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Open Rift in the Dimensions

"I'll come. Oh, and because I love fires of any kind.."
Link muttered something under his breath and slammed his fist into the ground. A ring of fire about five feet leaped up around them. He shrugged and carefully jumped over it to get out.
"Oops, uh, make sure that doesn't get out of hand."
"Ectoplasm is what we ghosts are made of," Bara explained, "You could not kill me, I am all ready dead. Why do you think I'm floating anyway? Humans. Can't. Float."
((Male Gardevoir: Since Geralt is away from the main group, he wasn't actually talking to Giygas and Galacta Knight. =P))

Geralt nimbly jumped over the flames, "Hardly a normal fire, but it'll do.", he noted.
"Alright.", Taunos said to Link, "Are you sure you don't wish to come, Geralt?"
"Maybe later.", Geralt returned, "I've got some things to make. Potions."
"Potions, hm?", Taunos questioned, "So you brew them as well?"
"Yes.", Geralt replied, "It's an essential part of being a witcher. Can you craft potions too?"
"Master of potions, in fact.", Taunos said, "Anyway, best get going to meet these newcomers."
"See you.", Geralt told them as Taunos walked back to the group.
He grabbed his bag and took out a few small bottles of liquor and a pouch of alchemical ingredients, and got to work.
((Ignore the purple humanoid cat talking to you, um, robotic humanoid cat!))

((Whoops. Ravage isn't humano- *brutally murdered*))

It was only after Ravage had heard the description of what "ectoplasm" was that he noticed the other catlike being nearby.

"And you seem to resemble an organic bipedal version of me. Not counting my blade-sharp claws and teeth, and the dozens of concealed weapons, of course."
Sonic pointed back to where he had come from, There's a whole bunch of....people, I guess, gathered together because...well, you know that odd sort of decay that drove you out of your world? We're trying to stop it..."
And Black Yoshi, since we have to wait, let's have Vai and Sly argue again :DDDDD))

Vai looked at the robots again and sighed. Well, if everyone had to wait for Giratina to come back, might as well go bother Sly... She went over to him and put her weapons away in a small and insignificant gesture of peace.
"So, what is your world like? You say assassins have actual worth, make a lot of money, and stash it away somewhere. How do you make money in your world, then?"
((Actually, Vai's more of a sindit. *snort*))
"I take the money out of back pockets." Sly said it as if it were the weather. "And, uh... My world is... Um... Well..." How could he describe it? He knew what the whole world was like, having traveled all over it, so it was ahrd to describe. "It's... got a lot of things that others would find useless. I find them very, VERY useful. Ropes become walkways, an rooftops become streets."
"And everyone keeps money in their pockets, in my world," Vai said with a grin. "In the Thieves' hometown, we mostly travel on the roofs too.." She sighed. "Everywhere else is so bright and colourful, it makes our eyes burn. Especially Ludibrum." She muttered something like 'fucking Lego', and spat.
((FUUUU- I HATE LUDIBRUM *thrashes* Someone remind me why I make references for Evoli's amusement, again >_>))
"It wasn't a decay that drove me out of my world" Drawcia said, her one eye got smaller, showing a serious look. "It was that little pink ball of cuteness and destruction!"
She looked at where Sonic pointed, and said: "So there's lots of you, from different worlds? Which you try to save? I suppose I could help, as my own world would be effected after a while, right?"
While he did say something as heroic as that, in her mind went the words "And once we are done, I'll take over them and turn them into paintings! Like I did last time in Pop Star, except there's not that twat Kirby who can stop me!"

((Hey, can't blame her, she's a villain, but we'll see which side she's on once she realizes Kirby's with them. :3))
Pink ball of cuteness and destru-? KIRBY?!

"Yeah, there's many of us gathered up." Sonic replied, "And yeah, the more people we have to our cause, the better."
"That's good, then" Drawcia said, looking around her once again as if she was afraid something would pop up and eat her skull once she wasn't paying attention. "So, could we go meet this group, not that I see one from here to say the least"
"Yeah, I got pretty far away from them...here. I'll lead you back there."

And with that, he started walking back to where he had come from, using a good deal of willpower to not burst into a run.

((Last post for a while again.))
Drawcia flew after Sonic. "This works just fine so far" she thought, "This time Kirby won't stop me!"
Meanwhile, Giygas walked around in a circle, trying to figure out how to use the attack Kirby used when he copied him. "Think goddammit!" when through his head continuously. "Think like you did a mistake that could end the world!"

((How wrong Drawcia is, how wrong she is))
Taunos returned to the main group.
"Who've we got here?", he asked.
Taunos realized the scale of the automatons that had shown up. They really were as large as mountain giants.
"Hehe, well. Hmm. I'm... gonna go check on Taiko." she replied. "Hey, Taiko! Taiko?"

Taiko had gone out looking for Sonic, when Sonic appeared in the distance. Coming back... no reason to go now. So Taiko went back.
"Where were you?" Blaze asked him angrily.
"To look for Sonic. He's coming back now."
"Well, mostly, buildings aren't that colorful when I'm out. At night, there aren't too many bright colors. Even in the day, though, most buildings are pretty dark colored. Especially those prisons..." Sly shuddered at the thought of prisons, particularly thinking of the Contessa's prison, which looked like something from Tim Burton.
"Ravage. Fleshlings. Place. Ask Now."

"You don't need to dumb it down, you know," Ravage said, "I can perfectly-"


"Yes, O High Lord Protector." Ravage muttered sarcastically. Switching to English, it said: "Now that we've finished with the formalities, exactly what and where is this place? My master and I ended up here while driving through a human-made tunnel."
((Not all of us actually speak English, per se. A silly formality, I know. Thought I'd point it out.))

The smaller automaton spoke. Taunos found it's voice strange, and was kind of surprised he could understand it.
"This place, I've been told, is the Endless Plains.", Taunos explained, "I know not what it exactly is, but it does contain portals to many, many worlds."
((Well, it was the language Ravage heard Tails spoke. He assumed it was the language that all of them spoke, so he used his language programming to switch to it.))

"Portals to other worlds? But how would we have found it?" Bonecrusher said to Ravage, I don't think those human creatures would have put an interdimensional portal in one of their vehicle tunnels."

"My master would like to know how this would have been possible, due to how we ended up here. He doesn't think the creatures that built what we were traveling through would have purposely put up an interdimensional portal."
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