battle with countless minions," Spire said, "And this way, I don't have to chance using the Omega Cannon."

He immediately regretted saying that last bit.
Baldur was..... impressed by the creature that had been summoned. He emtionlessly stared at the creature. He did something that was obviously not human. He crouch down and lept up. It was a leap that cleared the creature by nearly ten feet. He drew his pistols which shifted his center of gravity. He was thrown into a flip with wihich he was able to take aim at the creatures head fir then fire at the mans knee. However his aim was definately off at least with one of the shots.

Logoth folowed Taunos and the others towards the citadel.
He pulled out a red vial and wrapped it a cloth. He then stored the bundle in a small box that was made of metal,
"Fire potion. Volatile stuff, probably best to keep it out of contact with sulfur."
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"This makes very little sense."
A young, very slender boy, was standing somewhere in a gigantic plain.
"Even to me, it makes no sense where I am." He said, looking around. He knew he wasn't in the TV world, as they had stopped the kidnappings, the possibilities of this being another kidnapping was so small it seemed inexistent. Besides, her shadow had already been accepted and turned into her Persona, nothing could kill her, so the kidnapping was pointless. She looked at the sky, it wasn't changing black and red, so that was another evidence pointing towards that this was not inside the TV.

"So," he told himself, "This isn't inside the TV, but where is it?"

((I'll refer to Naoto as a "he" for now until she gets to properly gets to introduce herself, since she referred to herself as a boy for most of the game, or at least until before she gets kidnapped, but still))
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"I'm sorry!Please don't leave!!"Mara cried.
"I'm sorry if I offended you, but please don't leave! I need to know
why our worlds are different!! This is too wierd to understand... I need
to know how, and why we are here. If this world is just a delusion, what does it mean?
And if it's real, then, how did we get here? And, more importantly, how do we get
back? You're the most normal thing to me here." Mara finished her speech,
looking up at the human, but seeing her mother.
Wow, my mom would NOT approve of this,She mused.
She hates humans... and Durin berries.
Hiding behind two snow mounds, the welcoming party was waiting to ambush the newcomers. Unfortunately, the death knight, Lord Mazzaner, was getting impatient. After a few more minutes, he broke.

"Charge!" he shouted, riding on top of his deathcharger.

The ghouls, Lich, and abomination burst from there hiding place, and charged behind their commander. The Lich stayed behind and started to cast a 'testing' spell, Frostbolt. Nearby, Sindragosa roared, watching on top of a mountain. And, through her eyes, Arthas smiled evilly. "This will be fun to watch.
"Unfortunately, nothing is normal to me here...", Yua told Mara, "And... delusion? I... haven't said anything about that..."

Don't tell me they've somehow... tapped into my... thoughts., she thought worryingly.

"But really... I don't know anything about... this...", Yua said, indicating everything around her.


A thong of undead jumped out oh the snows. Taunos gripped his staff and fired an earth shock at the Lich to break it's concentration.

Geralt went to work. He jumped at the nearest ghoul and aimed a slash downward at it's head.
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(just remember that when Zook speaks, it'll be telepathically. I don't feel like posting that reminder every time I have him speak)

"Ah, the welcoming party..." Zook spoke to the whole group. "I trust you can take care of a little nuisance like this... if you struggle at all, I'd suggest we just turn around and go home." He surrounded himself in a shield of energy and, rerouting the residual energy of the Frost Bolt, created a magical backlash shock that flew right back at the Lich almost instantaneously. Then only to Taunos, he whispered, "Take care of the ones in front of you. The Lich is unprotected. It's mine." With that, he suddenly disappeared.

Within moments, Zook appeared just over the Lich's skull, descending toward it. He whispered within the Lich's mind, taunting it. "Ah yes, what a strong, delectable magical aura you possess. I should thank your King for sending you directly to me." Landing on top of the Lich, he began to absorb its energy, like a mosquito feeding on blood. He had to remain very still, as the energy began to swirl around, adding into an aura surrounding Zook. Physical impulses could easily disrupt the process, but Zook had quickly spotted one feature of the battle scene. The ghouls and abominations had charged in front... there wasn't anything left next to the Lich to protect it. And the Lich's skills were all magical in nature... attacking Zook with them would only quicken the process.
Logoth didn't have time to drawn one of his weapons or time to put away the box. He punched at one undead and pulled the box underneath his arm.
This is going to be a little touchy.
The Death Knight sneered and slashed the one who had the guts the punch a ghoul. They were losing. And if he survived, Arthas would feed him to his pet dragon. Suddenly, the ground slightly rumbled. And, near the Lich, out came three Crypt fiends. They insantly launched their Webs but caught none in their webs. Suddenly, a fourth hole was made. A Crypt Lord burst from the earth. He swiped at the Faerie Dragon, sucking on the Lich. Lord Mazzaner fought with renewed valor, as Sindragosa roared.
"Let's have a little fun," Spire said, opening fire on one of the crypt fiends with the Judicator. The weapon produced a small fog as the triple ice shot flew at the beasts.

Ravage and Bonecrusher said nothing; each of them had their own methods for attacking: Ravage fired his tail laser at the eyes, arms, and chests of anything that got too close (from his view, it was a crypt fiend with more power than sense,) while Bonecrusher slammed his fists down, sending small shock-waves at the enemies... and, much to his regret, some of the allies as well.
"Too bad that won't work twice! I activate the trap card Negate Attack!"

Holes in space appeared right where the projectiles were headed. Each bullet entered the hole and vanished, never to be seen again.

"Now then, you're so hasty and impetuous, mortal. Don't you want to see Tragoedia's special abilities?"

I hold five cards in my hand right now. With the card I'm about to draw, Tragoedia's Attack will jump up to 3600!

He then drew, and gave another insane laugh the moment he saw the card.

"The card I hold in my hand is the very card that will bring you into the Shadow Realm, mortal!" He yelled manically, "All I need to do is draw the right card and my victory is assured. For now.. Tragoedia! Attack with Corrupting Spear of Darkness!"

The creature's eyes glowed, and more of the dark cloud formed. The cloud seemed to take the form of a blade before Tragoedia fired it off at the human.
Taunos nodded. He dropped a fire totem and cast a magma totem spell to slowly burn the undead in the area. Taunos then pointed his staff at the newly emerged crypt lord and launched a chain lightning spell.

Geralt moved quickly after brushing off one ghoul to another one. Noticing the death knight, he pirouetted past and then aimed a quick horizontal slash at the death knight.
Logoth's armor stopped the blade but it got the most vunerable part. The leather strap holding the breast and backplate together was cut in half. Imeditaly his largest armor part fell off. He was wearing a white linen shirt, right away Logoth bashed the death knight with his fist in the head. He then raised the box and brought it down on a nearby ghoul.
Baldur would have attempted to parry the blade had he not been falling to the ground. He decided to try a battle cry. Narrowly missing the blade he thrust his arms into the ground, a massive figure of himself (But a blue aura)rocketed out of the ground. It raised it's huge fist only to bring it slamming down on the bug.
The death Knight was shocked at the sudden explosion right beside him as a ghoul was caught in said explosion. Unfortunately, his luck did not stop there. He got a slash to his side. One of the most vulnerable parts of his armor. Meanwhile, the Crypt Lord impaled his claw into the earth. With that, multiple spikes rose from the ground and impaled his opponents. But, the Lich, Death Knight, and the Crypt Lord knew one thing. The were losing. And their king would not like it.
Perhaps I should pull the ring against him... not worth it.

Tragoedia was crushed instantaneously by the spectral being. It exploded back into the dark smoke which it once was.

The number on the Duel Scythe did not change.

Their power must have been even, he thought, But that ghost wasn't destroyed... perhaps it held some sort of elemental advantage over my beast...

Two can play at that game!

He drew, and was pleased to see that he'd gotten exactly what he'd wanted.

"I activate the Spell Card The Dark Door!" As he spoke these words, the gate of darkness appeared on the field. It hovered in place for a moment, and then vanished.

"Still, to make sure that the Door isn't my only line of defense, I'll summon my Sangan, in defense mode." As he said this, a small, three-eyed creature appeared.

"And I'll end my turn by placing one card face down."

Soon, mortal, you'll understand my absolute defense strategy. I'll stall you to the point of exhaustion!
Logoth after accidently setting off the potion Logoth drew his sword off of the armor on the ground and began to hack away at the various ghouls or undead monsters.

Baldur's battle cry shrunk back into his body. He then stood staring at the other being. His peircing stare unerved many people back home.
"Why do you posses an otherwise decent being?"
Vai's eye twitched as she looked on at the party of monsters and dragon thing on the mountain. "The hell," she muttered. "Does everything have to be a mutated freak?" In her world monsters were neon-coloured, goddammit! With a grumble, she scrambled up one of the spikes of earth and leapt down, daggers at the ready. Vai aimed for the nearest monster thing to her, which happened to be a creepy ass unarmed spider bug thing. She didn't know its name, but whatever.

Vai's daggers sunk into its side, and she swung herself up and brought her feet into the thing's side, pulling her daggers out as she pushed off. She fell ungracefully onto her back, though she was up and slashing at its legs.
"You think I'm a mind reader? I just had the same thought as you, I guess. If
you don't know, and I don't know, then we should find out together."
Mara said, hoping that the human girl would come with her.
If not, I might have to use force. Mara thought, unnoticably getting ready
for attack.
"Well, I might as well not stand here," Naoto said, "that won't accomplish anything, if I want to know where I am, I have to find that out for myself."
He began walking, but stopping after some steps.
"I suppose I should do this, for safety measures," he said, and brought out a revolver of his pocket, and pointed it in front of him, a blue card slowly began fading into existence in front of the gun, and when it was fully visible, he shot, breaking the card like it was made of glass.
The same second, a big, white-clad man wearing a bird-like helmet and a white blade, appeared, pointed his hand in the same direction as Naoto had pointed the gun, and a purple light, forming a pillar, appeared around him for a second, before fading, along with the man. Naoto put back the revolver in his pocket and began walking again.
"I was able to use my Persona here, that makes me able to assume that this area isn't a part of the "real" world, since we could otherwise only use our Persona's powers inside the TV."

Having walked for a while, Naoto was beginning to give up, he had been moving for some time, but nothing new had been appearing.
The, he saw something in the distance, two figures, but not much else, at least from that distance. He held his hand close to his pocket, and walked closer, he wasn't going to be unprepared if they were hostile.

((That'd be Exo and Nimler, if you hadn't figured that out))
Possess? What could he possibly refer to? This body is mine! I have driven out that weak fool Marik and claimed it for myself! Unless... could he know of the rod's power?

Is that why I have come here? So I could be challenged by
him for the Rod?!

"If it's my Millennium Rod that you seek, mortal, then I'll just send you to the Shadow Realm here and now! If it's not that, then why did you attack me?"
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