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Open Rift in the Dimensions

"You'd be right there... I will, um, leave it to you then.", Yua told Mara.

Do I... run now?, she thought, or do I stay... But I won't be of much, if any, help to Mara...


"Big problem right now, bull mon," the troll continued, "is da undead base near mah village."

"Base?", Taunos confirmed, "In which direction?"

"Dat way, mon.", the witch doctor indicated the direction which they needed to hear last, down the path they treaded.

"Right in our way, huh?", Taunos said, "I don't like the idea of approaching a base just like this. However, I do have powerful allies here, I'm sure we could handle it. If you are willing to spare some of your own, though, that would be good."

"I think we can do dat.", the witch doctor said, "You be needin' any supplies, mon?"

"I do, actually.", Taunos answered, "What about all of you?"

"I'll see what they have to offer.", Geralt said.
LogothPulled the axe out of the tree. He tossed it back while saying,
"Maybe a weapon or 2."

Baldur knew the creature was coming. He lept backwards over the flying creature but never drew his weapons knowing it came from that human. When he landed he started to study the creature with his piercing stare.
Mara crashed into the ground, small near-invisible scrapes already appearing as she pushed herself up and automatically shielded her chest, her jaw taking an offensive position. Good thing I’m a Mawile and not a Mighyena. Mara thought.
That would be terrible. They don’t have skin of steel.
Mara slowly turned, squinting at the figure.
The shape. Human? It looks like it. Hopefully not to difficult to face. I lost the advantage. I might lose. I need to be careful. Mara thought. She looked back at Yua, hoping she would see her. She mouthed, “I might be okay. I haven’t been attacked yet. Be ready to help.” Mara stared back, begging Arceus that Yua knew how to read lips.
((Sorry for being gone so long. My old piece o' crap computer loves to find creative ways to piss me off. This time it's refusing to stay online for more than five seconds at a time. -_-))
((I've lost motivation to post for a brief while; let's see what I can make from this...))

Bonecrusher and Ravage skeptically eyed the two... things that Taunos was speaking with. Spire, on the other hand, looked at them with amusement.

"I think that these are this dimension's equivalent of the Dinobots," Bonecrusher said, "Though they make Grimlock look like a genius by comparison."

"I don't think you're being too fair of a judge," Ravage shot back, "At the very least, these beings seem willing to help us on this quest."

"Did I say they weren't?" Bonecrusher retorted, annoyed, "Maybe whatever they bring us will give us a fighting chance."

"Lest you forget what we have on our side-" Ravage began, but Bonecrusher cut him off.

"I didn't. But this seems to be the true equivalent of Unicron," Bonecrusher said, "And if that's true, then we'll be lucky to survive."
((Believe it or not, my convo-stalking skills have led to productivity (in its loosest form)! You know I can't resist beating people to the punch.))

"Alright, alright," Galacta Knight cut in, "we can take your poetic friends with us, but we have got to get a move on. With all these stops we've been making, it's as if you want the worlds to get eaten away by dimensional decay."

((Also, Dragon has been neglecting her duties as right-hand minion and fellow RPer, what with her being an ASB head and refusing to respond to me. If I don't hear anything from her soon, when the time comes, I'm calling off the Digimon arc. I can't do it without her.))
"He has a point," Ravage said, "I like having allies as much as the next being-"

"Obviously so, since you've dragged us into this scenario."

"-but we need to keep moving," Ravage said, ignoring his master, "the sooner we can fix this world, the better."
Yami Marik hadn't looked at the blank card again.

Not since it showed the demon on it.

It's clear that that was one of those Wicked Gods which interrupted my Shadow Game. It shouldn't matter if I flaunt my abilities; they're all doomed to banishment anyway.

He glanced down at the Millenium Rod. For once, it seemed that the ancient artifact held no answers.

Nor does it seem to hold any power.
Lloyd slowly woke up on the grass. He slowly got up and was generally shocked. He thought he was at the Tower of Salvation.

"What the hell?" he said slowly.

Millions of things raced through his head. Where was everyone? Where is Sheena? Genis? Raine? And most importantly, where is Collete? Is she alright? Is she back to her normal, klutzy, and sweet self? Suddenly anger and hatred steamed through him. It is all Kratos's fault. He was working for them! He looked around him. Not much to see here, eh? Eventually, he saw a weird creature with a head on the back of its head, and it looked like it was attacking a woman. Immediately, he wrenched his twin katanas from their sheaths and charged at the creature. As he ran, he tried in vain to remember a like creature from Raine's monster list that she made him beat into his head. He ran up to it and then, leaped into the air, sticking his swords above and under him, he spun quickly, shouting,

"So, where are we headed?", Taunos asked of the troll.

"Right in the path to da throne.", he replied, "Makes sense, mon, dey be makin' sure some band don't march up, ya?"

"Right.", Taunos said, "And is there a path to take?"

"Ah, yeah, yeah.", the witch doctor said, indicating the path they were walking down, "Dere be a fork up ahead. You go left, yeah?"

"Worl, yeah.", another troll seemed to confirm.

"Yeah, yeah, simple enough.", the witch doctor continued, "We be comin' in through da woods, yeah? Maybe we gots a chance, yeah?"

"Right.", Taunos said.

"Do you have any... animal fat to spare?", Geralt asked.

"Yeah, yeah.", the witch doctor said, "You be makin' something?"

"Yes... Blade grease. For my sword.", Geralt explained, "Should help against these undead hordes I hear about."


"Umm... I don't know if I can...", Yua told Mara.

Then, a young man seemed to appear, and besides his twin katanas, he seemed to be a normal human. Yua's heart lifted a bit from seeing someone... normal. Or so he seemed, but then the boy ran, drew his katanas, and leapt, coming down like some sort of game character, yelling what was presumably an attack name. Yua looked down at what was in his path, and it was Mara. Fear gripped Yua. She closed her eyes, unwilling to see what would result.

"Ma-", her voice gave out inopportunely.

Something solid materialized in her hands, though, clenched in her fist. It felt... familiar.

"Di-sword?", she thought out loud in surprise.

Instinctively, she lunged out to try and block the young man's swords from hitting Mara. Yua obviously had no knowledge or technique, but what else could she do? She hoped the man wouldn't pick a fight with her...
Really!! Mara thought. Well, this is obviously just a human, it won't be too hard to face him..Mara thought. She sidestepped, letting her fangs burn with fire as she waited for the boy to crash to the ground, if he had actual power, her fire fang will do her well.Mara waited. Then she looked and saw Yua actually jumping to stop him...
Wow, I didn't know she even had a sword. She thought.
((Time for a Plains post?))

Kotemon looked around him. How could so many creatures simply crop up in a place like this? The only Digimon he had happened across had long wandered off anyway, though he could recognize some humanoid figures, some more vague than others. At this point, he had pretty much settled on how he got there; clearly some glitch, some virus. Not unheard of. What was unheard of was the Endless Plains, as Kotemon would soon come to call it. The word of question was now why. Why am I here? Well, there was plenty of time to think about tha--

"Hey!" Some human had just blown past him, looking something fierce. His gaze fell on Lloyd's path; two creatures, one human and the other quite monstrous, were at its end. Kotemon's glowing eyes widened when he saw him unsheathe two katanas and leap at Mara.

I should do something, but... He hesitated a moment longer before shutting out his thoughts and charging across the field as fast as his stubby dragon feet could carry him. "Stop! Stop! What's happening?!"

Lloyd stopped what he was doing, and looked at the scene again. Apparently, the girl somehow had a sword out a blocked his attack, defending that thing.

"Hehehe, sorry about that. I have been told to act recklessly." He said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "And where did that sword come from? I didn't see a sheath anywhere on you? Besides, what was your name again...?

"Stop! Stop! What's happening?!"

Lloyd turned to see a small creature with a mask and a wooden practicing sword.

"Ahhh! What the hell is that thing!" he pointed at the small creature with a horrified look on his face.
"This... sword?", Yua asked, staring at her di-sword.

Come to think of it, she didn't quite understand the dynamics behind it either. They were a delusion themselves, weren't they? Wasn't the sword a product of her being a gigalomaniac?

"Umm... I don't exactly know either.", Yua answered truthfully, "All I know is, only a few others can... produce a di-sword. I think they come from... outside our... reality?"

As she said this, her di-sword faded from reality, returning to a translucent state that only she could see, appearing to quickly fade out. Around that moment, another small creature ran up and shouted.

Yua jumped, "Ah! Um... I don't know!", she said.

She then noticed the red-clad man's surprised reaction. It was entirely possible he was also a human trapped in this delusion, but that didn't explain the fact that he was armed with two swords, something definitely illegal in Japan.

A... foreigner?, she thought, Or... another gigalomaniac?

But his blades looked quite nondescript compared to Yua's or anybody else's di-swords.
"Well," Started Mara.
"I am Mara and I do believe you owe me at least an explanation. I know, at least compared to this crowd, I look quite monstrous, but that is no reason to attack me! Well, anyway, my name is Mara, and this is my friend Yua." Mara declared, pointing at Yua.
"And who are you? I don't seem to have been acquainted with you." Mara said, looking at the small creature.
I hope that boy won't deem it fit to attack me. Thought Mara.
Whoever he is, he is a bit rash, like he said.
Mara let her fire fang cool off, stopping the charged attack.
Kotemon flinched at the human male's response and shrank back. "W-well..." he stammered. Then he spoke again, addressing all three of them, "My name's Kotemon, a Digimon from the Digital World." He looked to Yua. "Some humans are familiar with it. Your... acquaintance, doesn't seem like it, but are you?"
Baldur came inbetween the two humans. He was obvoiusly large and well built.
"You are both Human. At least try to act like it."
He was obvouisly a man of few words. Turning his attention to the twi creatures he asked,
"Are you protectors or just aqaintances?"
His voice was deep and strong he had a hard expression
Yami Marik looked through the cards again. He needed to see what exactly he could use.

And more importantly...

More importantly, which of these "Wicked Gods" I have in my possession. That Skull-Faced Demon was clearly a Wicked God. But what of the other two?

As he looked through the cards, he suddenly found himself looking at another blank card. And in that instant, he saw the image of a dark bird with crimson markings running across its body.

And then the card became blank again.

And in that same instant when it became blank, another voice whispered a single word into his mind.


Marik placed the deck back into the Duel Scythe

Two down, and yet it seems I won't have a chance to use either of the two which I've found. Not unless one of these fools challenges me to a Shadow Game... and I sincerely doubt that will happen.

So how much longer must I wait?
Lloyd had once again put on his trademark goofy grin. "Cool! My name is Lloyd, Lloyd Irving!" He heard two headed creature talk. "So your name is Mara, huh? Hey, what excatlly are you anyway?" He turned to the small creature. "And you are Kotemon, huh?" Suddenly, a large man appeared behind him. "Ahh! What the hell! Will everyone stop scaring me?!?!"
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